Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

A THE HARTFORD DAILY COURANT: SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 1937. Lake City, family friend. She wore a gown of India mull embroidered in France, and worn by her greatgrandmother, Almira Lawrence Sherman, when she was married to William Davis in Northboro, in 1828 by her mother at her marriage to Dr. Brooks in Grace Church in June, 1899. The veil was draped to form a small She carried a Colonial bouquet.

Miss Charlotte Brooks was maid of honor for her cousin, and the other attendants were Miss Betty Brown, another cousin; Miss Katherine Weinman and Miss. Roberta Everett, and Mrs. Lucille Salvatore. Joan Callery was flower girl. All of the attendants wore Colonial gowns of the same period as the bride's.

Mr. William Bokum, of New York. was best man, and the ushers were Dr. Freeman Brooks, cousin of the bride. and Mr.

Harry Cammann, New York: Mr. Paul A. Kaylor, Dallas, and Mr. William F. Snyder, New Rochelle, N.

Y. The bride is descended from an old Massachusetts family. She is a life member of the Governor Thomas Dudley Association by virtue of being the seventh direct descendant from Thomas Dudiey, second Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Her mother is the former Miss Louise D. Davis.

Her' father, one of the foremost physicians in the country died in April. 1936. He was president of tl the American College Physicians and Surgeons in 1920-'22. At his death his daughter was en route to British Guiana, where she expected to model heads of Indians as a member of an expedition of the New York Zoological Society. The bride teaches sculpture, and her exhibits in leading galleries of the country have won many prizes.

She studied at Grand Central Art School. the National Academy and the Art Students League, and also has studied with Victor Salvatore, Mahronri Young and Adolph man. She belongs to many art clubs and to the Women Geographers. Mr. Hoffman is a graduate of Mercersburg Academy, Lehigh University, where he was president of the senior class, and Harvard Law School, and is practicing in New York.

He is a member of Beta Theta Pi, Omicron Delta Kappa, the University Club and the Larchmont Shore Club. After a motor trip to the Southwest Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman will reside in New York. Sears-Smithers.

Mrs. Austin L. Smithers, of Greenwich, daughter Albert C. Hecken, also of Greenwich, was married Tuesday to Mr. Henry Sears, son of Dr.

and Mrs. Henry F. Sears, of 86 Beacon Street. Boston, Beverly Cove, Mass. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs.

Edward A. Wood, at her home in Greenwich, and a small reception followed at the bride's home. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Minot C. Morgan, of the First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich.

The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Walter Aikman. She had no attendants. Mr. John W.

Griswold, of New York and Paris, was best man. The bride, the former Miss Mary Aikman Pouch, of Greenwich, attended the Bennett School. Mr. Sears is a member of the Eastern Yacht. Union Boat and Tennis and Raquet Clubs, of Boston, and the New York Athletic Club.

The couple will make their home in Belle Haven, Greenwich. Mrs. Ten Eyck Wendell, of 399 COOL! Sample Hand Knits The gayest. smartest collection you've ever seen. For Town, Country or Traveling $35 to $100 values, $9.75 to $44.50 dories 3 Doors South of the Heublein By Special Request We Present This Select Group of Stunning Hot Weather DRESSES styles you've wanted dresses that will thrill you summer Dresses you long! can Just wear the all $1.99 with their cool loveliness! Dainty blocked linens.

Sizes pretty shantungs, dotted 12-20 Swisses, printed piques 38-46 all at this one low price! But--Hurry! MARILYN SHOP CHURCH STREET Lovely Color FOR YOUR Gray Hair! MILAR TO NATURE'S OWN WITH PURE, HARMLESS Canute WATER JANUTE WATER is a pure, colorless Never Fails No matter what caused your hair liquid of properties. When 23 become Canute Water will wonderful crystal-clear fluid to your gray, posiyou tively overcome it. There are no exapply this gray, faded or streaked hair, it will again appear youthful, lustrous and uni- YEARS Even if have used some other hair ceptions. form in color. coloring.

will be a revelation to you you what Canute Water can do for Not single person has ever beer without to see injured by the use of Canute Water in your hair. over 23 years. This exceptional record injury to Amazing Results is your guarantee that it is perfectly Canute Water is neither sticky nor safe to use. a single greasy. It leaves your hair clean and natural to the touch.

There's not even Easy to Use user suggestion hair of Canute is Water it Neither Because of its safety, cleanliness and just a color similar tO nature's imparts you can use Canute Water very own. dependability, alone, in the privacy of your own room. No previous experience is necessaty. Speedy intimate friends will Action Lasting Color Simply wet your hair with it and allow It requires between one and three be Even unable your to most distinguish the re-colored to dry. applications to re-color hair to its prop- natural.

And the new hair from your er shade. The treatment can be color remains in your hair, permanent The time of day or the state of the pleted air, and shamweather makes no difference when in a single day. against sun, Canute Water. using And when bait pooing. Apply it at your con- your has once been So, if are still young if you venience.

And- since it does not alter re-colored, single treatment, given care you what others think and if the texture of your hair, you may curl, ONLY ONCE A MONTH, is sufficient to still quite ready to be classed wave or set it or get a permanent keep it that No you with the not "old folks" get a bottle are now. way. more attention is as usual. It will solve your problem so completenecessary. that yourself, will be astonished.

ly you, WISE SMITH'S 98e Application 6 MAIN FLOOR Size and Milland have the best kiss techniques on the screen, he declares. The 10 Best Kissers And now comes the screen's "ten best Director Mitchell Leisen has done the picking, adding hurriedly that his selections are entirely intellectual and based watching the candidates clinch before the cam- era. He chooses Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Carole Lombard, Claudette Colbert, Clark Gable. Gary Cooper, Ray Milland, Jean Arthur, May West and little Olympe Bradna. Surprisingly, Robert Taylor, Fred MacMurray and Tyrone Power, are only on his runner-up list.

"These three," he says, "are still pretty new to the business. They may be real knockouts in real life. but on the screen they've still got to get rid of a certain shyness." Kissing, Leisen believes, is an angle of acting, altogether too much neglected players. It takes study, training, and should be done with utter unconsciousness of the camera and spectators on This, he says is difficult, especially for the younger players, who have a tendency to embarrassment. Garbo, Dietrich, Lombard, Arthur, he says, throw themselves wholeheartedly into a kiss, as though with utter surrender.

Bradna, 16- vears-old importation from the "Folies Bergere," who recently won the coveted role opposite George Raft in "Souls at Sea," does it with a certain tender quality. Mae West practically burns up the film. Among the men, Gable, Cooper Defy Wind and Waves All Summer Long Script Ready. Seena Owen and Grant Garrett have completed their on the script of "This Way Please," which starts production soon. SPARKLING ANTACID -LAXATIVE "DOCTOR.

MY HEAD ACHES MY STOMACH IS UPSET AND I FEEL GENERALLY MISERABLE: YOU NEED AN ANTACID TO CLEANSE YOUR INTESTINAL SYSTEM TAKE A GARFIELD'S SEIDLITZ Garfield's Seidlitz Powders are made according to a formula well known to the Medical A pleasant antacid that acts on the intestinal tract and relieves dull headaches, gas or indigestion when due to temporary constipation. MILD IN ACTION RELIEF IS PROMPT Buy a box at your drug store Garfield's Seidlitz Pow PERFECT Sparkling ANTACID Laxative MISS BEATRICE MARIAN PERRETT Miss Perrett's engagement to Mr. G. Stillman Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs.

George E. Keith of Manchester, is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Perrett, also of Manchester.

Press Photograph MRS. JOHN J. BURTIZEK Before her recent was Miss Catherine T. MR. AND Mrs.

Connor is Windsor. Mr. Connor, Boston Post, is the of Poquonock. marriage Mrs. Burtizek Lorett of this city.

Brown Studio MRS. THOMAS W. CONNOR the former Miss Cecelia H. a member of the editorial staff son of Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas F. New York Miss Elizabeth Arnoux Eskridge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Webb Eskridge, of New York. will be married on June 21 to Lieutenant William Perry Baldwin.

U. S. son of Major Perry L. Baldwin, of Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y.

and the late Mrs. Baldwin. The bridegroom-elect is of the graduating class at the USMA. The ceremony will performed by the Rev. G.

G. Murdock We Are Pleased To Announce That GLADYS NIELSEN is back from California with the newest style trends in Permanents and back at Claire's, where she will be pleased to greet all her former patrons. Croquignole Permanents Wound from the ends up, including HAIRCUT SHAMPOO ALL FOR FINGER WAVE CURLS AND $295 RINGLETS WAVING PERMANENT $195 SPECIALS Tues. and Wed. SHAMPOO WAVE Shampoo.

Finger FINGER Wave, Rinse 35c 50c HOT OIL SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE 50c HAIRCUTTING 35c Expert Licensed Operators PHONE 6-2271 CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOPPE 17 Pearl St. Corner Main Brown Studio Photograph MRS. RAGNAR E. ELM Mrs. Elm of Manchester is the former Miss Alice Johnson of King Street, this city.

at 11:30 a. m. at Holy Trinity Chapel, West Point. N. Y.

Mrs. John S. Roosma, aunt of Miss Eskridge, will be matron of honor, and Miss Mary E. Humphrey, of Ridgewood, N. will be maid of honor.

The bridesmaids will be Miss Eleanor W. Merrill, West Point; Miss Delores Theobold, Portsmouth, Ohio; Miss Norma Rines, Glen Rock, N. and Miss Mary Lee Baldwin, sister of the bridegroom. Lieutenant J. F.

Foy will serve as best man and the ushers will be Captain John S. Roosma, Lieutenants J. Forney, Horace Greeley, F. J. Clarke, W.

H. Lewis and F. J. Pell, and Cadets E. S.

McKee and W. G. Walsh. John S. Roosma.

will be the page. The couple will go to Camp Oconomowoc, for the summer. They will be at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, after September. Hoffman-Brooks. Miss Ruth Walker Brooks, daughter of Mrs.

Harlow Brooks, of 47 West Ninth Street, and the late Dr. Brooks. eminent physician, was married last evening to Mr. Kenneth Landers Hoffman, son of Mrs. Otto Hoffman, of Larehmont, N.

Y. and the late Mr. Hoffman. The ceremony, was the Ascension. performed in in which the three of the art memorials were designed by the bride.

The rector, the Rev. Donald B. Aldrich, officiated. and a reception followed at Mrs. Brooks's home.

The bride was given in marriage by Dr. G. Gill Richards, of Salt Park Avenue, has closed her apartment and gone to her country home, Lakelawn, Cazenovia, N. with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.

Ten Eyck Wendell, Jr. Mrs. Charles E. Proctor has returned to Mill Neck. L.

from the Waldorf -Astoria. Mrs. Edward C. Cabot, who has been at the Asso- All Hartford Is Enthused About These Great PERMANENT WAVE Specials Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Reg. $7.50 Oil Wave $5.95 Reg.

$5.00 Permanent $3.95 Reg. Machineless $10.00 $7.50 Individual styled waves including shampoo and finger wave. STANDARD CHARM SHOP 242 Trumbull St. First Floor PHONE 7-7561 Enroll Now! NEW CLASSES IN HAIRDRESSING STARTING JULY 6 Day and Evening Session, Here's a chance to start learn ing hairdressing and beauty culture right away. In one short year you will be ready to take a position, and the positions are just waiting to be filled! Hundreds of ambitious young men and women are entering this enjoyable and profitable profession.

Ensure your future by enrolling now! Write or Phone 6-7579 For Full Information. Hartford Academy of Hairdressing 693 Main Street Hartford ciation of Junior Leagues' club headquarters there, has returned to Cambridge, Mass. Colonel and Mrs. John L. Roberts of 79 East Seventy-ninth Street have returned from a world tour and are at Mayfair House.

Vacation-Time Beauty Awaits You At Rose Marie Palm and Olive Oil Permanent Palm Oil Croquignole Ringlets Wound from the Ends Up In this wave Rose Marie's hair stylists execute outstanding beauty and distinction. A wave that, according to type and personality, is tailored or formal simple or elaborate. Your hair is tested for the best method. according to texture. Including styled haircut, shampoo with conditioning oils, and finger wave.

Croquignole Permanent Waves Shampoo and Including $095 Finger Wave Here's a wave that will add glamour and loveliness to your appearance. Only $2.95 for a Genuine Croquignole Wave. Rose Marie Personality Permanents Complete with 95 Shampoo and Finger Wave Other Smart Waves Up to 810 Women's and Misses' HAIRCUTS Expert Artistic Workmanship SPECIALS Thurs. Hot Oil Shampoo All Three for and Finger Wave. Shampoo, Rinse and All Three for Finger Wave.

50" Only Licensed Operators Employed--No Appointment Necessary Come in Any Time Rose Marie Beauty Shoppe 242 Trumbull St. Third Floor Rooms 303-305 Standard Bldg. Phone 5-2167 Open Every Evening Until 8-Except Saturday Whether your summer vacation is scheduled for seashore or mountains, make sure of one thing: That your hair will remain at its loveliest all summer long! You can rest assured of this after you've had one of "the Budget's" inimitable Croquignole $3-75 The New VOGUE WAVE. $7.50 Especially Good for Grey Hair 4 SPIRAL WAVES $3.25 up HAIRCUTTING Specials Thurs. (Sudget and 50c SHAMPOO WAVE FINGER Hot Finger poo Oil 75c and Wave Sham.

BEAUTY SALON 902 Main St. 6-3281 Between Sage-Allen's and Worth's MEAT WAVES MERE RIPPLES TO ARE WHITE FLORSHEIMS WITH FLAREWEDGE Boulevard Style BOUDOIR COMFORT Don't get all heated up with thoughts of warm weather! If you have the touchy type of foot, take this tip from us Florsheim shoes with Flarewedge give you "an Extra Margin of Comfort." That extra room toward the outside prevents crowded toes and run-over shoes and it wins a wide welcome in warm weather. $950 and $1050 Lorraine Welcomes Your Charge Account Lorraine SHOE COMPANY RATT STREET CONN..

Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.