The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

6S THE PES MOINES REGISTER Thursday, April 12, 1990 PRAIRIE MEADOWS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Bid No. 10 0), Corrugated Metal Pip Culverts Bid No. 1W 0S1, Plastic Snow Fence ond Fence Posts Bids may be obtained from the Department General Services. Polk County Office Bu Id- PRAIRIE MEADOWS Bet in BOLD Harkctabiliry of limn mulled by ring exports Haitdicip'r lt Liny DtvMlayM StMsJMitttf Cnpfr Cmhum listrscrt 1 9 29 1 9 09 1-9 Smsoh 38-135 (.289) 31 135 (.230) 24 135 (.178) 3M35 (.237) 35 135 259) 1 Mr. Peaco*ck Mr.

Famous Staunch Stal Mr. Peaco*ck Mr, Peaco*ck Mr. Famous Mr. Peaco*ck Round Twlc Kamiak Mr. Famous Align Warrior Allen Warrior Mr.

Famous Alien Warrior Staunch Stal 2Robyns Advic RobynsAdvic Culverin Roots Robyns Advice Roots Crafty Rid Diamond Brndy Robyns Advic Roots Crafty Rid Northern City Intn'tlJack Jims Pistol Culverin 3 Raise RippI Rais RippI Streaky Sun Streaky Sun Streaky Sun Streaky Sun Streaky Sun Rail RippI Rais RippI Rais RippI Reason Charge Easy Winning Reason Charge Reason Charge Reason Charge DancaCapad Stone Harbor Stone Harbor Dane Ca pad Stone Harbor I fi Okie Bold Dilon Nikita OklaBold Dance Capade Stone Harbor Methuselah VayaGato lazario Okie Bold 5 Will to Love Six Easy Six Easy Will to Love Six Easy Six Easy Will to Love Will to Love Six Easy Will to Love Bugs Bo Queen Barrera Miss Dolly Queen Barrera Queen Barrera GSpumoniPony Promise Honey SpumonlPony SpumonlPony SpumonlPony Mrs. Ron Promise Honey Spumoni Pony Promise Honey Promise Honey Cartesian Cn Cartesian Cn Special Lady Cartesian Cn Special Lady 7 Iron Blitz Really Amber Paster's Girl Iron Blitz Iron Blitz Shining Sea Stone Harbor Iron Blitz Stone Harbor Shining Sea Stone Harbor Shining Sea Shining Sea Shining Sea Really Amber 8 Sweet Bod Charmberta Sweet Bod Sweet Bod Sweet od Miss Iron Cdy Fibbers Gam Chamberta Miss Iron Cdy Chamberta Bono Dancer Sweet Bod Spring Step Bono Dancer Miss Iron Cdy -s, 9 Ms. Van Dross Ms. Van Dross CI Badria PocoSolo Ms. Van Dross Slim Woman CI Badria Priv Resort Slim Woman CI Badria CI Badria Bold Three Ps Poco Solo Ms.

Van Dross Poco Solo I A Bimini Rose Shemayscoot Ms. Enlighten Bimini Rose Bimini Ros III Molly Hre Molly Here 5 Molly Her" Moly Hr' i I Shemayscoot Flashy Verona Shemayscoot Shemayscoot Shemayscoot OFFICIAL PUBLICATION (M SeJI Of-FICIAL PUBLICATION Sealed Proposals will be received by Polk aunt 1. Pur- '5. Df chaslna ia uivision or com v-ounry, ei nlslratlv Office Build. no.

Bo nlslri caied at Second and Court Avcnu*ti rwoinet, icwa unm 4 r- on me iern tea ot Aoril, lsvo, and opened April, mo, and opened at 2 OS P.M.. Room 120. Po'k County Admli tTrritiv nti let Butidln. Second and Qoyrt Avenue, for fur- nnhingali lobor. mpengi ngi, ond equipment for ond oquiprnfi contfrucuon or ine koih li ounty Sem mtor Cm limn Center to located 01 5 un ope r.

mpl ark union ana re ton Oe Molnov I Iowo. The scope o4 work it oi or plant, labor, matsriai. and work it iterlal, the fol'pw furnish equipment re Quired to accomplish the can. con tiryction oetcribod in these specifications or indicated on th plant. The work Includes, ind tut It not necessarily limited iorllv limited to construct 7.100 S.F.

wood fr mm Toirowim rome communl1 carpeting, earthwor and fit! OPtrahont at loot find, can Kirieo, tontTi aiphqlt lot, ond miscellaneous titt nam A prebid conference will be heid April 1 the Polk founty Administrative Office Second and Court Avenuet. Dm Mo Each Proposal thall be mode out on a blank iiruviuwi ana muii oe occom panic torate envelope by either (I) cash. ll ed in ed or coshler's check, drawn on a solvent peer- IK ment Aj 10, as Published by the American Inst irieciv wcurljy shall untv Treosur I not contain or as an endo 'shall be forhi Supervisors the success fer into a cor he awara at The bid security shall be mode povable to tne folk county curlfy mutt not isurers utf-ce. i ne Did In any conditions either ndorsem*nt thereon. The artmltmti fn th Pnlk TAiin.

in rne body or as an endorsem*nt th bid secu cuniy snoi oard of Supervisors as iqu (doted domaoes the event wni me successrui piooer rani or re-o enter into a contract within ten (10) uses ti rrer in a war a or satisfactory to the Polk County Board of Supervisors tnsur no the faithful fulfillment ai the Contract and the maintenance of told work. the successful bidder will be required to fi nisn a perrormonce do no in on amount equal sha one hundred percent (100) of the controcl price laid bond to bo iisuod bv rtsponilbr itv aoorovM dv tno Hon countv Boai Sup orv ftorl and iha I auaronlM th faithful porrormonco ot tnt contract ana tno forms ana conamont tnoroin contained and snail protect and save hormleM the Polk county Board of Supervisors from claims and damooes of any kind coused by the operation of the Contractor. Bidders will use the Bid Bond form Included In the contract Documents. I he Notice to Proceed will be Issued after the Contract Is signed, and the Insurance certificated) Is received by the Owner. Work shall bealn within ten (10) calendar days after the Top Prices Offered For Antique Estate Jewelry Expert appraisals for estate insurance purposes Region's largest staff of graduate gemologists BORSHEIWS FINC JEWELRY GIFTS 120 Itegc-nry ParkwayOmaha, NE (402)391 -0400 800-642 -GIFT Jwo pant or oan cnarterea under the low the United Stole, in on amount eotKii to five percent li-H) rne Bid.

or (3) a Bid Bond executed by a corporation outhorUed to contract os surety In the State of Iowa, in the pena sum of five percent (5) of the Bid. Form of Bid Bond Shall be the lntat mAtUnn t4 Hve-n. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION date set forth In the written Notice to Proceed. All work shall be completed within 163 consecutive calendar days from the date set forth in saiq Nome to Proceed. Liquidated damoues In the amount of two hundred dollars (li 00) per consecutive cal-endur day will be assessed tor each calendar dov thai the improvement shall remain Incomplete after the end of the conlroct period, with due allowance for extensions to the contract period, pursuant to the provisions of tnls notice and the other Contract Documents.

Copies ot said plons and specifications will be available at the offices of Shiftier Associates, 300 Huobell Bulldlrta, Dei Moines, Iowa, for examination bv bidders on April 10, 190. contractors may obtain slnple copies from Shiftier Associates with a deposit of 125 00 eocn. If unmarked plans ond specifications are returned to Snltller Associates within 11 days after the the deposit will be com- pleteiv refunded. By virtue ot statutory authority, ence will be given to products ond a prefer- orov It one grown and produced within the State of Iowo ana to iowo aomesnc laoor. it snail di it the ourchos Ine oollcv of Polk County to allow the Polk Countv Board of Su pervisors the discretion of showing preference in purcnaiina oooat ana services tron ven dors who produce ooods or maintain on office in iowo.

rieM iterence may also be alven to onods iroauceo in ro'k LOunry Polk County or fire In Polk Can or to vendors main- faming an orticf untv. t-urtner, it snq ait be the no cv of Pa Canntw tn eu liwl solicit and seek out TocoT vendors of goods and inn services and to encourage said vendors to stock and supply lowa-madeproducts. Published upon request of the Polk County Board of Supervisors, Polk County Administrative Olfice Building, Second and Court Avenues, pes Moines, Iowo, POLK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Clark Rasmussen, Chair FFIC ICATION PO COUI ARTMENT GENERA ERVlCES RID 1 BRIDGE DI pinr.F rstfr (fii amt eaiea bias tor tne provisio jvisfon of Bridge Deck by the Polk County Services, Purchosing seaiant win be receive Department ot General vgi general Division, Room 365, Polk Countv Admli llnlsfn five Office Building, Second and Court Avenues, Des Moines, iowo, until 3:00 P.M., on Tuesday, May 1, 1990. Bids will be publicly opened and reod at 2:05 p.m. on the above-mentioned date.

Interested vendors may obtain bid packets from Room 365, Polk County Administrative Office Building, Second and Court Avenues, urn a.m. and p.m. weekday. Bv virtu of statutory authority, a prefer, nc will be given to products and provisions grown ana proaucea wnnin tne atata or io owa and to Iowa domestic labor. It shall be the purchasing policy of Polk County to allow (he Polk County Board of Supervisors the discretion of showing preference In purchasing ooods and services from ven dors who produce goods or maintain an offic in Iowa.

Preference may also be alven to goods produced In Polk Coynfy or to vendors main taining an office in Polk county, purti It shall be th policy of Polk county to actively solicit and seek out local vendors of goods and services and to encourage sold vendors to stock and supply Iowa-mod products. If PS bv the Polk County Department of General Services and ipened at p.m. on iui 05 p.m. on ring bids: ues day, May 1, 1990, Far the tollowlna bids: Id No. 105-' id No.

106-' wvi, bdrricages Bdrricoc Borrlco f1. Trntf Control ol 1 rattic control sign rosts id No. 107-9091, Engineering Supplies ListPriceJJJeW'- ILPUBL MTY Dt- POLK C0U EPA TME NT nPftFUFBAI SFBV rFS a dt I be receive SIXTH 12,100. 3-year-olds ind up, lillies and claiming $3,500, 1 milt 70 yards. WHOT HH HBM MHB, Hoes )tksTraaasr Spemom Pony: PayntvWessles 11 Mrs.

Ron: ScnlemWWer 3 Qumliim's Glory: HoslordSclrwieier 5 Cartesian Com: FinneanBerg 2 Sb's Teniae lady: NouVFett 6 Earl's lady lay: MttmHarbour I Promts Honey In: Eismwtomns 9 Spectl Knda lady: WartnlIWiH 1 Hurry Up lanette: HundleySmclait 4 TV Classic: lowyCretiett lOSwHtUmmsson FmnetanAckerman Wl. Lastl Ill Ml 31 111 12 4-1 HI 8-7 10 SI 111 52-S SI iii 7-i-i Ill 1-42 HI 222 101 111 6-54 101 111 71-5 201, 111 6-1-12 HI 9-M 20-lJ lemneate Isewwel ar must So St ta cover the dntanca this eorty. easehai'i tktry shows torn sMrty to dose, laftnlaa eke will be left tot show. i TODAY'S 6 P.M. LINE BY ED OLICK 3 -year-olds and up, claiminf 52.500, 54 furiotigs.

ft Herts 2 fsKock 4 Mr. Fmkhii: 5 Asm Warner. tUnxwMa: ktsktyTtssser Wl. Lastl OMt Jomfckstnnii 122 144 5-2 WarholClark 113 1-34 31 lowrefalliswrth 117 26-3 4 1 MntonGsssi 112 64-10 SI ItiWk.HsfiMii li; 9-S-t SI Stanch Stekert Plyntf 117 2 311 81 SShiWfHearr. NoHblt 112 9 10-1 1 Hound Iwiet EtsminSrmtk 117 5-7 3 10-1 3 Hasty Vodika: SdvndmSctiwHfK 117 (-7-1 20-1 linti Mr.

rsaest rwar) a ttront eftort tt final l16tli to sin Mi. FasMea XI rja burcM si tatntti and aaaa 10 dou test Io mi. ANss Wanier from fat baci to dost ant possiorj SECOND 12,100, 3-year-olds and up, claiming $2,500, i furlonp. PfSerts SRoorn'iMwa: Hooll: IfralttlMt: UfKincfartntr: JeskeyTrakw ScrtindiarfroiMi HmlofdSdmtlaf HnWtHt FrniHpn'MtanMw Wt. Laitl 122 2-85 122 444 21 3- 1 4- 1 6-1 SI 81 8-1 101 101 121 201 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 3- 2-8 554 211 717 4- 98 6-4-5 102-1 DurMml Brandy: kwn; Slits 3 hp's Pistol Bow: JorwsHarlxHir 1 Chroma Plated: Wi'imtVarhol 8 Norhtern City: CordonBrady lOHooffllstfetntr: Pollard Martin 4Jud)'tMatts: JtnstnVoslar 2 rnternanonai Iks: 9 Mitrm: rkjndlfBartraiti J-14 385 201 SoMaefs Plasra'a Asvioa appears to have th best speed in tins race, but stiil has a tendency to slow doarn near the end.

Rotta will be pushtng tor the lend and could hold on to win. Crafty New must com out oi the pack the stretch to set a piece oi the achort THIRD 11,900, 3-year-olds and up, allowance, quarter horses, 330 yards. Ff Herts tosksyTfaHwc 5Rarsealtrpp: SchnenerHtrboer 3 Streaky Sunshine: JohnstonShaeder 6 Reason; Charee: AtMnsonBrown 6 Mr Deckoralion: WellingtonWessals 7Efsy(VnnnWr: SchindlarSchaitel 1 Briht Moon Frost: tefjettCoals 91rulyDrittin: PrJard, Martin 4 I'm Mad Too Edde: Barnes Bunlinj 2 Marshall frtn: WintersWessels Wt. Ustl 0l 123 2 4 5 21 123 1 11 12 3-1 126 2-10 1 41 123 3-5-0 6 1 123 3-11-8 81 120 47-9 101 123 54-6 201 123 547 20-1 123 6-104 201 tEVENTH S2.100. 3 year olds and up, fillies and mares, claiming $2,500, furlonp.

FF Horse IsokayTraeaar Wt. Last I Odds 5 Iron tHiti: HuirdleyWlutney 122 1-8-6 2 1 khnslonGaeds 122 1-3-3 3 1 10 Stone Harbor EHe: lulBadr 119 5 5-3 4 1 2 Patter's Girl: lawnyBliss 122 1-3-6 SI 9 Ufly Mehssa: EssmsnKMer 122 1-8-9 SI 6SassyGmny: Fmnegin 'Adams 119 8-64 1-1 4 Royal Melody: lowryBrocaa 119 3-5-11 101 1 Roaring lhiough: AlkinsonHowden 119 546 3 Really Amber: MartineiWheeler 119 4-8-4 12-l 8 Annie's Legacy: Powrl 'Dawes 119 4 7 11 201 tearseata tm lUfi wrlbe in a duel to the wire. Jhlslnj a a will be nose behind al the wire, ttm Haraew tllle will hold oil Sassy Ginny and Ugly Melissa tor show. no, Second ond Court Avenues, Room 361, Des ftv rtue of rikie of timuiorv auinor iy. a prefer- ente will be given to products and to proaucts ana provisions grown and produced within Hiul tfi IfMMirinmMllr Inhnr.

ced within the stole of iowo It hnllh the ourrhaslne I illcy of Polk rsuntv In allow the Polk County Board ira ot u- pervisors the discretion of snowing preference In rv nf Pa alllt nnH ui mil nrnl vendors of ooods and services ond to encourage said vendors to PUBLIC NOTICE HS SEt KS CONTRACT PROPOSi mild Abuse prevention pr 3SALS FOR 'KOtiKAiyi The Iowo Department of Human Services (DHS) Is soliciting contract proposals for ad (CM II ministration of trie state tlon program for the fiscal Of tl ch abuse on oaram for the seal vea 'ear beginning juiv 1v0. Statewide non profit agencies and or- ionizations are Invited to submit proposal no ater than May 1, 1990. Awardlm ing ot the contract is suoiect to appro-0f lunds by the current session of the prlation of General Assembly. general Assembly. The contractor solicits and reviews protect proposals from community-based coalitions or councils representing osals from community-based Volunteer ans or count reoresent na each com munity's Interests In the Drevention of child abuse ond neglect, according to a consensus of the community's human services providers.

The contractor awards funds from legislative appropriations to selected prevention cts, subiect to tno approval at tne program's xtylsory council. The contractor also monitors and reviews sub ect to the aoorova of the oraaram I ciqyisorycounci projects ond make auarterly reports to DHS assessing the effectiveness of the child abuse prevention program, i ne contractor ana una evaluate all protects before the end of the proi- prevention program ect per oav erioo. DHS is required by law to award the controct to the non-profit group which makes best use of volunteer administrative services. The contractor for the current fiscal year Is the Iowa Chapter of the National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse. Agencies or oraanliation Interested In more Information or application materials I should write to: jonn Holt kamp owa Department of Human Services Division of Adu tuif.

Children and Family Services Hoover State Off Ice Building, 5th Floor ues I Maine. lnwn SO.119 If vou have Questions or reauire additional Information please call: 515-281-5583 and ask for: John Holtkamo (R-371) NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Avoilabllty of th Draft Environmental Assessment for "654 Acre Training Area Land Agency: Iowa Army National Guard Iowa Department of Publ Ic Defense Action: Notice of Availability of tne Draff Env ronmental Assessmei auis tlon of aooroxlmaten nenta Assessment cover na the ac quis tlon of approximately 650 acres of land odio nlno the camp Dodae tlon to be used as troop training and maneu- nuinim, ine s-amr uwy. muiiury Knvrvg. reringsne. The Iowa Army Notional Guard has prepared an Environmental Assessment to od- dress tne approximate uu acr training area and oci rea lana acquisition.

The Draft Environmental Assessment piores alternatives to tne proposed oction with an Impact analysis of the preferred alternative. 3. The draft document Is now available for puouc review ana comment, copies can ce talned a' da. A8. at iowo Armv National Guard.

dg. A8, Camp Dodge, 7700 NW Beaver rive, Johnston, Iowa 50131-1902. Tele phone requests snouid be directed to curt Mao-sen at (515) 242-5557 during business hours. Comments for consideration by the Iowa Army National Guard In the final document should be provided in writing to: LTC David B. Rogers, Facilities ond Construclton Office, Bldg.

A8, Camp Dodge, 7700 NW Beaver Drive, Johnston, Iowa 50131-1902. The draft document will have a 30 day comment period. Tlie end of the comment period will be May 12, 1990. Written substantive comments received at the above address within the review period will be addressed, (R-367) NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that Proposals will be received at the i Metro park tast sanitary Landfill Office of the Des Moines Metrnooiltnn Area Solid Waste Agency, 12181 E. 12th Avenue, Mltchellvllle, Iowo 50169, until 3:00 P.M.

COST, April 30, 1990, ot which time and place the Proposal shall be opened, read aloud and tabulated, for the following: ONE MOTOR GRADER A regular board meeting of the Des Moines Metropolitan Area Solid waste Agency will be held at th Agency office on the 16th day of May, 1990 at 6:30 P.M., CDST, at which time and place said board will consider Proposals submitted, Proposals received will beaded unon by the Agency Board at the time and oface above specified or at such later time and place as navt then be fixed, The Aoencv Board reserves the rlaht to nr. jra reserve! cept or relect any and all bids and may read- veriise for bids upon any conditions or for any reasons deemed ODDrooriate bv said Board and also to waive informalities in the Propos als. Proposals shall be submitted only upon Pn oosa il forms provided bv the Aaenrv. 3ecit cations ond Proposals Forms may be obtt a nM at the Metro Pork East Sanitory Landfill of' (R-326) NOTICEOF REVOCATION OF GRAIN DEALER LICENSE Pursuant to the requirements ot Iowa Code Section 542.12 (1989), all Interested persons are hereby notified of the revocation of Grain Dealer License No. GD-4542 held bv Mid.

Iowa Groin, Eldora, Iowa 50638, effective nnarcnrc, lyvo. Any grain claims against the former grain dealer must be li i in writing ana sent pv orainary moil or delivered personally with sonany witnin i 20, 1990) to th 120 days otter revocation (July 20, iyvu. )) tn the nhnve- named licensee and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Grain Warehouse Bureau. Wallace State Office tratorof the I owa Grain Depositors and Sellers Indemnity Fund. Please contact the Grain Warehouse Bureau at the address above for claim forms or call 515281-5987.

Failure to timely file a grain claim within the 120 days time period relieves the Iowa Grain Depositors and Sellers Indemnity Fund of its obligation. Failure to make a timely grain claim against the Iowa Groin Depositos and Sellers Indemnity Fund does not relieve the grain dealer of his liability to the claimant. (R-369) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids for the construction of Art Building-Replace Roof-East Wing at the University of Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa, will be received by the Iowa State Board of Regents ot the University ArchitecturalEngineering Services Office, 400 North Hall, The University of iowo, Iowa Cltv. Iowa 57242.

until 2:00 p.m. Centra Time, on the 24h day of April, 1990, and will then be publicly opened and reod aloud. The project consists of roof replacement at Art Bulldlng-Eqst Wing at The University of Iowa. Work Includes the removal of existing roofing, insulation and flashing, and installation of new insulation, 60 mil. ETPDM fully-adhered roof system and associated flashing.

eluding all work as specified. This protect has a target percentage of percent for certified Targeted SmalT Business participation. For more Information contact: ArchitecturalEngineering Services Office. 400 North Hall, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242 ijiyjjja-iiij. R-rw) Notice to Creditors of Amer can Federal Savings and Loan Association of Iowa DesMoines, iowo On February 1990, American Federal Savings and Loan Association of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa was closed by tne uttice ot nrirt supervision ana ine Kesoiu- DDDOir Notice Is hereby given to oil parties that may have claims against the Association that the same must be presented to the Receiver, with leool proof on or hefnre Mnv 1A.

1990 or anv such claim may thereafter be disallowed. All claims should be presented to person or mailed to: Kesoiution Trust corporation Receiver of American Federal Savlnss ond Loan Association of Iowa tJa FDirBTr TC 60i Grand Avenue pes Moines, Iowa 50307-2597 Aln; Thomas Heorns. Mnnoalno Agent (R-359) OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Sealed bids will be received bv the State of Iowo, Department of General Sevlces for the following: Thursday, April 19, 1990 3:00 P.M., Sealed Bid 9541 for "Heavy Duty Commercial Gas fr Glenwood State Hospital School, Glenwood, Iowa. Monday, April 23, 1990 3:00 P.M., Sealed Bid 9529 for a GemlnlDahlen Rack Oven" for Iowa Medical Classification Center, Ookdale, Iowa. For information, contact: J.

Robert Soldat, Administrator, Department of General Services, Purchosing Division, Hoover State Off ice Building, Des Moines, Iowa 50319, 515281-3089. Vendors must comply with equal employment opportunity provisions stated In bid doc-uments. purchosing gooes ana services rrom ven dors who produce goods or mainiain an omce In Iowa Preference may also be given to goods produced In Polk County or to vendors maintaining an office In Polk Countv. Further, It ihnlt hlha anllrv nf Pa Countv to Oct vely SPECIAL OFFER XEROX FACSIMILE EIGHTH $2,800, 3-yeai-oMs and up, fillies and mares, claiming $5,000, 6 furlongs. FP Hera lokeyTrtnf 1 Sweel Bod: PaynterSlnclair 5 Miss Iron Cody: EssmanRyun 6 Bono Dancer LullBader 3 Shesa Moon Maid: towryVosler 10 Cllycanthus: Hundiyluller Wt.

Last! Oddi 117 1-1-6 2-1 34-1 1-7-7 7-8-7 818 31 41 51 6-1 -t By DANMcCOOL Reotstet Ctwrespendenf Michael Nunn: "America's sweetheart" or over-rated? With Nunn apparently dumping his longtime management team, his value on the open market draws mixed reviews from boxing analysts. Dennis Rappaport, who managed the career of former heavyweight contender Gerry Cooney, said Nunn BOXING could be the next "America's sweetheart" with proper management. But Dan Duva, manager of current stars Meldrick Taylor and Evander Holyfield, doesn't seem interested In the former resident of Davenport. Duva said Nunn's worth has been overly inflated because of his contract with the HBO cable network. HBO Pays Bills "HBO is the one paying the bills right now.

If he loses HBO, he's got some very major problems," Duva said. And Saturday night's title fight against Marlon Starling is the last of HBO's original three-fight deal with Nunn. Negotiations reportedly are under way to extend the deal. Nunn, the International Boxing Federation middleweight champion, left trainer Joe Goossen's training camp two weeks prior to his fourth title defense, Saturday's 12-round bout with Starling, the World Boxing Council welterweight champion, at The Mirage in Las Vegas. Present indications are that Nunn and the Goos-sen family won't easily make amends after the fight, even though Nunn still has seven months remaining on his contract.

Since leaving the Goossens, Nunn has been training with Cornelius Green of Los Angeles, who claims to have trained four world champion fighters. Eliminate The Negative Rappaport's favorable assessment of Nunn goes like this: "The national press has been painting a picture of a fellow who's cultivated, articulate and a good fighter. With Michael Nunn, based on the strength of his personality, you've got to get rid of the negatives and accentuate the positives. You've got to make him America's sweetheart, sellable to Madison Avenue." The "negatives" that management must help Nunn shed, Rappaport indicated, include such Nunn troubles as a couple of legal scrapes in the last six months. He was arrested on an outstanding traffic warrant after a drunk driver rear-ended his Merce des in California.

"America is looking for its new sweetheart, but America's darlings aren't getting into street fights," said Rappaport, who's now managing the career of heavyweight Mitch "Blood" Green, who got into a street fight with then-heavyweight champion Mike Tyson. Duva's assessment of Nunn's potential is more skeptical. "All a fighter is worth is what he can generate for each particular fight," Duva said. "Michael Nunn is not at the point where he can stand on his own. He needs somebody to dance with." Nunn comes into Saturday's fight eight months after one of his more unpopular efforts.

In winning a majority decision over Iran Barkley in Reno, Nunn was booed by a small crowd for his preference to dance rather than to fight. After the fight, Bob Arum, president of Top Rank Boxing, cut off his promotional ties with Nunn and the Goossens. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION (R NOTICE prll4, 1990 Country Meadows, Inc. requests that firms and individuals providing professional architectural services submit their names, re- sumes, and aualiflcations for consideration in the process of selecting a provider of such architectural services. The Country Meadows organization will be pursuing remodeling and updating of the currently existing Hamilton County Care Facility.

Issues of accessobllity, kitchen remodeling, division of dormitorys into semi-private rooms, ond project feasibility will be addressed with the architect select ed. Written qualifications should be submitted prior to April 21, 1990 to: Country Meadows, Inc Attn: Jock Adams, Executive Director 3 Webster Cltv, Iowo 50595 (R-364) OFFICIAL PUBLICATION This serves as notice that the Iowa Department of Public Health has accepted an application for certificate of Need from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics to reploc their Single Photon Emission Computerized TjOmcgraphy (SPECT) System at a cost of The date for the public hearing before the Stote Health Facilities Council has not been contact this offfc for details. S15-281-40AS, ry tor 173 897 2 6 7 1-1-9 8-1 101 101 10-1 9 Fibber's Game: lawny Henmgh 7 Tomara Oawir JensenErlkeberry WarholAckerrnan 4 Sprirtf Slop: 2 Charmberta: lohnstonBish BiibCargii I Wendy City: 117 9-10-11 20-1 -Swt led. in a vary competitive race, cen finish at top speed to win. Mlat Irt 6edy can lead at the hall.

Oepending on conditiorHng, she can wm. See 0Mr challenged by Chamberta, laeaa Ma MM and Caryoasraa. NINTH $2,900, 3-year-olds and up, lillies and mares, allowance, 6 turiongs. Specia'F900F lerateae lost Pleasure fJeaweatt dale a RippI looks primed for a victory, with slow breakini horses on both sides. Streaky taiMea needs to hold its torm for more than on race at a time.

Suaee Casrse will be pnehed at the start costing it a chance io win. FOURTH- furlongs. 3-year-olds and up, claiming $2,500, 6 FF Harts IsekeyTralaef Wt, Last I Odds 90aKeCapade: WarhoVCIark 122 7 1 1 5-2 4 Oklahoma Bold: O'KelleyBrooks 117 11-34 3-1 5 Stone Harm Bert: EssmanBeder 117 24 2 4-1 10 Mono: AlkinsonLissarrague 117 3-9-9 SI 2Laiario: FinneganAdams 117 5210 SI 11 Anita's Gambia: LowryMcMurtroy 122 15-3 1-1 IVayauatoVaye: tonesCeraker 117 44-7 101 7FleelAlloy: LuilThielen 117 104-3 101 3Mkita: SchindltrFrotine 117 744 15-1 1 Methuselah: HosfordSchindler 117 3-8-1 201 6 Gypsy King: BirdCrunder 117 142 201 PFHerae lookeyTralner Wt. Laall Odds 4 Ms. Van Dross: CordovaRalles 117 344 31 3 Slim Woman: Atkmsonlissarrgue 117 1-5-2 7-2 10 Classic Badria: WartmBlerk 117 2 57 4-1 9 Poco Soto Amour: LowrySongo 117 1-3 3 9 2 7 Star's last Hrrah: lensenFuller 117 412 5-1 1 Private Resort: lonesFuller 117 412 6-1 2 Bold Three Pass: lawnyBliss 113 42 9 61 1 Hidden Blanch: EssmanSlephens 106 9-10-8 10-1 6ietteePnncess: SchleniStaudl 117 14-0 10-1 5 Elaine Alert: NonCiee 117 14-4 201 mm Authfimrd OfWoe Products Peeler svmm1 XEROX ndUi.ldjiiimimbrlrliiireunirl.orXEKOCORPORAT10N.

let stoked Copys Fast Step and Ooc for Diamonds Bemmenti lasee Cased should be in contention down the lane and needs to battle closers near the end Oklakoaa SM could be too far back at trie hall Io catch (he leader out wiH finish hard. Ilea Haitw led win not be far behind but wiR need help in the stretch to fmish battel than show. Automatic or manual receive Delayed dialing 32 character display 10 page document feeder 87 fax and 87 voice phone numbers programmable Built in telephone DEVINE OFFICE EQUIPMENT Des Moines 244-7880 FIFTH $1,568, 3-year-olds and up, Iowa bretts. alio- TENTH $2,500, 3-year-olds, lillies, maiden special ance, quarter horses, 400 yards. weights, 6 furlongs.

FP Herts leyTraet wt. Lett I Odds FP Haras JekrTrafar Wl. LaitS Dddi 3 Will to Love: kitsenHennigh 121 2-23 21 7BimimRose Essmanboslei 119 62-5 2-1 5SnEasy: BarnesBunbng 120 1-7-2 3-1 2Here sMolly: Hoslordiohnson 119 20 5-2 SBugsBo: ietjettCoats 118 S54 4-1 4 Shemayscoot: SkolrudKlemme 119 26-0 3-1 HOueen Barrera: WmlingtonTiKy 118 244 9-2 1 Ms. Enlighten: li'iBadei 119 5-4-9 4 1 lOSrteilUp: LowyReed 118 744 SI 8 Flashy Verona: NoHFett 119 442 SI 2 Miss Dolly Wheel: WmtersO'Kelley 120 101-2 6-1 Alicia: SchlenrStaudt 119 64-5 81 4Pktlace)oker: HcppMcShane 121 6-S3 SI 10 Ms. Patrolman: AllenWheeler 119 8-8-0 ZO-l 6CashsCookin: WinlersFroiene 120 11 SI 3 Ms.

Lisa Mthetl: PoweDOewitt 119 00 20-1 8 Gee Bars Buddy: Atkinson'BurreU 121 74-5 101 9RumboPark: MartmeiHicklin 119 00 20 1 7 Runaway Dash: SchindleiWinkle 120 10-4-5 10-1 6 Oui Henry Etta: fohnstonReiste 119 7 0 0 20 1 1 The Village Wheel: GilbertGage 126 3-3-3 20-1 Ceeasiette-IMil Reie This hower has given us lade, but CeeMMStt WW ts Let late surge be enough for a victo at the wire. Hi Easy has looked strong, with energy at end. left le show. Jockey's jog in fog: Win, case, go ULi KdJU Uliliy esueaata Me. Vaa Droee wi start slowly and continually dose to win a photo finish.

SHa Woman can slither into second, but chollongers are on her on flank. Blsaale ladrla cannot be last out of the gate and Mpecl to win. against this held should bkm. Here's MeSy be out strong, but also could fade. Ibeaaayseeet Don't be surprised il this horse closes along with Flaahy Veres to upset the leaders April 27, says the chairman of the Minnesota Racing Commission.

"I think it will occur on time. I -don't think the opening is in jeopardy at all," chairman Ralph Strangis said. Strangis answered questions about the negotiations between the track's new owners, Bernard Hartman and Herbert Tyner, and its prospective 't operator, Ladbroke Racing Corp. "What you have to realize in something this large is that on any given day negotiations may be going well or not going so well," Strangis said. Strangis and Dick Krueger, the" commission's executive director, said a public hearing will be held as uled Monday night at Shakopee High School to consider license applica-tions for the track's new owners and I operators.

'j Clints Girl surprises field in My Brown Eyes Blue Purse CHICAGO, ILL. Clints Girl, rid- den by Kerwin Clark, won the My Brown Eyes Blue Purse of $21,000. Wednesday at Sportsman's Park. Tal-culus, a 20-1 long shot, finished' second, 1V lengths behind. By The Associated Press LAFAYETTE, LA.

Jockey Sylvester Carmouche was banned Wednesday from racing in Louisiana for 10 years because he allegedly took a fog-shrouded short cut to win a horse race at Delta Downs. "As my mother used to say, 'I don't know how you spilled the milk, I just know you spilled State Racing Commission member Jeffrey Kallen-berg said. Kallenberg made a motion to suspend Carmouche at a hearing. Carmouche has been accused of slowing his horse, Landing Officer, near the starting gate during a race Jan. 11.

He brought the horse back into the race as the field returned. Landing Officer, a 23-1 long shot, appeared to win. "It ain't right," Carmouche said. "I know I ain't did it. I leave it up to my lawyers what to do." Carmouche's lawyer, Kent Schaf-fer, said he would appeal the commission's decision.

Beleaguered Canterbury expected to open on time SHAKOPEE, MINN. There is no reason to think that Canterbury Downs will not open on schedule BnnppfrpFo) nnp LUGO ffiiffl The first Earth Day was declared on April 22, 1970, to prompt individuals to take better care of the planet and to act in ways to safeguard our environment On Sunday, April 15, just one week before the world celebrates the 20th anniversary of Earth Day, the Des Moines Sunday Register examines the significance of this environmental celebration. What has happened with Iowa's environment and the environmental movement during the 20 years since the first Earth Day? How is the recycling effort going in Iowa? What events are planned around the state to celebrate Earth Day? Don't miss this special preview of Earth Day 1990 in the Sunday Register, April 15. Make sure that Register columnist Julie Gammack gets to smooch the snoot of a pig on April 24. Cast your vote for Julie by donating to the American Diabetes Association, Iowa Affiliate, during the Kiss-A-Pig Contest Every dollar you donate means more votes for Julie, and more funds for the prevention and treatnient of diabetes.

For iiTforrriation on how to vote, contact Julie's campaign managers, KGGO's Lou and Larry, at 265-6181, or call the American Diabetes Association, towa Affiliate, at 276-2237. Dance to "Lavender Lace" Friday and Saturday night in the Clubhouse, No racing Easter Sunday, April 15. Post Thu. 6 p.m.; Sua, 2 p.m. 1-80 Exit 142 Altoona ns 33 tmr Mim-mrwi3MxwmmrmrwrMmrwemr--im ak ask afe-sat A jeVA Vja.A, a..

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.