Fitchburg Sentinel from Fitchburg, Massachusetts (2024)

I A. 5 4. 850 9 be: 6 FITCHBURG SENTINEL THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1920 Special Notices and remodeling tura Mra 33 Bummer AL bedale of Collections for Ashes and Rubbisb: Ward 1--May abd 21 W'ard 10 and 31 Ward April 1, 1 and 14 Ward 30. May 1 and 17 Ward 6-May and Ward May sad THE TEMPERATURE a. m.

11 a m. 40 THE WEATHER BOSTON, April 20 UP) Forecast for Boston and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight and Friday: not much change in temperature; to north winds. Weather conditions: Aside 'from rains in Missouri. Kansas and Okla-! homa and at a few scattered stations: and heavy enow In Colorado, weather has prevailed in the last 24 hours. The pressure is generally; higher over all sections.

Over New England and the provinces it is below normal, but rising. The temperatures continues low for the seagon in nearly all distrlets. In New England this morning they ranged from 32 in northern Maine to about 44 in southern sections. The morning rendings: Boston. 47: New York, Washington, Omaha, 44; Norfolk, Portland, 50: Atlanta, Jacksonville, 66; Orleans, 64; St.

Louts, Kansas City, 46; Chicago, 38: St. Paul. 36: Denver, 26; Log Angeles, 56; San Francisco, 62. -A chimney Are at 241 Mechanic alreet was put out by men from the Central fire atation yesterday. Loulsa M.

Alcott tent, V. -After the regular meeting of of C. tomorrow night at 8 o'clock informal. -The Barber's union will hold their regular meeting tonight at 8.16 o'clock in their hall at 30-1 Main street. will be A story hour for children at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon 8t the Art center.

Merriam parkway. Illustrative slides will be shown. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkhurst and son Harold of South Ashburnham, and C.

Huntington and family of this city passed the -end with relatives" In Somerville. -Bartlett Alquist. for several years associated with the Leominster Hudson- Essex has accepted a position with the Fitchburg Bulck 762 Main street. of the Enterprise club of Universalist church have been invited to Attend the meeting of the United Workera of the C. C.

church tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock in the church parlors. -The regular meeting of the United Workers of C. C. church will be at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon In the church parlors under the direction of the missionary department. Miss Mary E.

Oliver of Lynn will be the speaker. Women of other churches are invited to be present. endorsed -The the Chamber of Commerce Glouces- has request ter Chamber to support A plan to bare a general granite specification Inserted In bids for government postoffices and other federal bulldinga, particularly England. The Senators F. H.

Gillett and D. I. Walsh and Cong. Frank H. Foss of this district asking their support of -the recommendation.

-The name of Edward J. O'Connor, of the Fitchburg Gas Electric Light was unintentionally omitted in publishing the cast of the Troubadours who gave a minstrel show at the annual meeting of the Fitchburg Gas Electric club at C. of C. hall Tuesday evenIng. Mr.

O'Connor wag one of the features in the song and dance act "Clementine." In which he was agsisted by Miss Margaret B. Wellington. This act was one of the features of the show. in Jewish Books." will. be subject of stereopticon lecture by Atty.

Lee M. Freedman of Boston at the normal school this evening at 8 o'clock under the ausplees of the Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew association. The lecture is one of the series of forums, the others of which have been conducted at the synagog Bunday inga. The lecture will be riven at the normal school because of the facilities for showing the stereopticon alides. -Max Chlate, to make his home in California was given a farewell surprise party by members of the Y.

M. H. A at the new. banquet room at the Now American house, last night. Benjamin Coffman, In behalf of the guests, prosented Mr.

Chiate with purse of gold. David Borowsky presided the exercises. Speeches were made. by many members also by Robert Abrahams and Richard Fenton of Boston. Comedy were presented by Charles Shack, add Gabriel Bauman.

The Y. M. H. A. orchestra furnished music during the banquet also during the exercises which followed.

-At a meeting of Shakespeare Sops of St. Gearte, the traveling bum presented to the members by representatives of the Sons of George from Clinton. The album la making two-year round of all the Sons of St. George lodges and signatures are being placed In the book. The lodge having the largest number of signatures when the visits are completed will have permanent possession of the large album.

Is expected that Shakespeare lodge will 'have large attendance in order to sign the book and also to extend a reception to the degree team which won the ritualistic championship in Boston last week. Fancy Fresh Fish At Jaseph'e, 10. Putnam Street. Advt. Special Whole or half hams, 250 a '1b.

Jaseph's, 10 Putnam St. Advt. Beauty 210 Fairmount St. Marcelle, 800; Facial 750 and 01.00. Tel.

Advt. Dance, Redmen's Mall, Saturdaysay State Waltz contest. Advt. Dry Hard stove wood. Sawed $11 cord split $12.50 cord delivered.

M. Sherbert. Tel. Fitchburg Advt. Concert Dance- -Friday nog.

April Musis 27, Townsend Memorial hall, Harmonica Adrt. Friday, CLECHORN WILL LOOK INTO PLAN TO OPERATE MILL What effect the sale of MIll to J. G. Fuller today will have upon the co-operative plan proposed by Willlam E. Maloney was a question Cleghorn residents found difficult to answer.

A ably Cleghorn Interested people That in was were Mr. evident unquestion- Maloney': ut A meeting proposition. of the Cleghorn Business Men's association last night at which Mr. Maloney was present Some the leading bualness inen of the community today beheved that another mitt may be for the co-operutive plan should the people care to take it up. Following 8 detailed explanation of his plan last night Mr.

Maloney suggested the appointinent of -a repclala of the Muelberger Associated resentative to Sales corporation of New York. This is the concern that Mr. Maloney declares is ready to guarantee the sale of the silk to be manufactured by the proposed company. It was evident from questions directed at Mr. Maloney of last the night people that of the Cleghorn further Interest will depend upon the guarantees that Mr.

Muelberger is able to give them. Mr. Maloney was ushed many questions last night by liep. Louis N. M.

Deschenes, John B. Aubuchon. Dr. J. N.

Thibert, L. D. Forkey End others. Mr. Maloney admitted that the starting point was tito guarantees of Mr.

Muelberger for the output of; Mierroposed, pill. able He to said satisfy if Mr. the contract in this direction the plans committee of the a soundness of his will be given up. Mr. Maloney expressed confidence that Mr.

Muelberger would be able to convinco the committee of the soundnegg or his And hig ability to carry it out. The committee which was appointed to meet Mr. Muclberger Rep. Louls N. M.

Deschenes. John F. Auhuchon. Charles E. Dumont, L.

I). Forkey, Rev. Simon M. S. Forrestler.

J. C. Roy. Dr. J.

N. Thibert. Hubert Lemay, John B. Lemay, Theodore Poirrier, Dr. J.

N. Carriere, Arthur Aubuchon, R. A. L'pham, Willam E. Aubuchon, Charles Moran and Romeo St.

Cyr. EDWIN A. EATON, PIONEER DENTAL MECHANIC, DEAD Edwin A. Eaton, 89 years old, died last night at the Burbank hospital where he was taken yesterday. Ho of the pioneer dental chanics in this country and at one time did work for the later Dr.

ThomAg Palmer. He was born In this city Nov. 3, 1838, the son of Daniel S. and Sabrina Howard). He lived for many years previous to 1905 on Westmineter Hill road.

He was divorced from his wife, the former Miag Charlotte Bradhury. The funeral will be from the Sawver Funeral home at a time to he Announced later. Burial will be in Forone cemetery. Close of Perfect Teeth Drive Deferred Week The date for the award of the Anal tags in the perfeot teeth campaign which has been conducted by the Coolidge Dental clinic in the frat grade of the public schools has been deferred from May 1 to May 8 of the spring vacation. The campaign thus far has been exceptionally successful, Parents have been cooperating with Dr.

W. W. Baumgartner, in charge of the clinic, and with the additional week for the children to secure their certificates from their dentists, Dr. Baumgartner expects several rooms will obtain 100 per cent in records. Anal tag given to children who have had the specified work done 18 issued by the state department of health.

and certifies that that child has perfect teeth. The record some of the rooms is being held by children. who go to the family dentists gartner believes this week will give them chance to visit the dentist and secure their certificates. Death of Mra. Bodo Mrs.

Eliza (Lozeau), widow of Telesphore Bodo, died at the home of her son, Joseph, 34 Walnut street, yesterday afternoon after a short illness. was born Canada Feb. 21, 1862,: and lived In this city 45 years. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Eva Couture, Live sons, Telesphore, Joseph, Walter, Arthur and William Bodo, all.

of Fitchburg, one adopted son, Louis Lozeau, also of this city, eight grandchildren, dater, Mra. Helene L'Ecuyer of this city, and two brothers, Amable or this city and Joseph of Bangor; Me. The funeral will be at o'clock Saturday morning from the Im- Burial will be in St. Bernard's cemetery. -The Junior Kandelite club of Rollstone church will meet tonight with Mrs.

Eunice Cochrane, 495 North street, for 4 work and bustness meeting. -The thrift sale. which opened at 289 Main street this afternoon under the auspices the Girl Scouts will continue tomorrow afternoon and allday Saturday. The proceeds will be used to send Girl Scouts to the Scout camps who would otherwise be unable to go. At the meeting of the Woman's federation of Christ church tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock in the house, Miss Josephine stead of Boston will speak on the Wellesley conference.

Her talk be Illustrated by. moving pictures of these conferences. An invitation to attend is extended to members of the church. Tea will be served. -The 40th anniversary of Watatic lodge, No.

81, N. E. 0. was celebrated last night in K. of P.

hall by about 75 personA. Mrs. Julla A. WhitIng of Worcester, deputy grand den, made an official visit assisted by Fred Whiting of a Worcester, deputy trand guide. Delegations were present from Clinton, Worcester, Rachusett and Gardner lodes.

Supper wna served by a committee under the chairmanship of Mrs. Rose Nimmons and addresses were riven by the visiting Worcester officers. Fancy Fresh Fish At Janaph'e, 10 Putnam Street. AdrL Whist Thursday Special- -Whole 10 Putnam AGITATION IS STARTED FOR REVOCATION OF B. M.

R. R. BUS LICENSES AFTER COMPLAINTS Residents of Ashburnham and Winchendon have protested against the 1 B. M. bus service between those towns and this It is alleged that residents of Ashburnham who arrived at the B.

M. railroad station about o'clock at night recently were ordered 1 from the station as the Janitor was prepared to look the door. Some of the Ashburnbam residents who planned to take the 10.30 bus to that town were obliged to leave the walting room land other -places -10 wetter spend the time on the streets. On another occasion 0 woman regident of Ashburnham refused to leave tho Waiting room and remained there until the bug arrived. Restdents' or thors towny complained about the way the B.

M. cut the number of bus trips in halves recently, They say that railroad officials failed to keep promises made when they were seeking permits to operate in those towns. It is understood that residents of Ashburnhamn and Winchendon are about to seek aid of Fitchburg councilora to revoke the permits granted the rallroad to operate in those towns and this city. Those who Are reaponsible for the movement feel that the railroad has not kept faith in regard the quality of service, in regard the convenience of pasto sengers walting for busea, in stopping at Main and Prichard atroots in this city to take on passengery and in many other ways, which Indicated that the railroad is par- To Commemorate Memory of Late Rector of Christ Church The Episcopal churches of Fitchburg and associated chapels will; commemorate Sunday as a memorial day to the Rev. Arthur J.

Gammack, late rector. Rev. Dr. Floyd W. Tomkins, rector of the Holy Trinity church.

Philadelphia. will be a special preacher. Rev. Dr. Tomkins Is one of the best known clergymen in the United States, one of the directors of the International C.

E. soclety, author of many books a dealing with the Christian life, And one of the foremost preachers of today. follows: The services for Sunday will be as a. communion for all those presented for confirmation by Rev. Mr.

Gammack. 10.45 a. prayer and commemoration service, with Rev. Dr. Tomking as preacher.

7 p. services with the parishioners and choristers of Christ church, assisted by the Church of the Good Shepherd, West Fitchburg, All Saints Chapel, Whalom, and St. John's Chapel. Cleghorn. Christ church issues a cordial invitation to all those who knew and loved Rev.

Mr. Gammark to he present at these a services and keep alive the life of such AD acceptable pervant to the community and church. The lower house of the Irish Free State parliament 18 known A8 the Dall Eireann. MEND A EXCURSION TO LOWELL FRIDAY Via Townsend and Pepperell Fitchburg Princess leaves dau's store 7.30 A. M.

Leaves Lowell at $1.00 round I trip. Wm. Tel. 3091-M. RIDE TO BOSTON IN COMFORT from your door and return to your door.

Price $1.75 In large Marmos Sedan. Call for Reservation. HOTELS RESORTS Suggesting pleasurable objective for your motor trip, week -end visit or vacation stay. Tel. Pepperell 59-22 18 Miles Fitchburg VILLA LORRAINE PEPPERELL, MASS.

SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER Daily 1-8 Art Upholstery Shop 42 Academy St. Tel. 4150 We do all kinde of furniture holstering, interior decorating, slip -covers and make fine parlor suites order. Come see our latest samples of have large variety. H.

NURMI. CLEAN YOURSELF THOROUGHLY with a steam bath at the Hanna Bathhouse 289 Elm Street Private Rooms 45c, 400 1 and and Fridays Saturdays, Sundays from 8 Shewer ta Every Mantas from ('enter Accemmdations. JOHN ELO and WILLIAN BRULA BAND CONCERT Framingham Boys' Band 40-Pieces BENEFIT High and Grade Bands of Fitchburg City Hall Friday, April 27 Me. Grade Pupile 16 Sponpored by KIWANIS CLUB DR. J.

W. PALMER, OLDEST DENTIST IN CITY, IS DEAD Dr. Joseph W. Palmer, oldest dentist, and one Its most respected citizens, died last evening at his home, 89 Mechanio street, In his year. Dr.

Palmer had been in falling health for several months and his death was not a surprise to his host of friends. Dr. Palmer was born in Fitchburs March 1848, the son of Thomas and Charlotte (Flake) Palmer. He attended the schools of Fichburg and was graduated from Phillips Exeter academy In 1968, graduated from Harvard college la 1872 and from the Philadelphia Dental achool In 1878. He practiced dentistry In Fitchburg for 48 years and eince his retirement from active business be was particularly Interested in the raising of Dr.

Palmer married Mias Annie E. McIntyre In 1876 and died in 1911, the same year that his mother died. Dr. Palmer became a member of Aurora lodge, A. F.

A. May 16, 1892, and the same year he became a member of Thomas Royal Arch chapter and the Jerusalem commandery, K. T. He wag also a member of the Fay club. Dr.

Palmer la survived by his sister, Mrs. W. Clark Partridge Lawrence. and by several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be strictly private Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from 39 Mechanic street.

Burial will be in Forest HMI cemetery. 1 C. A. Benedict Will Run 'An Excursion Trip to New York MAY 8th, (4 days' trip), $10.00 round trip. Would like to have seven more to make up the party.

For tickets call 3475. Will stop at the Cornish Arms Hotel, 23rd 8t. H. W. Spellman Co.

General Contractor Store and house alterations. Roofing in all branches. Phone 3251. PM Mr. Benedict's Bus Will Run On AN EXCURSION TRIP TO BOSTON TOMORROW Leavo Blossom Street at 8 o'clock Must Have 20 Passengers $1.50 Round Trip LANA RUB CHEST COLDS GROUP BRONCHITIS Lane Rob penetrates quickly rellering the congestion at once, Gives Immelate relief for croup in For sale by Fairbanks' Pharmacy and all druggists, 50c.

main Electric Oven $16.50 Efficient, Practical, Economical No extra wiring needed. Just the thing for kitchenettes, apartments and summer camps. MORIARTY ELECTRIC CO. 14 Oliver St. Tel.

903-W. SAVE YOUR EYES WEEK April 22 to 28 White Gold Frames and Rimless Glasses meet Fashion's Requirements. Heavy, conspicuous, shell-rimmed glasses will not fit in with your new Spring hat. They are no longer appropriate for street or dress wear. You will appreciate how much White Gold Rimless Glasses or the new White.

Gold Rim Frames mean to good appearance when made and fitted by our Registered Optometrist. S. M. NATHAN'S a 1 471 Main St. Fitchburg GO IN BOYS BAND HERE TOMORROW The Framingham Boys' Band of 60 pieces which will play at the city ball tomorrow afternoon and evenIng for the benent of the Fitchburs bigb and grade schools bands, will come to this city early Friday afternoon by busses and directly to city hall for the 4 o'clock concert.

After the concert players will make their headquarters at the Hotel Raymond where a buffet lunch will be served. The high school band will act 18 a reception committee whlle the Framingham boys are in the city. Members both Kiwanis and Rotary are invited to meet the boys at the This Framingham band played to capacity house at the new memorial building in Framingham Tuesday, and from reports from thin concert, those attending the Dance WESTMINSTER TOWN HALL FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 27 Ed Kenlock's Victorians TWO ONE-ACT PLAYS Phillips Chapel FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 8 P. M. DANCING 10-12 Admision 500 Auspices Fitchburg Girls' Club The Eternal Feminine is Glorified Charm! THE clever woman knows that perfect wave is the crowning touch of her endearing -and enduring--charm! Our permanent wave will serve your lovellness with lasting perfection.

Appointmenta gladly made. Anna Harlow FITCHBURG BEAUTY SHOPPE Three Day Street ROOMS Fitchburg PHON TWO THREE 4TH Always Howl for Brockelman's Candy" We have great followlis aardas the grownups well the 'children when it to our candy. PURE SUGAR MINTS mint to be that le to taste good mast be freshly made 1 like ours. 1 25c CREAM PECAN DRIFTS Fondant cream filled chopped pecans. 47c lb.

CREAM BUTTERNUT BON. BONS: nreet candy that 59c lb. Chocolate Batter Creams, with cashew mate, D. Pare Maple Syrup fresh walant etty. band ticularly concerned with the bus service or passengers.

A recent amendment to the law in regard to such bus service rives the licensing authorities the right to voke such permits and those about to start proceedings believe that the failure of the raftroad to give the service desired is ample cause for revocation. Atty. James H. Walsh, who the Hart Motor Coach which sought from Ashburnham, Winchendon and this city, has been approached by realdents of the two towns. At Walsh har not taken acton.

He feels that action, if ens, should come from the licensing powers. He said today: "It has been evident from first that the B. M. did not take the bus tvervice between A Winchendon, Fitchburg and Boston ously. Many complaints have been made In regard to varlous things connected with the service or lack of It hut as the representative of Franklin L.

Hart I have refrained from active steps in the matter. "Perhaps the recent action of the B. M. in closing the car shops in this city, despite the many promisen made at the various hearings, and the well known attitude of the road company of 'B. M.

buses or nothing' which was preached here. In Ashburnham and Winchendon during the hearings may have some Influence toward convincing Fitchburg councilors and others that the district would he served better and public recelve better service if the railroad bus licenge was revoked." District Court Hugo W. Anderson of Ashburnham. was defaulted in district court today a complaint charging HIm with fishing without a license. It was the second time the defendant has been defaulted on the same complaint.

He failed to appear when originally summoned but later came In and his explanation was heard by Judge Gallagher the default was removed. Warden Peck of this city and WardHarris of Ashburnham told of seeEng the defendant Ashing. He sald he had two or more witnesses to contradict the wardens so Judge Gallagher continued the complaint until today to give him an opportunity to present his witnesses. An old complaint against Ralph Secino was again continued until May 17. Three drunks also appeared before the court.

One of them was sentenced to the state farm with sentence sugpended Ax months. Two others had the complaints placed on Ale. WANTED Girls for Counter Work Apply to WALDORF, SYSTEM, 975 Main Fitchbarr, Between Honrs of A. M. and 11 M.

Friday, April 21, ARCADIA BY THE LAKE GARDNER, MASS. SATURDAY NIGHT Leo Hannon NEXT NEXT WED. WED. May 2 Return of the Great MAL HALLI ETT Hunself AR ORCHESTRA Reserve Tickets Now Kimball's If it's New! It's Here! New Neckwear Every Wok New Four-in-Hands New Bows Silk New Polka Dots New Colored New Plain Colors New Figures New Stripes Wool lined which means more service $1.00 and $1.50 New Spur Bows, and Kimball and Son Co. -377-379 Main Fitchburg- Thrift Sale For Benefit of Girl Scouts' Camp Fund THURSDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS SATURDAY to April 28-27-28 :239 MAIN (Depot Square) Clothing, Household Goode, Toys, Music Help the GIRL SCOUTS Go To Camp Dance, 8-12 Attention Prize Dancing Dance Friday Nite 27th Leo Hannon and His Bell Hops Eagles' New Ballroom, 52 Mechanic Leominster Auspices Entertainment Committee F.

O. 477 Gall Due Money Deposited NOW Will Draw Interest From May 1st And Receive Interest for Two Months On July 1st When We Pay Our Nest Quarterly Dividend $1 to $3000 accepted in one name. Total of $6000 on a Joint Account, payable to Either Party or the Survivor. These amounts apply to local depositors. Remember that money deposited in This Bank is Exempt from Local and State Income Tax Regular Day Hours Saturday Evenings 6 to 8 o'clock Worcester North Savings Institution 288-294 Main Street, Depot Square Where Does A Price Come It isn't made in the wallpaper business, anyway by the mere scratch of a pencil held in a hand which is itching with a make-easy-money desire.

There is entirely too much competition for such a thing to be possible. Briefly, a wallpaper price is a measure of quality' and value. And the greater a firm's volume of business, the greater the measure of value it is able to offer. Because our business covers New England, and even extends beyond, we are able to give matchless wallpaper values at 40c per roll and a little higher or lower if you desire. B.

A. Cook Co. Cook Block Oliver St. Advt. 5.

Fitchburg Sentinel from Fitchburg, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.