The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 5651-5700 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 5651
Jeremiah was a little puzzled.

She looked at Charlie and asked in surprise “Mr. Wade …… you and Miss Lin,”

“Why are you taking the risk of approaching Victoria?”

“Isn’t this …… this too dangerous?”

Charlie blandly said “It sounds quite dangerous, but in fact,”

“Miss Lin and I don’t really intend to approach Victoria;”

“Miss Lin’s idea is to make a time difference,”

“According to her analysis, wherever Victoria goes, the probability is that the members of the Warriors Den have already withdrawn,”

“Besides, the entire Warriors Den has now entered into the silent stage,”

“So as long as this time difference is played well,”

“The place where she’s going to be is instead safer for us.”

Speaking here, Charlie couldn’t help but sigh “She is the biggest enemy in my life so far,”

“I always have to know what this person looks like first, Besides,”

“Her purpose of coming to China this time is most likely to go to the Hundred Mountains,”

“And I would also like to know where Master Meng Changsheng, back then, actually practiced in seclusion.”

Hearing this, Jeremiah gently nodded.

She spoke up and said “Mr. Wade and Miss Lin have exceptional guts and strategies,”

“You are really a perfect match, the two of you will definitely be able to defeat the Warriors Den,”

“And kill Victoria when you join forces!”

Charlie smiled and said lightly, “If you want to defeat the Warriors Den,”

“Your comprehensive strength must exceed that of Warriors Den;”

“If you want to defeat Victoria, your personal strength must exceed Victoria,”

“No matter which of these two dimensions, we are still far from being able to do so.”

Jeremiah seriously said, “Things are what they are,”

“I firmly believe that Mr. Wade will be able to do it!”

Saying that she immediately said to Charlie,

“Mr. Wade, Victoria had taught me a mental mantra,”

“By running the mental mantra, one can hide the traces of one’s breath and aura,”

“I’ll tell you about the mental mantra, try it yourself.”

Charlie nodded “Then thank you, Ms. Yun.”

Jeremiah did not hide anything and immediately taught Charlie the technique that Victoria had taught her, word for word.

After Charlie memorized it, he tried to run the Technique,

And it really felt as if the aura in his body had formed a barrier on the surface of his body,

Locking all the aura in it.

When Jeremiah saw Charlie successfully running the method,

She opened her mouth and reminded, “Mr. Wade, one of the biggest drawbacks of this heart method is that after the aura of the spiritual qi is hidden,”

“You yourself will not be able to use the spiritual qi anymore,”

“And once you use the spiritual qi, the effect of the concealment will also be terminated immediately,”

“So you must be a little more careful.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded his head slightly, and after a few words of thanks, he said to Jeremiah,

“Ms. Yun recuperates well here, I will come back to visit after I return from Diannan.”

Jeremiah subconsciously said “Mr. Wade, why don’t I also go with you,”

“In case of danger, I can also help you!”

Charlie waved his hand “I can ask for your help when I meet any other enemy,”

“But not when I meet Victoria, there is a formation left behind by her in your Nuan Palace,”

“And I think that with her insidiousness and viciousness,”

“She must have a way to activate the formation,”

“So it is safer for you to not appear around her.”

Jeremiah gently nodded.

She felt that what Charlie had said was very reasonable,

Victoria was ruthless since she could leave a powerful self-destruct formation within her Nuan Palace,

She must have a way to activate it.

Thus, she spoke, “Then I will congratulate you in advance on your triumph, Master.”

Chapter 5652

At this moment.

The Boeing 777 that Victoria was traveling on had already flown through New Zealand’s airspace,

And would soon land in Australia for fuel resupply.

The speed of nearly a thousand kilometers per hour was already fast,

But it still made Victoria a little anxious.

Ever since her master’s portrait was released in Aurous Hill,

Her mind had collapsed, completely losing the composure that a four hundred-year-old woman should have.

She alone looked at the flight chart in front of her,

Staring at the altitude and speed data above, she couldn’t help but curse in a low voice,

“The faster the development of modern technology, the more profit-oriented these ba5tards are,”

“The Concorde back then could fly more than 2,000 kilometers in an hour,”

“But nowadays the airplane can’t even fly 1,000, and the ones that can fly 1,000 don’t have a long enough range!”

Seeing her anger, a crew member hurriedly stepped forward and respectfully said,

“Lord please calm down, our voyage is really too far, even if we have Concorde airliners,”

“It is still very difficult to handle, its maximum range is only 5,000 to 6,000 kilometers,”

“And if we fly from Buenos Aires to Melbourne,”

“The Concorde airliners can only fly halfway, and in between is the ocean,”

“And we can’t find any suitable place to land and refuel.”

Victoria waved her hand impatiently, signaling the other party not to bother her,

She also knew that supersonic airplanes had many drawbacks,

Using that thing to fly ultra-long distance routes was just as devastating as using a new energy car to drive a long distance,

And so she did not say anymore, but the boredom in her heart was still not solved.

Just then, the satellite phone in front of her suddenly rang.

She lowered her head, looked at the words “Pavel Chen” written on the phone,

And immediately sat up straight, then she immediately picked up the phone,

And asked in a cold voice, “Any news from the An family?”

On the other end of the phone, Pavel hurriedly said,

“Reporting back to Lord, the subordinate has just gotten in touch with Tece.”

Victoria gritted her teeth and said, “They really didn’t die!”

After that, she asked, “Have you gotten any news?”

Pavel respectfully said,

“The subordinate called you to report something to you.”

Victoria coldly spat out a word “Speak!”

Pavel hurriedly said concisely,

“Tece told me that the person who saved their family in Aurous Hill,”

“And the person who saved them in New York was the same person!”

“What?!” Victoria said offhandedly, “Is the information reliable?”

Pavel said “Tece personally told me, it should not be wrong,”

“In addition, she also told me, that person appeared as soon as Jermo appeared in front of them.”

“If he was half a step late Jermo would have been able to kill the whole An family at once.”

Victoria said grimly “It’s no use talking about this now,”

“The priority now is to figure out who that person is!”

Saying that Victoria also asked,

“Have you asked Tece, while helping the lives of An family, the other person said something or anything to Jermo?”

“There ……” Pavel subconsciously said and then fell into apprehension all of a sudden.

He also didn’t know how to explain to Victoria about the words that Charlie had left behind,

Fearing that Lord was going to condemn him if she felt unhappy.

Victoria heard that he was a little afraid, so she said lightly,

“Don’t worry, what I ask you, you answer truthfully,”

“Even if there are some offenses, I won’t pursue them.”

Pavel then relieved, quickly said,

“Tece said, that person knows the identity of Jermo,”

“Also knows the existence of the Warriors Den, more importantly,”

“He also knows your identity …… he said …… hehe said ……”

Victoria heard the topic led to her, naturally, she can not wait to know the follow-up details,

Listen to the phone on the other end and hearing no sound, she coldly rebuked,

“Be quick when you are speaking otherwise I will cut off your tongue!”

The other party heard this, immediately felt apprehensive,

And hastily made the effort to convey Charlie’s words and said,

“He said …… he said he wanted to personally cut your head down ……”

Chapter 5653

“What did you say?!”

Victoria was instantly furious at this moment!

She had lived for four hundred years,

And the last three hundred years she had almost ignored everything.

In these three hundred years, that person was the first one who dared to say that he would cut off her head!

Pavel on the other end of the phone, hearing Victoria’s furious shout,

Was instantly scared out of his wits, and hurriedly groveled and said,

“Lord forgive me, this subordinate is only repeating that thief’s original words,”

“Not showing any disrespect to you, Lord. ……”

Although Victoria knew very well that Pavel was just repeating,

She was still furious in her heart.

Pavel was afraid that Victoria’s anger wouldn’t go away, and quickly said,

“Lord, the subordinate is willing to share the worries of the Lord,”

“Allow me to go to Aurous Hill, then subordinate must do everything possible for the Lord to find out what is the mysterious person in the end!”

Victoria coldly said, “Your going over now is like completely throwing yourself into the net.”

Pavel busily said “Lord, Leliah is already dead,”

“The chances of the An family suspecting this subordinate again are not great,”

“Besides, even if they suspect this subordinate, so what?”

“Without concrete evidence, I don’t believe they can still kill me.”

“After all, I am the son-in-law of the An family,”

“The husband of Tece An, and I have always been valued by Old man Nicolas. ……”

Victoria said disdainfully, “The An family is far more cunning than you can imagine,”

“After Leliah’s defeat, the An family will never trust any outsiders again,”

“Even if you are Tece An’s husband, so what?”

“As long as they are suspicious of you, they will definitely not let you off easily.”

Pavel couldn’t help but say “But Lord ……’s current situation is really too passive for us,”

“As long as that mysterious expert behind the An family isn’t found out,”

“We won’t be able to rest in peace for a day!”

Victoria coldly snorted “Even Jermo can’t handle that mysterious expert,”

“It’s even more impossible for you to find out any clues about him.”

“Maybe after the other party captures you,”

“They torture you and eventually get more of our secrets from you.”

Pavel hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth,

“Lord, this subordinate is telling you from the bottom of my heart,”

“Right now, this subordinate also feels that it is a bit difficult to ride the tiger,”

“Such a big thing has happened to the An family,”

“If this subordinate doesn’t go to Aurous Hill, the people of the An family will surely suspect this subordinate as well,”

“So how can I get past this hurdle at that time?”

Victoria blandly said, “Don’t worry, since the An family has already suspected you,”

“You can’t get through this hurdle, but one thing is good, you and Tece’s daughter,”

“Now in your hands, keep this ace in the hole, maybe it will be useful in the future,”

“And you don’t want to tear your face off with the An family for the time being,”

“Bring up the child in the United States, the An family won’t leave Aurous Hill in a short period of time,”

“And they should not take the initiative to tear their face off with you,”

“They won’t take the initiative to tear your face off,”

“Everyone will keep their heads in the sand for the time being and keep each other in check.”

Pavel respectfully said, “subordinate follows orders!”


At this moment.

After Charlie mastered the Heart Technique of Concealing Breath and Aura,

He drove to the Mountain Manor to pick up Maria to go to the airport with him.

Upon arriving at the Mountain Villa, Larry, Ethan, Old Zhang,

And an old lady who appeared to be around seventy years old were waiting respectfully outside the gate of the Villa early in the morning.

Seeing Charlie drive up, the four of them rushed forward and waited respectfully outside the car door.

Charlie pushed the door and got out of the car,

The four people agreed to bow to Charlie at the same time, full of respect, and said,

“Mr. Wade is great!”

Charlie was caught a little off guard by the four people, and hurriedly said,

“You people don’t need to be so polite, just call me Charlie.”

With that, he looked at the old lady beside Larry and asked curiously “You must be Mrs. Qiu, right?”

Larry’s old companion folded her hands and said respectfully,

“Back to Mr. Wade, I am indeed his wife. He has given me the Rejuvenation Pill given by Mr. Wade,”

“And I would like to thank you for your blessings!”

Just as she finished speaking, she was about to kneel down.

Charlie was about to go to stop, but Larry blocked between the two and respectfully said,

“Mr. Wade, Miss said that if you don’t thank the grace piously, you have to fold your blessings ……”

Charlie pursed his lips, wanted to say something, but still held back.

These four old people, although their ages added up to almost four hundred years old,

In their hearts, they had always held Maria’s words as a guiding principle.

It was no exaggeration to say that Maria was their life tutor, and whatever she said, they believed and did.

Therefore, if what they said was at odds with Maria, then they would definitely choose to listen to her.

Unable to do anything about it,

Charlie could only allow the old lady to kneel on the ground and pay her respects.

Only after she got up, did Charlie open his mouth and say “By the way, has Ms. Lin come down yet?”

Larry said, “Mr. Wade, Miss has orders, said that after you come, please visit to her courtyard first.”

Chapter 5654

Charlie originally thought that he was in a hurry,

Maria directly comes down and the two of them would go to the airport together,

But he did not expect Maria to want him to go up first.

However, he did not have any other thoughts or opinions, if she had said so, he should do so.

With that, he arched his hand at the four of them and took a step up to the top floor of the courtyard.

At this time, Maria was still making tea in the courtyard.

Before Charlie entered the door, he could smell the fragrance of tea coming from the courtyard,

Gently knocking on the door, he heard Maria’s voice coming out from the courtyard, “Master, please come in.”

Charlie pushed open the door, Maria wearing a fat and large Gucci white T-shirt,

With a pair of LV classic print shorts, feet stepped on a pair of Hermes leather slippers,

More surprising is that her hair was ironed into a big wave,

She looks young and stylish, but also with a few points of charm.

And this dressed Maria, at this time is sitting in front of the stove to prepare tea,

The picture makes Charlie feel a little out of place.

At this time Charlie is indeed feeling surprise, after all, Maria in his impression,

Has always been a very classical beauty of the girl, even if she is wearing a school uniform or summer t-shirt,

It is difficult to cover the classical beauty, and now the image of a complete contrast.

Maria saw Charlie’s face surprised, and could not help but flirt “Is my dress making you frightened Master?”

Charlie smiled “Indeed I did not understand, this does not seem to be your style ah.”

Maria pursed her lips and smiled while pouring tea for Charlie while saying,

“After all, it is to go out and show the face, or make some disguise is safer.”

“By the way, Master, I got some clothes for you, would you like to change?”

Charlie was surprised and asked, “You also prepared a dress for me?”

Maria smiled and said “My current look is still a big difference from Master,”

“The two of us going out together, I’m afraid it will make people feel a little mismatched.”

Charlie laughed and said “Listen to the advice of others and eat your fill,”

“Since Ms. Lin has prepared it all for me, then I will change into it.”

Maria’s pretty face blushed, shyly said “Master, please follow me.”

Charlie followed her into the room, Maria then took a shopping bag from the table and handed it to Charlie,

Softly asking, “Do you need me to serve you to change?”

Charlie was shocked, and quickly waved his hand, “No, no, I’ll do it myself!”

Maria nodded her head with some loss, and said,

“Then, Master go upstairs to change, I am waiting downstairs,”

“If you need my help, please feel free to order.”

Charlie said in his heart he is not a challenged person to need help from others.

He is not disabled, but on the face with a smiling expression said, “Okay, then I go.”

Upstairs, is Maria’s boudoir.

The boudoir is permeated with the same light fragrance of Maria’s body,

So that people can not help but have some slight sense of vertigo.

Charlie subconsciously recalled his experience when he was seriously injured and was helped onto the bed by her,

And all of a sudden, there was an indescribably marvelous feeling in his heart.

However, he did not dare to think too much and hurriedly took out the clothes that Maria had prepared for him and prepared to change into them.

When the clothes were taken out, he realized that Maria had prepared the same couple’s clothes for him and herself.

The clothes in Charlie’s hand were also the enlarged Gucci t-shirt, the classic printed LV shorts and the same Hermes slippers.

Maria is thinking of disguising as a couple to go to Yunnan.

However, Charlie did not think too much, a man and a woman out, disguised as a couple is relatively more reasonable,

This time they could be closer to Victoria, naturally can not afford to be sloppy,

And the more cautious will be the safer.

So he immediately changed his clothes and walked down the stairs.

When Maria saw Charlie coming down the stairs, even her eyebrows curved out in a happy arc.

Although Charlie was already twenty-eight years old, but after all, with the aura added,

He looked like a young lad in his early twenties and with this relatively trendy outfit,

No one would question it if they said that he was a college student.

The more Maria looked at Charlie, the more joyful she felt in her heart,

Feeling that the two of them wearing the couple’s attire looked like an unspeakable sense of coordination everywhere.

Charlie came in front of Maria, seeing her blushing, he asked curiously,

“Miss Lin, are these clothes prepared by you or by Mr. Qiu?”

Maria shyly said, “It was me who asked them to prepare it.”

Said, Maria hastily explained “I think, this time with the gentleman to go to Diannan,”

“How to the external packaging of the relationship between me and the gentleman,”

“Determines the chances of exposure, think about it, it seems to be …… still seems to be more appropriate for couples… …”

Charlie didn’t think much about it, nodded and said,

“In that case, then after you and I go out, we’ll play lovers in front of outsiders.”

Maria lightly bit her lower lip, with a few twists and turns said,

“Since it’s playing a couple, then is the gentleman going to think of a suitable name for me?”

“Suitable name?” Charlie asked curiously “How do you call it?”

Maria hesitated for a moment and said with a red face,

“I see that young couples nowadays either call each other baby or darling,”

“Or call each other husband and wife or something like that ……”

Charlie awkwardly said “This …… I let Ms. Lin to determine it,”

“You eat salt, more than I eat rice, whatever you think is appropriate.”

Maria rolled her eyes and muttered, “Master this is a change of law ……”

“No no ……” Charlie subconsciously raised his hands together and waved his hands, solemnly saying,

“I swear I don’t have this meaning, I just simply feel that Ms. Lin, you have much more experience in all aspects than I do,”

“I’m in front of you, I’m not going to show off my skills. I’ll just do whatever you say.”

Maria anxious straight stomping feet, and shy and shameful said,

“Though I have lived longer but I have no such experience. On the other hand, you have been married ……”

Charlie couldn’t help but sigh awkwardly, and said,

“We are both crippled meets crippled. It is hard to explain……”.

Chapter 5655

Charlie’s words caused Maria’s eyebrows to involuntarily tremble.

She seemed to have figured out something,

But deliberately did not ask again, instead throwing this into the back of her mind,

She smiled and said to Charlie, “Since master can’t make up his mind, then let me decide.”

After saying this, she tilted her head and pondered for a moment, and spoke,

“If it was in ancient times, then I must call you husband,”

“But now no one calls it that anymore, and the master and I are pretending to be a couple,”

“Rather than a husband and wife,”

“So how about me calling the master dear, and the master calling me baby?”

After saying this, Maria was breathing heavily, her pretty face was red,

And she looked at Charlie apprehensively, fearing that he would refuse or be dissatisfied.

Charlie did not feel anything, pretending to be a couple,

Even the couple’s clothes are worn, now calling names feels normal,

If the two people have to be in a couple’s relationship,

Going out and calling the name does not seem to be inappropriate.

So he nodded indifferently and said,

“Baby right? Okay.”

Said, Charlie instructed her, “Then you must remember, don’t say the word master in front of others,”

“We are now in a new era, not ancient times,”

“If you say so outside, don’t know people still think I have any special fetish……”.

Maria spat out her tongue, unconvinced said,

“Master, I am from the old era living all the way to the new era, I am clear now,”

“Moreover, for hundreds of years have not been using these words,”

“But only in front of the master so, out of this courtyard, I will be adjusted to it.”

“That’s good.” Charlie nodded, then looked at the time and said, “It’s getting late, let’s set off.”

“Okay.” Maria nodded and said to Charlie, “Sir, after leaving this door, I will address you as dear?”

Charlie nodded and casually said,

“As long as you are not afraid of getting laughed at by the four old people below, just call me as you please.”

Maria immediately said with a red face,

“Wrong wrong wrong, I said, after leaving the Manor ……”

Charlie helplessly shook his head, “Okay, hurry up, they are waiting below,”

“Probably waiting to say goodbye to you.”

“Okay.” Maria nodded her head and said somewhat apologetically,

“Master, I would trouble you to wait outside the door for a few moments for me,”

“I will come after giving my father an incense burner.”

Charlie quickly agreed, and then went out of the room alone first.

Maria waited for Charlie to go out, then came to her father’s spiritual seat,

She used her slender jade hand to pick up three incense burners, carefully ignited them,

Curls of sandalwood smoke rose up before inserting the three incense sticks into the incense burner,

And then knelt down on the bushel in front of the spiritual seat, hands folded, murmured in a very low voice,

“Father…. …I am about to return to Diannan with Master Wade,”

“I hope that your spirit in heaven will bless us for safety. Also blessed master to get what he wants……”

After saying that, she kowtowed three times to the spiritual seat, then she stood up and walked out quickly.

Charlie waited in the courtyard, and when he saw Maria come out,

He smiled faintly at her, and the two of them walked down from the top floor of the other courtyard together.

Below, four old people were waiting in the hall on the first floor, co*cking their heads to look up the stairs.

Old Zhang saw that the two of them really came out in couple’s clothes,

And said in surprise “Aiya! Mr. Wade and Miss Wade are really a match made in heaven!”

Ethan looked at the two of them, and couldn’t help but ask and wondered,

“Old Zhang, among the three of us, you are the one who has been with Miss the longest,”

“In the past ninety years, have you ever seen Miss smile like this? Isn’t this textbook shyness?”

At this moment Maria with a shy smile came down walking on the side of Charlie,

They can obviously see that she is in a very good mood, the afterglow from time to time stealing glances at the side of Charlie,

However, the three of them have an impression of Maria, although love to laugh,

But always is heartless, and not playful and overbearing kind.

All together this is a different type of personality they are seeing.

Now, they finally realized that the original young lady also had such a girlish and shy side.

Larry looked at Maria walking in the distance,

And couldn’t help but sigh with a smile on his face,

“Miss must be even more beautiful if she wears a wedding gown, right?”

Ethan waved his hand and said in a serious manner,

“No, Miss looks too young, nowadays girls are getting married in their twenties and thirties,”

“Miss looks like she hasn’t graduated from high school,”

“So I’m afraid that wearing a wedding dress will be a bit out of place.”

Larry’s old companion lowered her voice and reminded them,

“You three old men gossip at least wait for the lady and Mr. Wade’s departure,”

“Mr. Wade is very powerful, if you let him listen, I do not know how to look at you!”

Larry quickly said to the other two, “Shut up, shut up, wait for Miss and Mr. Wade to leave before saying anything.”

The other two also had the good sense to keep their mouths shut,

The three of them pretended to be fine, their eyes glancing around the hall.

It was only after Charlie and Maria came in that the three of them rushed forward,

And together with Larry’s old companion, they respectfully said, “Good day Miss, good day Mr. Wade!”

Chapter 5656

Maria’s shy smile had disappeared, replaced by a seriousness like a parent,

She said, “I’m leaving for Yunnan with Mr. Wade, this place is in your care, remember, no one is allowed to go up.”

Larry said without thinking, “Don’t worry miss, I will arrange everything!”

Maria nodded, then looked at Ethan, and faintly said “Old Sun, I had nothing to do last night,”

“I did a fortune telling for you, your fortune has been broken by Mr. Wade,”

“There will be no changes in the next twenty to thirty years,”

“You can breathe a sigh of relief if something happens over in Eastcliff,”

“You can also feel at ease and boldly go back to deal with it.”

“You don’t have to be consumed by affairs here all the time.”

Maria knew that the path that Ethan took, was different from others,

Which also destined him to hardly have absolute autonomy of choice,

If he ran outside for a long time, maybe someone in Eastcliff would come out to look for him specifically.

Ethan also knows his own situation, sighed,

“Miss, not to hide it from you, my life is also considered to be a bow and scrape,”

“And now older, and do not want to worry more, my partner left early,”

“The three children are all over the world,”

“Going back to Eastcliff to live in the high walls is also boring if you allow it,”

“I want to stay here for a longer period of time,”

“But also to catch up with the childhood brothers about old times.”

Maria pondered for a moment, nodded her head, and said,

“Staying here is also not bad, let’s start with this,”

“Make your own reasonable arrangements, I won’t worry about you.”

Ethan respectfully arched his hand and said,

“Miss doesn’t need to worry about me, it’s better to go busy with Mr. Wade as soon as possible!”

Maria nodded slightly and said to the four people,

“In that case, then Mr. Wade and I will leave first.”

The four people hurriedly sent the two to the courtyard,

And only after seeing Charlie and Maria sitting in the car one by one and witnessing them driving down the mountain,

Did they put their hearts at ease?

In the car, Charlie focused on driving, while Maria, who was on the side, somehow turned red again.

She looked at Charlie, looked out the window, and hesitated again and again, before shyly asking him,

“Honey, how long will it take for us to get to the airport?”

Charlie casually said “Half an hour.”

Maria couldn’t help but ask him in a huff,

“Shouldn’t you call me baby?”

Charlie coughed twice and asked her,

“There’s no one else here, do we really need to do that?”

Maria complained, “I just promised to say that……”.

Charlie immediately said in a serious manner,

“Okay, keep your promise.”

After that, she adjusted a bit, and said,

“Baby, we will be at the airport in half an hour.”

Maria smiled shyly and sweetly, and happily said,

“I know, thank you, dear!”

Satisfied Maria, couldn’t help but glance at Charlie’s left hand holding the steering wheel, and asked curiously,

“Honey, didn’t you wear the ring I gave you?”

Charlie casually said, “Why wear it? That ring recognizes the master as your father and not me,”

“I go out with you, in danger it will still teleport me to you,”

“In case we really encountered Victoria, won’t she be able to grab it? That is why I decided to not wear it.”

“Victoria wants that ring the most, we do not carry it around,”

“Even if really caught by Victoria, we still have a capital to bargain.”

Maria nodded her head and said,

“Honey your analysis is comprehensive, I had not thought about this point ……”


Half an hour later, the two arrived at the airport.

Charlie parked the car and just got off,

Maria stepped forward and took the initiative to hold Charlie’s arm, looking very intimate.

Charlie was slightly stunned before he could say anything, Maria said,

“Couples should be holding each other like this, right?”

“Oh ……” Charlie understood that she was pretending to be a couple with him,

So he nodded and said, “It should be.”

Maria could not help but laugh, “Then a moment when boarding, in order to not let the crew suspect, I should not be holding your hand?”

Charlie nodded his head and said, “No problem, you just watch.”

Saying that Charlie took out his cell phone and looked at it,

On the paid version of the flight software,

He was able to clearly see that Victoria’s plane had already flown over New Zealand, and was already very close to Melbourne.

Charlie, while being held by Maria, looked at his cell phone and said in a low voice,

“Victoria’s plane has already gone down to altitude, it seems that she must land in Melbourne to replenish fuel,”

“The whole process will take at least an hour, we are expected to take off at the same time as her,”

“Considering that she has to go to Myanmar first, we have to have plenty of time,”

Maria nodded slightly and sighed, “I haven’t been back in many years,”

“When I arrive in Yunnan, everything will be at your disposal.”

Chapter 5657

Two people, in a pair of fashionable dresses, in the VIP channel arm in arm after check-in,

And arm in arm at the airport for VIP service business car.

In the eyes of outsiders, these two people must be a rich second-generation couple,

Not only dressed in big brands, but two people also go out for a trip,

Have to spend hundreds of thousands on chartered flights.

However, this was the best disguise for Charlie and Maria.

With Charlie’s current state, saying that he was just twenty years old wouldn’t make anyone suspicious,

And walking down the aisle to meet an acquaintance head-on,

He was afraid that he wouldn’t be recognized either.

The two boarded the airplane, the crew guided them to the spacious cabin,

Maria directly ignored the front two independent first-class seats,

Pulling Charlie while walking backward, while pampering, “Honey, I want to sit with you.”

At the back, there were side-by-side double seats with no armrests in the center, a standard double sofa seat.

As soon as Maria got on the airplane, she had her eye on these two seats.

Charlie naturally cooperated seriously with the acting, nodding his head repeatedly,

“Since you want to sit together then let’s sit together.”

Maria stopped her steps and said with a serious face,

“You forgot to call me baby.”

Charlie was stunned by her serious look, and said awkwardly, “There are people next to me.”

The stewardess next to him couldn’t help but cover her mouth and snicker.

In her opinion, the two young people in front of her were a standard couple in love, without any contradiction.

Maria didn’t care about the air hostess beside her, and said very seriously,

“The term of endearment is to be called in front of people, which can only prove that you truly love me ah,”

“If you only call me baby in private, but keep a distance between you and me in front of people,”

“Doesn’t it mean that you’re eating what’s in the bowl, but still thinking about what’s in the pot?”

The stewardess beside her couldn’t help but quietly give a thumbs-up to Maria,

Charlie saw Maria so into the drama, thinking that he couldn’t be a piggyback dragging people’s hind legs,

So he gave up his old face, and said with extra sincerity,

“Baby, you’re right!”

Maria’s pretty face turned red, satisfied nodded, and seriously said, “In the future, you have to remember,”

“The more outside, the more you have to be with me not numb and mushy,”

“So that there is no other woman to play your idea,”

“There is no other man who misses me, this is called the Declaration of Sovereignty.”

Charlie nodded his head repeatedly “Baby is right, baby is right.”

After saying that, he looked at the stewardess beside him and ordered,

“Miss, please pour a cup of water for my baby, after talking so much, she should be thirsty.”

The stewardess couldn’t help herself, and hurriedly said,

“Mr. Miss wait a moment, I’ll go and prepare something to drink for the two of you.”

Maria blankly glanced at Charlie and muttered,

“You think I talk too much, don’t you? Look at my little fist!”

After saying that, she raised her hand and gently hammered twice on Charlie’s chest.

The flight attendant’s heart was full of envy, in her opinion,

The way this couple flirted was the truest reaction between lovers.

When the stewardess went to the kitchen in the front cabin,

Maria spat out her tongue at Charlie, then sat down next to him,

Smilingly asked him in a low voice “How was it, Did I act okay?”

Charlie nodded his head, seriously said,

“I must say if you say you have not been in love,”

“I absolutely do not believe, feel that you simply are too clear.”

Maria was shy and anxious “I have never been in love, but at least I have seen movies and TV dramas!”

“Isn’t flirting a common occurrence in relationship dramas?”

“Yes yes yes.” Charlie nodded his head with a smile, at this time,

The airplane had slowly rolled out of its slot, so Charlie brought the topic back to the main topic and whispered,

“We’ll be able to land in Lijiang in more than two hours,”

“The first thing we’ll do is rent a car to go to Dali after we land,”

“Can you still recall the exact location of your father’s clothing grave?”

Maria put away her smile and spoke “My father’s clothes mound,”

“In the northeast of Erhai, I’ve seen maps and satellite photos, that place is now renamed Shuanglang.”

Charlie nodded, took out his cell phone to check the map, and said,

“Shuanglang is still closer to Lijiang, it’s almost an hour and a half drive after getting off the plane.”

“Well ……” Maria nodded slightly and said,

“Father’s clothes mound is on the mountain in the northeast of Shuanglang,”

“A few hundred years have passed, I don’t know what has become there now.”

Charlie asked, “Were there tombstones left in the beginning?”

“There was.” Maria said “At first, I asked someone to carve a stone monument,”

“And buried his clothes from his life with my mother, but I don’t know if I can still find it.”

Charlie asked him “Is your mother also buried there?”

Chapter 5658

Maria said “Originally, but before I left Dali, I was afraid that Victoria would destroy my parents’ remains,”

“So I took up my mother’s remains and cremated them,”

“And then buried them with my father’s ashes in Poole.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Then let’s find a way to find your father’s burial mound,”

“And then find a way to see how to lay some surveillance, and strive to be able to capture Victoria when she goes,”

“After making good preparations, we won’t wait for Victoria to arrive,”

“And I’ll directly accompany you to Poole to pay homage to your parents.”

Maria looked at Charlie and said seriously, “Master, Victoria is suspicious by nature,”

“Maybe this time she will also disguise herself or even change her face,”

“If you can’t get a picture of her appearance, you mustn’t be disappointed.”

“It’s fine.” Charlie blandly said “I mainly do not rest assured that you go to Yunnan alone,”

“Would like to accompany you to pay tribute to your parents, and then accompany you back to the mother of Pu tea,”

“And finally bring you safely back to Aurous Hill,”

“As for Victoria, but it’s just like a meal to find the boss to ask for an invoice to scrape a prize,”

“If it is not good luck, does not matter, anyway, any way you can still eat the meal.”

Maria’s heart touched, gently nodded, and sighed “My biggest wish before was to go back to Diannan again before I die,”

“To all these places again and again, thanks to the blessing of the master, this time finally can be realized ……”

Charlie asked her “If you solve the trouble of Victoria, what do you want to do the most?”

Maria said without thinking, “What I wanted to do the most is to move my parents’ mausoleum to the edge of the Tianchi,”

“And then put up a cabin by the side of the Tianchi, at the place where the mother of Pu Cha failed to cross the threshold,”

“Raise a few cows, raise a few sheep, and then raise a dog, and spend the rest of my life in peace.”

Charlie curiously asked “Before? What about now?”

“Now?” Maria looked at Charlie, lowered her eyelids, and murmured,

“These days there is suddenly some confusion ……”

Charlie asked her, “Confused about what?”

Maria smiled faintly and said softly, “Confused about where I should go in the future.”

At this time, the stewardess carrying two cups of drinks,

From the front of the kitchen area came over, and the two ended the topic.

Maria was in a somewhat depressed mood when she saw the stewardess coming,

She leaned her head sideways on Charlie’s shoulder and whispered,

“Honey I’m a bit tired, I want to sleep for a while.”

Charlie nodded “Then close your eyes and rest for a while.”

The stewardess saw Maria leaning on Charlie’s shoulder and closing her eyes,

Carefully placed two cups of drinks in front of the two of them and said in a low voice to Charlie,

“Sir, our plane has been launched, currently lined up in the third place to take off, about ten minutes,”

“If you have the need to, at any time press the call bell,”

“I will come to see you.”

Charlie gently nodded his head, “Okay, thank you.”


When Victoria’s plane landed in Melbourne, the plane that Charlie and Maria took was already taking off from Aurous Hill Airport,

Heading to Lijiang, which was more than a thousand kilometers away.

When the plane took off and flew west, Maria completely lost her previous lively and playful attitude.

She leaned on Charlie’s shoulder for a while,

And then her eyes seemed to be out of focus, staring out of the window.

Charlie could sense that something was wrong with her,

And understood this state of hers very well right now.

After all, in this world, there was no one in the world who applied the four words “near home feeling timid” more than the current her.

A little girl who had been away from home for more than three hundred years,

And now finally set foot on the road home, whoever else would be sighing and lamenting in their hearts.

More than two hours later, the airplane landed at Li Jiang Airport.

When she got off the airplane, Maria’s legs were unconsciously a little soft.

When she held onto Charlie, Charlie could clearly feel that she had put quite a bit of her body weight on his body, thinking that it was due to her lack of physical strength.

So he took the initiative to reach out and put her on his arm, leading her all the way out of the airport.

Outside the airport, he rented an SUV using the fake identity that Issac had prepared for himself,

And then he removed the car recorder from the car and drove straight to Dali with Maria.

After driving away from the airport, he asked Maria beside him, “Have you been to Lijiang before?”

“Yes.” Maria said “After my mother passed away, my father sent me to my grandparents’ house in Osato,”

“At that time, I had come here with my grandmother, but only once.”

Said Maria sighed “Three hundred years ago in Diannan, the road to go over the mountains was a small road.”

Charlie couldn’t help but ask her, “Isn’t it good to change? How would you change it back?”

Maria softly said “Going to Diannan, feels like going back three hundred years ago,”

Saying that, she added “There is only Master and me in the car, I am still used to talking to Master like this.”

Charlie nodded and asked, “During those years when you didn’t take the Ancient Evergreen Pill, have you been living with your grandparents?”

Maria said “Grandpa left earlier, then with grandma dependent on each other, the good thing was the beginning Grandpa’s ancestors had been one of the solid families,”

“So since childhood in Diannan life was relatively privileged,”

“Grandpa died before and had also been teaching me to read and write, So I had a lot of knowledge.”

Said, Maria looked out the window, with incomparable emotion and said, “Grandpa had five children,”

“In addition to the mother who died of sickness, the remaining four were in the process of fighting the Qing dynasty and perished,”

“And the four uncle’s descendants were also not fortunate, Grandpa’s family was left without a posterior,”

“If I want to look for the family, there would be only a few people of that family! ……”

Chapter 5659

The culprit behind all this was Revnos Wu, and whenever she recalled the past she would gnash her teeth.

Mentioning the fact that her four uncles and their descendants did not survive, Maria was in tears.

Charlie did not expect, Maria grandfather’s family was so miserable,

He could not help but sigh, “In that era, human life was like grass,”

“I do not know how many continuation of hundreds of thousands of years of family lines broken inheritance.”

Maria clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and said “I blame the traitor Revnos!”

Saying that, she rarely showed a stern attitude, said word by word,

“My Lin family had been loyal for generations! Ancestors and grandparents for the Ming dynasty bowed and scraped,”

“My father held the pen for the military, half a lifetime of struggle with the Qing court,”

“Until death, he did not forget to support the Han, but Revnos,”

“Not only let the Qing army into the customs, led to the subversion of the Han,”

“And even for their own self-interest personally killed the Emperor,”

“In my heart, he is the biggest traitor in the history of the Han people!”

Charlie thought for a moment and said, “In terms of today’s public opinion,”

“Warriors Den is much more cursed than Revnos.”

Maria shook her head and seriously said,

“Revnos’s evil deeds and sinister intentions cannot be pondered over or thought about in detail,”

“Or else it will give people the creeps,”

“And is by no means comparable to Warriors Den’s stream.”

Saying that Maria said, “Revnos was stationed in Liaodong for many years,”

“He also fought with the Qing army for many years, for the Qing army’s brutality and understanding of the world of han,”

“He absolutely was in the forefront, he was very clear what the bringing of the Qing army into the customs would bring for the people of GuanZhou,”

“But even so, he was still put in Guangzhou, sold the country to seek honor and glory,”

“With the total disregard for the people’s safety and security,”

“It is evident that this person’s intentions were sinister!”

Charlie nodded with approval “On this point,”

“I agree with your point of view, this person indeed in the history of China,”

“Is one of the big traitors, the most disgraceful was that he first surrendered to the Qing Dynasty,”

“Killed the last emperor of the Southern Ming Dynasty,”

“And later on, in the name of the rebels of the Han Dynasty,”

“You cannot find a second such person.”

Maria sighed long, disheveled, “Revnos, more than three hundred years have passed, I still can’t get over you.”

Charlie comforted “Revnos has been dead for so many years,”

“His family seems to have been decapitated,”

“But also be considered to have deserved retribution.”

Maria gritted her teeth and said,

“But Revnos was not beheaded! He died of illness!”

“Such a traitor deserved to be executed by lynching!”

“It’s really too cheap for him!”

Charlie nodded and asked her, “Okay, do you still have relatives on your father’s side?”

“Nope.” Maria shook her head and said,

“The Lin family was in decline by the end of the Ming Dynasty,”

“My father was the only son in the family,”

“And after my mother passed away, he was unwilling to renew his marriage,”

“So after he left, I was the only one carrying the family genes.”

Charlie could not help but feel some sympathy for her.

She and Victoria were both people who had taken the Evergreen Pill,

And lived for three to four hundred years, but their fates were very different.

Victoria had reorganized the Warriors Den,

And had also been the Master for three to four hundred years,

During this time the Warriors Den had grown and her personal power had risen.

And her own family, but also under her blessing has also long been spread,

The entire five military governor’s office of core personnel are the Wu family,

So it can be seen, today’s Wu family, has been a prosperous and strong superfamily,

With comprehensive strength even if it is the Routhschild family,

They would have to respect the Wu family.

But Maria, her grandfather’s lineage was completely cut off more than three hundred years ago,

And her Lin family’s lineage, she is the only one left to live to this day.

What was even more detestable was that Maria had been avoiding Victoria’s pursuit for so many years of her life,

And the two of them were simply in the same situation day by day.

Chapter 5660

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn’t help but ask her,

“You’ve been hunted by Victoria for so many years,”

“Haven’t you ever thought of giving her the ring and exchanging a peaceful life for yourself?”

“Thought about it.” Maria said “When I left Tianchi and traveled to Southeast Asia,”

“I went through all kinds of trials and tribulations on the way,”

“And I almost died several times, at the toughest time, I thought about getting rid of it all,”

“But when I thought of my father exchanging his life for five hundred years of my life span,”

“I didn’t dare to move on this idea again;”

“Later I also thought, instead of running, why don’t I just leave the ring to Victoria,”

“So that she can drop the idea of chasing me and let me live out my life in peace,”

“But then I thought, Victoria is considered to be my father’s enemy,”

“If I were to compromise and beg for forgiveness from her,”

“Then I am the same as Revnos, who let the Qing army into the country,”

“And what is the difference between the two?”

“Both are just recognizing a thief as their father.”

Saying that Maria continued, “After thinking about this,”

“I decided that it was even more difficult, I have to live; even more difficult, I have to not compromise with Victoria,”

“As long as I can live, I will definitely live longer than Victoria,”

“At that time I will be able to laugh in the end.”

Charlie said with certainty “Don’t worry, you will definitely live longer than her.”

Maria nodded her head and said earnestly “Master can definitely live longer than me,”

“When I die, please bury my ashes beside my parents, my life will be complete.”

Charlie seriously said “Don’t worry, if I can find the formula for the 1000 years youth,”

“As well as the specific refining method,”

“I will let you live longer than a thousand years old, just like Old Ancestor Meng.”

Maria let out a bitter smile, subconsciously shook her head and said,

“Living for four hundred years is already very hard, one thousand years,”

“I don’t dare to think about it and I don’t want to think about it,”

“Master, even if you can really refine that pill, I don’t want to take it anymore ……”

Hearing these words, Charlie couldn’t help but glance at Maria with his afterglow,

And saw that her expression was serious and a little bit despondent,

So he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

He knew that Maria must have faced a lot of suffering that ordinary people had not dreamt of in the past three hundred years,

People said that those who had lived for a long time had crossed more bridges than ordinary people had traveled,

But for Maria, the sufferings she had taken were feared to be more than many people had ever heard of, or seen, before.

So, he spoke out to comfort her, “If there is no more Victoria, living should not be so hard.”

Maria shook her head repeatedly, “Then won’t live for another 500 years, I have lived enough.”

Charlie was slightly stunned and did not say anything else but in his heart,

He thought that he must refine the Eternal Youth pill before Maria turned five hundred years old,

And then after the pill is ready, the first thing he has to do is to give one to Maria.

Not only because this girl had lived too hard in the past four hundred years, but also because she had saved his life.

And in Charlie’s subconscious mind, there was also a voice repeatedly reminding him that no matter what,

He had to let Maria live a normal life so that she would have a long enough remaining life to heal from the past three hundred years of experience.

Maria didn’t know what was in Charlie’s mind, she only felt that the topic of the two of them was a bit heavy for a while,

She wanted to liven up the atmosphere,

But when she thought that the atmosphere was made like this by herself, she didn’t know what to do for a while.

At this time, Charlie was also thinking of changing the topic to soothe the atmosphere,

And just happened to glance at the roadside signboard, so he said to Maria, “10 Km to Shuanglang.”

Maria looked at the signage, and saw that it was written that there were still ten kilometers away from Shuanglang,

And immediately said with great joy, “Finally, we’re almost there.”

After saying that, she took out her cell phone and checked the dynamics of Victoria’s plane,

And said with a smile “Victoria just took off from Melbourne,”

“Her second leg of the trip hasn’t been altered, and her destination is still Mandalay.”

Charlie nodded and asked her, “What do you think is the likelihood of her coming to Shuanglang?”

Maria said “One hundred percent.”

Charlie asked, “Why are you so sure?”

Maria smiled and explained “Victoria is extremely conceited, with my understanding of her,”

“My father repeatedly rejected her good intentions in the first place,”

“I think she has not been able to let go of her feelings for so many years,”

“Since she is traveling through Burma this time, she will definitely come to Shuang Lang!”

Chapter 5661

When Maria returned to Shuang Lang after more than three hundred years,

The place had long since lost its original appearance.

Although Erhai was still the same Erhai,

The hundreds of years of development had caused the waters of Erhai to change greatly from three hundred years ago.

Standing on the lively and bustling streets of Shuang Lang,

Maria was no longer able to match the memories in her mind, with the reality of the scene.

Luckily, the changes in the mountains weren’t that big,

Spare a few of them which had been mined,

The changes to the landscape weren’t that big.

After Maria’s identification, her father’s clothing grave was in the northeast of the current Shuanglang town,

Over the first peak that had been mined for a small amount of time,

The mountain behind that was shaped like a turtle’s back.

Charlie and Maria left the car in the town,

And then changed into Maria’s prepared couple sneakers and suit, they started the track towards the destination.

Setting out, Charlie began to silently run the heart method,

The body’s aura fluctuation was instantly minimized,

It seems this heart method is indeed effective.

The mountains near Shuanglang were not very high,

The difference in elevation between the peaks and the ground was only a few hundred to over a thousand meters,

The difficulty of hiking was very small, coupled with the beautiful scenery along the way,

And the ability to overlook the entire Erhai Sea,

So this place had now become an excellent route for many young people to go hiking.

As the two headed towards the mountain pass, they encountered many outdoor sports enthusiasts wearing hiking equipment one after another,

And when they arrived at the foot of the mountain,

The road became narrower, and there were even more people hiking up the mountain.

Maria had been constantly looking left and right,

And when she reached the foot of the mountain,

Her expression was already a little excited and exhilarated.

When she saw the pass up the mountain, she whispered to Charlie,

“More than three hundred years ago, this is where I went up the mountain,”

“At that time, there was a path here that the locals stepped out with their feet,”

“I didn’t expect that this path would still be here more than three hundred years later.”

Charlie laughed, “Climbing a mountain is not the same as walking,”

“Climbing a mountain relies on the best route, once the best route has been found,”

“As long as the mountain doesn’t change, this route won’t change either.”

“Yes.” Maria gently nodded and said, “The route is not much changed,”

“But the taste is no longer what it used to be,”

“Now there are traces of artificial repairs everywhere,”

“Even the road is specially hardened and repaired with steps,”

“And there are too many people compared to the past, there weren’t many people here in the past,”

“And the few nearby mountains are the ancestral tombs of the neighboring villagers,”

“And those who walk up the mountain on this route are basically all there to pay tribute to their loved ones.”

Charlie looked around and smiled, “Artificial cultivation also has its own benefits,”

“It seems that there are really a lot of people entering the mountains here on weekdays,”

“There is general surveillance everywhere, and there are also a lot of forest fire surveillance,”

“If Victoria comes, she must not be able to hide from this kind of dead-end surveillance range,”

“When the time comes, we can let Mr. Sun think of a way to get permission to view all the information of surveillance.”

“Maybe we’ll be able to find a lock on Victoria’s trail.”

Maria asked him, “If we can really lock Victoria’s trail here, then what do you plan to do next?”

Charlie said with confidence, “From here to the Hundred Mountains, there is still a thousand kilometers of road,”

“This thousand kilometers, Victoria can’t possibly be on foot,”

“And she smuggled into China, naturally, she can’t possibly take a plane or a train,”

“The biggest possibility is to drive a car,”

“So as long as we can find her trail and lock the vehicle that she’s driving,”

“Then basically we can capture her real-time dynamics.”

Chapter 5662

Saying that Charlie added: “Nowadays, road surveillance is everywhere,”

“As long as it is a paved road where motor vehicles can go,”

“There must be a traffic camera, I heard that the traffic department has big data,”

“Their monitoring probes are all over the country,”

“Most of them are able to identify the license plate number of the vehicle,”

“As long as you get their data, you can understand in real-time the time that each vehicle appeared under the monitoring probe last time as well as the specific location,”

“With this information, it will be possible to outline Victoria’s trajectory in real-time,”

“And ultimately where we lose track of her car,”

“That place will not be that far away from Meng Changsheng’s cultivation place back then.”

Maria nodded and reminded, “Master, before Victoria leaves China,”

“You must not enter the Hundred Mountains, you are currently not her match, you must avoid her.”

Charlie smiled, “Don’t worry, I’m not reckless,”

“But the point of self-knowledge still has to be there.”

Maria sighed in relief, “That’s right…”

After the two of them hiked over the first mountain,”

“They climbed up the mountain that was like the back of a turtle.

Since this was the second mountain on the hiking route,”

“There were no fewer people here than on the first mountain.

Maria introduced to Charlie,

“This mountain is shaped like a turtle’s back, named Turtle Back Mountain,”

“It is a rare feng shui treasure in the neighborhood,”

“When Grandpa’s ancestor was a Tusi, he went through a lot of trouble before choosing this mountain as his own family’s ancestral tomb.”

Charlie asked curiously, “Is the entire mountain the ancestral tomb of your grandpa’s lineage?”

“Yes.” Maria nodded and said, “The feng shui here, has the trend of coiled dragons wrapping around the mountain,”

“Which is considered to be a very good kind of feng shui bureau,”

“And the ancestral graves were chosen here, which can bless the future generations with prosperity, fortune, and wealth,”

“But it is a pity that when the dragon vein of the Ming Dynasty was destroyed,”

“The national fortune changed drastically, once the fortune changed,”

“All the feng shui fortune within the country was implicated,”

“And the original feng shui treasure land was also lost for the future generations.”

“The original feng shui treasure also lost its effectiveness in shading future generations.”

Saying that Maria held Charlie’s hand and suddenly left the mountain road paved with stone steps,

Leading Charlie directly to a gentle place halfway up the mountainside.

At this moment, this piece of gentle terrain is an open space,

Traces of camping could be seen everywhere, on the ground there were quite a lot of windproof nail holes that were bolted when supporting tents,

And the shapes of a few tents could also be seen,

Charlie speculated that this place should have already become a camping base for outdoor enthusiasts.

Maria looked around and found a Diannan Pine with flourishing leaves not far away,

And immediately felt happy, and said to Charlie:

“Master, that Diannan Pine, is the ancestral tomb of my grandfather’s family,”

“And my father’s crown mound is in the northwest corner of that Pine.”

Charlie looked around the large Diannan Pine and did not see any graves,

So he asked her, “Your grandfather, did they not leave any stone monuments?”

Maria said quietly: “Originally there was a tombstone,”

“I also carved a piece for my parents, but later it was said that all the tombstones of grandpa’s family, were shattered into pieces by a strong force,”

“Even my parents’ graves were dug up, I think it should be Victoria,”

“She hated my parents to the bone, and it is not surprising for her to dig up my parent’s graves.”

Saying that, she added, “I speculate that she should have dug up my parents’ grave out of anger and found that the skeletons were already gone,”

“So she must have known that she had fallen for my tricks,”

“So she took the other people in Grandpa’s family to vent her dissatisfaction.”

Charlie could not help but sigh, “This woman has some serious anger issues.”

Maria said, “Victoria is already very vindictive,”

“I’m afraid that part of the reason she is coming to Diannan this time is because she hates me to the bone,”

“That’s why she wanted to come here to vent her dissatisfaction.”

Saying that she couldn’t help but sigh,

“I don’t know if she will show mercy to this tree.”

Charlie looked around and couldn’t help but point at the top of the mountain and sigh,

“Look, Ms. Lin, if I could hide a few close defense cannons on top of those boulders,”

“Wouldn’t I be able to take care of Victoria once and for all?”

Chapter 5663

Seeing what Charlie said with a serious face, Maria couldn’t help chuckling and said:

“Master, close-up artillery can kill Jarvis, but It may not be possible to kill Victoria,”

“Besides, Victoria is the only one who knows the exact location of Master’s practice in the past,”

“So you should bear with it and don’t take Victoria’s life here.”

Charlie laughed and said: “It’s just a thought,”

“Even if someone can really bring the close-in defense gun here, I can’t use it here.”

Maria nodded slightly, and said: “Young master,”

“There is no surveillance here, wait for me for a while,”

“I will go to the front to pay homage to the ancestors of the Lin family.”

Charlie nodded gentlemanly and said, “I’ll wait for you here.”

Maria gave him an apologetic smile and then walked into the pine forest not far away.

Five minutes later, she came out of the pine forest with red eyes.

At this time, five or six outdoor enthusiasts came together from the direction Charlie and Maria came from,

And one of them said, “I see The scenery here is nice, and the place is flat and big,”

“Which is very suitable for camping, why don’t we stay here tonight?”

“Yes.” A young girl said, “Let’s set up the tent first,”

“And use the tent to secure it. Then we will go to the surrounding mountains,”

“And come back to cook in the evening and have a bonfire party.”

A young man said: “Then I will inform Mr. Hu and the others,”

“And send him the coordinates so that they can bring all the members of the second group over.”

“Great!” The girl said with a smile,

“If that’s the case, we’ll have a lot of fun at night,”

“Hurry up and grab a place to set up a tent,”

“And I’ll go pick up firewood after that.”

Maria listened to their conversation, and when she came to Charlie,

She put her arm around Charlie and said coquettishly,

“Honey, I want to camp here too!”

“How about we go buy some equipment and come over to show off?”

“Let’s experience camping!”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Charlie to respond,

She asked those outdoor enthusiasts loudly: “Can we join you?”

“We don’t have camping experience, so we want to try it!”

The girl laughed and said, “Yes, but we don’t have any extra tents.”

“If you want to go camping, you can go to the town and buy a tent as soon as possible.”

“Let’s have a bonfire party at night!”

“Great!” Maria smiled and Said:

“Thank you! Let’s hurry up and buy some equipment and come back!”

Charlie was taken aback by her words. In front of outsiders, he could only say vaguely:

“Baby, the altitude here is quite high, and the surrounding area is also very high.”

There is no shelter, and we have no experience,”

“If there is a gust of wind, people and tents may be blown down, I’m afraid it’s not safe.”

Charlie was tacitly playing charades with Maria at this time.

The strong wind in his words was Victoria;

and even people and tents were blown down, which meant that if they really camped here,

They might be discovered and killed by Victoria.

Maria naturally understood Charlie’s words, and said seriously:

“Can’t the tent be nailed to the ground? After the nails are nailed,”

“Winds of seven or eight degrees or even stronger may not be able to blow the tent away.”

As she spoke, she intentionally Said:

“Didn’t you just learn how to tie ground nails with my cousin? This will come in handy now.”

Chapter 5664

Charlie knew that the cousin Maria was talking about was actually Jeremiah.

And the so-called learning to nail the ground in her words was to remind him again that he had mastered Jeremiah’s mental method,

And can hide his aura from being discovered by others.

However, although Charlie has confirmed the authenticity of the mental method,

He is not sure whether the mental method can make them foolproof.

What if Victoria can see the essence through the phenomenon?

Besides, if something happened, it would be difficult for him to protect Maria.

Maria seemed to know what Charlie was thinking, she took the first step and said with a smile:

“Honey, don’t worry, there are very few strong winds in the south of Yunnan,”

“And it is even rarer here, not to mention, the weather is so clear now,”

“We only stay for one night, there will be some strong wind,”

“Even if the strong wind comes, it will not blow us.”

Charlie didn’t expect that Maria would not give up this immature idea,

So he deliberately said: “How about this baby,”

“Let’s go down the mountain first, on the way Let’s discuss what to do.”

“Okay!” Maria nodded contentedly, took Charlie’s arm, and said affectionately:

“Then let’s hurry up, I’m afraid there won’t be a suitable place if we come late!”

The two turned around and went down the mountain.

After there was no one around, Charlie said:

“Miss Lin, what you said just now, couldn’t you be serious?”

Maria said solemnly: “It’s called distraction baby!”

“The topic was too heavy just now. Forget about this.”

Charlie had no choice but to say: “Honey, did you really want to camp there just now?”

“Yes!” Maria said very seriously: “I think Victoria would never have dreamed of that.”

“I will be only a few tens of meters away from her.”

Charlie smacked his lips and said,

“If she finds out that there is an aura in me, wouldn’t that be a trap for us?”

Maria asked him: “What Jeremiah taught you isn’t the method useful?”

“In the Villa, didn’t she rely on this mental method to keep you from discovering her?”

Charlie said: “The mental method is indeed effective.”

“It can lock the spiritual energy in the body and prevent it from leaking out, but I don’t know if Victoria will notice it.”

“It’s okay.” Maria said very firmly: “I believe that although Victoria’s strength is stronger than yours,”

“It is definitely impossible to surpass you, honey.”

“Since Jeremiah can deceive you with this trick,”

“Then you will definitely be able to deceive Victoria with this trick!”

As she said that, Maria said again: “There are definitely risks,”

“But I think this can make Victoria feel a little darker!”

“She must be very cautious when she comes to China this time.”

“I also understand some basic principles, such as precious energy, it is impossible for her to consume unscrupulously and perceive her surroundings all the time;”

“Her cultivation base and position have been exposed, and now she is likely to suspect that her secret opponent is stronger than herself,”

“So she must be more cautious than ordinary people. According to the law of the dark forest,”

“No one dares to expose herself in this situation, so honey, I guess Victoria will definitely not find you.”

After that, she said again: “Don’t forget that there are so many camping enthusiasts with us,”

“Victoria comes here and sees a group of young people camping,”

“How could she be suspicious? What reason does she have to be suspicious?”

Charlie was startled, and couldn’t help asking: “Uh… baby, can I ask you a question?”

Maria smiled and Said: “Baby, you can ask.”

Charlie asked seriously: “Have you been so tough all these years?”

“I know, she has a crushing advantage in front of me, so in the past three hundred years, she has occupied all the initiative.”

As she spoke, Maria changed the subject, and said again:

“But this time is different, this time she knows that the enemy in the dark has a greater advantage than her,”

“So she must be more cautious, and since she has become more cautious, then we can be more courageous!”

Chapter 5665

She clearly knew that they were simply no match for Victoria,

And once they encountered Victoria head-on, the two of them would almost certainly die.

After all, previously, Jeremiah had told the two of them that Victoria had opened the Nuan Palace over a hundred years ago,

Which meant that her strength a hundred years ago was much stronger than the current Charlie.

But even so, Maria even wanted to take the risk.

One had to know that once this kind of thing was played out, it would be fatal.

Thus, he said very seriously, “The two of us don’t have any possibility of escaping in front of Victoria,”

“Are you sure you really want to risk your life here?”

Maria nodded solemnly, looked at him, and said unwaveringly,

“For the past three hundred years, I have always avoided her,”

“And in order not to be discovered by her, I have also always been very cautious,”

“So cautious that all the places that are related to her,”

“I would almost never set foot in for the rest of my life,”

“But now that I know that there is a possibility that she will come here,”

“I also somehow, in my heart, suddenly want to take the risk this one time!”

Charlie’s jaw dropped as he listened, and couldn’t help but say,

“You’re a little late to the rebellious stage, aren’t you?”

Maria spat out her tongue, “It’s possible, but no matter what,”

“I now finally understand why those extreme sports enthusiasts want to climb skyscrapers with their bare hands,”

“They also know that the slightest carelessness in the climb will exterminate them,”

“But they still want to go and try it, for the sake of that kind of risky tension and excitement,”

“As well as the sense of conquest after success;”

After a pause, Maria added, “When others see a skyscraper, they are looking up,”

“Exclaiming and praising, but when they see a skyscraper, what they think in their hearts is,”

“I once conquered it with my bare hands without relying on any external force or protection,”

“I think that sense of accomplishment is something that can make them happy for a long time!”

Charlie contemplated for a moment and spoke,

“I advise you to try to stay as sensible as possible,”

“If this decision is wrong, then there may not be any chance of correcting this mistake.”

Maria lowered her head and pursed her lips, then raised her head and said with some excitement,

“I have self-knowledge, in this life, it’s impossible for me to have the ability to kill Victoria,”

“To not be killed by her is already a great success ……”

“However, although I do not have the ability to kill her,”

“But at least I have the opportunity to defy her today with practical actions!”

“Didn’t she, Victoria, dream of capturing me?”

“Then she probably never dreamed that I had been close to her at some point in time!”

“If I succeed this time, then in life’s cat-and-mouse game with Victoria,”

“I’ll be considered to have won her once first!”

“If she doesn’t catch me by the day she dies, then I will have won in the end!”

“As long as I win this time, sometime in the future,”

“I will definitely let her know that I am not just being chased by her!”

“On that day, I will also let her know that even though my hands were powerless,”

“I dare to talk and laugh in front of her!”

“Even if she’s strong for a lifetime, so what? I’m still over her!”

When Charlie saw Maria’s face full of excitement and eagerness to try,

He suddenly understood this mood of hers somewhat in his heart.

She had avoided Victoria for more than three hundred years,

And continued to run and flee for more than three hundred years,

So it was estimated that Maria was still the only one in this world.

As she said, in her life, it was impossible for her to rely on her strength to seek revenge on Victoria,

But she could use her overwhelming courage to hit Victoria in the face.

Being under Victoria’s nose and not being discovered,

Was perhaps the best way for her to hit Victoria in the face now.

Thus, Charlie was also somewhat infected by her and opened his mouth,

“Since this is the case, then I don’t need to have someone come and quietly install any surveillance,”

“I’ll accompany you here to wait for Victoria to come over,”

“And in the meantime, see with my own eyes, what she is really like!”

Maria asked in surprise, “Master is really willing to accompany me?”

Charlie nodded, “That’s right.”

Maria said seriously, “This is a tightrope walk on a ten thousand-foot cliff,”

“If you make a mistake, you will lose your life.”

Charlie laughed, “If you are not afraid, what am I afraid of?”

Maria smiled faintly, her eyes were full of sincerity, “With this sentence from Master,”

“I will be satisfied, it’s just that I am not the same as Master, I have no one to rely on,”

“No relatives, death is never a scary thing for me, on the contrary,”

“Death is liberation for me, so I would like to stay by myself,”

“And won’t want to drag Master down with me.”

Charlie waved his hand, “I can’t even persuade you,”

“What makes you think you can persuade me?”

Chapter 5666

Maria insisted, “But this is a personal grudge between me and Victoria.”

Charlie said indifferently, “I also have a grudge against her,”

“Although my parents were not killed by her own hands,”

“But she, as the mastermind behind it, is my greatest enemy.”

Maria hurriedly said, “Then I will stay to beat Victoria’s face today,”

“Master will find another opportunity to ask for Victoria’s life in the future,”

“It’s always okay for the two of us to divide the work like this?”

Charlie shook his head, looked at Maria, and said seriously,

“How about this, from now on, anything related to Victoria, you are with me,”

“Today I accompany you to beat her face, and in the future,”

“You will accompany me to ask for her life, how do you think?”

Maria looked at Charlie, for a moment she did not know what to say,

The image of Charlie in her eyes gradually blurred, she actually wet her eyes with tears.

She forced the tears back, smiled softly, and spoke,

“I am grateful for your love, from today onwards, I will work together with you!”


Shuanglang Ancient Town.

Charlie and Maria, who were wearing couple’s clothes,

Did not rush to purchase equipment, but first walked around the town.

Although Shuanglang Ancient Town had changed drastically in Maria’s opinion,

She still found some memories from her youth.

She found a stone bridge that she had walked across when she was young,

And surprised Charlie by pulling up his hand, excitedly telling him,

“Honey, I walked across this bridge a few times when I was young!”

Charlie asked in surprise, “Sure it’s this same bridge?”

“Sure!” Maria pulled Charlie up to the green stone bridge,

In the center of the stone bridge, pointing to an open green stone slab, introduced to Charlie,

“This piece of mutilation is a frightened horse that broke into trouble, its owner was a stonemason,”

“That day came to give Shuanglang’s Tusi’s new mansion to send two stone sculptures,”

“The result is that the horse on this arched bridge had a little bit of a strain,”

“Then the stonemason lashed the horse hard a few times, the horse had slippery hooves.”

“Its hooves slipped and almost fell, then it struggled forward like crazy and overturned the plate cart it was dragging,”

“And one of the stone statues smashed on this stone slab, leaving such an opening.”

Saying that Maria added, “It just so happened that I came over with my grandfather from Dali that day to pay my respects to the Tusi here,”

“So I just happened to see the whole process of the horse being frightened and breaking into trouble right by the bridge.”

As Charlie listened to her description, he couldn’t help but fantasize about the scene she described in his mind.

At this time, coinciding with a little girl about seven or eight years old, wearing a Chinese dress, holding a sugar gourd in her hand,”

“Taking small steps and jumping on the bridge, her mother bowed her body behind her,”

“Using her cell phone to take pictures of her, while her father, who was carrying a large and a small bag,

Holding two cups of drinks, followed unhurriedly.

Maria’s eyes kept chasing after that little girl,

A slight smile couldn’t help but appear on her face, and said to Charlie,

“At that time, I was a little younger than her.”

“But I was wearing clothes more good-looking than hers, grandmother had hand-embroidered it for me.”

In the subsequent hours, Charlie accompanied Maria and the two people looked for an outdoor store, purchasing a number of camping equipment needed.

Because it is pretending to be a couple, the two bought a tent, a sleeping pad, a light sleeping bag camping lights, and some other essential supplies.

In addition to this, Charlie also bought two folding chairs, a folding table, as well as some toiletries for daily use.

Charlie felt that since he was going to play a game of black under the lights under Victoria’s watchful eyes,

He had to make a good relationship with the previous group of outdoor enthusiasts who were planning to camp at the Mountain.

And integrate into their circle, which would also better help him and Maria to make a good cover-up.

Thus, he bought some more high-grade spirits as well as fresh ingredients,

Intending to go back and get acquainted with the gang first.

He surmised that if Victoria came to Shuanglang, then the probability of her arrival time would be from this night to tomorrow morning,

It just so happened that the gang was camping here tonight,

And he would have a few drinks with them in the evening,

In this way, it was estimated that they wouldn’t be able to get up early in the morning to leave tomorrow,

And with more people, there would also be more cover naturally.

Two people with purchased equipment came back to the mountain, the time was evening,

The group had set up eight tents and were currently enjoying the sunset while preparing dinner.

Seeing Charlie and Maria returning with a large pile of supplies,

The young man took the initiative to say to the two,

“Buddies, we just said that you guys might not come over,”

“But I didn’t expect that you guys really would come!”

Charlie looked at Maria beside him and said with a smile,

“I can’t help it, my girlfriend insisted on camping, so I can only accompany her.”

The guy pointed to the open space next to the eight tents, and said with a smile,

“We specially set up the tents densely, leaving an empty space for you guys,”

“You guys can set up your tents over there, we’re planning to build a fire to grill skewers,”

“And we’ll eat together in a while!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “Thanks, buddy.”

After saying that, he came to the front of the crowd, handed the handbag with liquor in his hand to the guy, and said,

“I was planning to find you guys to dine with,”

“So I specially bought a few bottles of wine, so let’s all drink together at night!”

The guy laughed, smoothly pulled out an acoustic guitar from the grass next to him, and said cheerfully,

“Great! We will drink and eat meat together at night,”

“And after dinner, we will have a bonfire party,”

“And we are not afraid of disturbing the people in this big mountain,”

“So we can drink and sing to our heart’s content!”

Chapter 5667

Facing the invitation from the young man known as Old Hu,

Charlie readily agreed and said with a smile, “In that case, then we won’t be polite to you!”

Old Hu laughed, “Why? You mustn’t be polite, we are all friends from all over the world,”

“Taking care of each other is also the fine tradition of our group.”

With that, he asked Charlie, “Dude, what’s your name?”

Charlie was about to speak, Maria on the side said with a smile,

“My boyfriend’s surname is Lin, call him Linye!”

Charlie was stunned by what he heard, he probably understood Maria’s idea,

After all, he was going to wait for Victoria here,

Whether it was Charlie or Maria, Victoria would definitely not be unfamiliar with them,

So it was better to not use his real name as much as possible.

However, he did not expect, Maria even gave him a “Linye” pseudonym.

He pondered in his heart, “Linye? Why does it sound weird.”

At this time, Maria said to the crowd again, “My surname is Wade, my first name is Lola Wade, everyone can just call me Wade.”

The crowd nodded their heads, and that old man Hu smiled and said,

“Linye, Wade, welcome to your temporary joining our ‘Yunnan Wanderer’ family,”

“We all came to Yunnan to hike, and we all basically didn’t know each other before,”

“And it was in the process of hiking that we got to know each other and walked to this point in a companionable manner.”

Saying that he also introduced himself: “My name is Ruslen and people call me Old Hu.”

Afterward, he gently wrapped his arms around the girl who had previously been open to having a bonfire party,

And introduced, “This is my girlfriend Bellina,”

“A senior student at Tsinghua University, we met on this hike and then got together.”

After Ruslen introduced everyone one by one, he volunteered,

“Linye, I don’t think you like to come out hiking and camping often,”

“Why don’t I help you guys set up the tent first!”

Charlie thanked, “Thanks buddy, I’ll just get it myself later, there shouldn’t be any problem.”

Ruslen said seriously, “Feel free to say anything, don’t be polite!”

Charlie nodded his head and thanked him, and was more or less ashamed in his heart.

Because only he himself knew that these people treated him as a ping-pong friend,

While he needed to use them to play a cover for himself and Maria,

Which was more or less not very decent.

Young people who were enthusiastic about the outdoors were generally very outgoing and open-minded,

Basically, the kind of social cattle attributes pulling all the stops,

And each one of these young people was very enthusiastic about Charlie and Maria,

So everyone was soon talking hot and heavy.

Ruslen in this group of people is very leader-like, and can see that everyone is very convinced of him,

Charlie can see by age he does not seem to be too young, so he asked him curiously:

“Old Hu, are you a student or have you already worked?”

Ruslen nodded and said, “I’m still a student, studying in the United States.”

“On the summer vacation, I thought to come back to the country to do some outings and explore the home country.”

“We are basically college students, I and two others are in the United States,”

“Bellina and four others are in Tsinghua, two from Peking University,”

“There are a number of students in the United Kingdom and Canada, how about you two?”

Charlie casually said, “We are high school classmates,”

“When we went to high school, we were focusing on the object,”

“And did not study well, the result was not getting admitted to any university,”

“And then went to the capital to find a not-so-important private university that does not need to be scored to mix for two years.”

Maria looked at Charlie with a grudge, and protested with indignation in her heart,

“Master, this sentence, all these years dozens of degrees of mine are considered to be in vain ……”

In fact, the reason why Charlie said this was to create a subjective impression to these people that he and Maria were idiots,

Otherwise, if people were to really seize on the topic of university and chat endlessly,

The two of them were afraid that they would easily be exposed,

No matter which university they said they graduated from, or which university they were studying at,

Once these people had an acquaintance at the school they said they were from,

They would most likely not be able to talk about it.

And by saying that he was a graduate of a normal university,

He would create a subconscious mindset for these people,

Making them think that he had an inferiority complex in terms of school,

So they would naturally try to ask and mention fewer topics related to the university,

Thus avoiding the risk of being exposed.

Sure enough, as soon as Charlie said that he and Maria didn’t even finish attending a normal university,

These people immediately had the good sense not to ask even one more question on the subject of school.

Chapter 5668

Ruslen was also afraid that Charlie and Maria would feel inferior because of the school issue, so he said with a smile,

“Actually, it doesn’t matter if you go to a good university or not,”

“It doesn’t even matter if you go to a university or not,”

“But’s most important to live a happy and joyful life.”

“That’s right.” Ruslen’s girlfriend Bellina opened her mouth to echo:

“Studying is actually quite meaningless, my parents from kindergarten began to treat me as a chicken child,”

“Had forced me to Tsinghua, but also forcing me to do well to go to Harvard to for postgraduate studies,”

“The first half of the year I finally got the Harvard acceptance notice as I wished,”

“After buying tickets, it was found out that I got a glioma in the brain stem,”

“It is inoperable, without any surgery. I don’t know how long I’ll live,”

“And my parents have now finally realized that a chicken child is far less important than having a healthy child.”

Hearing her words, Maria asked in surprise, “You have a glioma?”

“Uh-huh.” Bellina nodded and said blandly,

“The incidence rate is less than one in ten thousand, but it was still hit by me.”

Ruslen also smiled and said, “My situation is similar to Bellina, I found out last year that I have advanced lung cancer,”

“And it is still small cell lung cancer, as I grew up, I have not smoked a mouthful of cigarettes,”

“And even marijuana and the result is that once I found out it was an advanced lung cancer,”

“There is nothing good about it, so why not just enjoy life to the fullest?”

Maria subconsciously said, “Late-stage small cell lung cancer can also be treated with radiotherapy,”

“With targeted drugs, can also have a relatively good therapeutic effect, do not give up on yourself.”

Ruslen laughed: “I didn’t give up on myself either, I originally came to China from the United States to participate in the clinical trial of JX Pharmaceutical’s JX Rejuvenation Pill,”

“It is said that this drug has a very good therapeutic effect on almost any kind of cancer,”

“And the doctor also suggested that I try it out to see whether or not I could get a spot,”

“But after I came here, I realized that competition for the spot was really too fierce,”

“Not to mention that even the small-cell lung cancer patients can be treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy,”

“Together with targeted drugs, can also have relatively good treatment effects.”

“Other than that, even James Smith, the previous director of the U.S. FDA, couldn’t manage to get a spot for his son, let alone an ordinary person like me.”

Bellina said, “That’s not the way to put it, JX Pharmaceutical’s quota allocation is not to see who is rich and powerful,”

“But to see who needs to be rescued more, the ones who have signed up for the clinical trial are all cancer patients without exception,”

“Of which at least more than 30% are declared to have a life expectancy of less than half a year,”

“And there are several hundreds of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer,”

“And many of the patients are also children, and for those in their twenties like us, it’s almost hard to get a spot.”

Charlie asked curiously, “Bellina, you also went to sign up for the clinical trial of JX Pharmaceutical?”

Bellina nodded, “I went, but I didn’t get selected either,”

“JX Pharmaceutical’s evaluation mechanism is somewhat similar to a comparison of misery,”

“First compared to who is the sickest, and then compared to who is the youngest,”

“Whose family situation is the most pitiful, whose family responsibilities are the heaviest, etc.,”

“They have a set of points mechanism, the more miserable the actual situation is, the higher the points,”

“And in the end, all the lists are selected from the hundreds of people who have the highest points,”

“Just as if they were the same as the thousands of people with the highest points.”

“Thousands of people to choose from, it’s similar to the logic of points settlement, I was directly brushed down in the first round.”

Charlie wasn’t surprised by this, because the rule, basically, was that he came up with the guidelines himself,

And then Liang was responsible for the actual landing.

The JX Rejuvenation Pill, the essence is actually a diluted version of the Blood Dispersing and Heart Saving Pill,

This thing, the world may only be able to build itself, and to use the aura as a price to refine,

It would not have been able to realize mass production,

It is the knock on the door of the FDA he used to enter the USA.

Charlie is also very clear in his heart, he is not totally extraordinary,

There are too many cancer patients in the world,

It’s not possible for him to save them all,

So he can only save a part of them as much as he can, and it’s still a very small part of them.

Since it was to save this small portion of people,

It was naturally not possible for whoever had the money to get the quota,

Which was why Charlie asked Liang to save only the most miserable handful.

They might not have been lucky or encountered any favor in their lives,

But in a critical moment of life and death, JX Pharmaceutical could still give them a chance to rebound.

Therefore, in Charlie’s opinion, he was more inclined to let Liang save a terminal cancer patient who had lived for twenty years,

And then suffered for twenty whole years, rather than saving a heavenly child who had lived in a middle-class family for twenty years.

In this tone, both Ruslen and Bellina are basically ineligible for selection.

At this point, one of the members said indignantly,

“This JX Pharmaceutical’s boss doesn’t know what he is thinking,”

“Why doesn’t he prioritize saving talents like you who are useful to society?”

Bellina smiled and said, “We are just a bit more educated, we may not be really useful to society,”

“Besides, it’s only natural for doctors to treat the sick and save the critically ill first,”

“So I can’t be allowed to jump the queue just because I have a high education, right?”

Ruslen smiled and said, “Why, I also understand them, James Smith of the FDA it is said that he did a lot of charity after coming to China and quitting his job.”

“Basically all the family are invested in, and now have not given up,”

“But also the same did not give his son a chance, the JX Pharmaceuticals people also said, although his son is very ill, but there are children worse than his son’s.”

One person in the crowd asked in surprise, “The head of the US FDA, quit his job to come here to do charity?”

“Yes.” Ruslen nodded and said, “I talked to that big brother, he is the one at the most loss,”

“JX Pharmaceuticals wanted to enter the U.S. market,”

“The JX boss took the JX rejuvenation pills door to door looking for him,”

“Knowing that his son had cancer, he offered free medicine to try,”

“He thought that this medicine is unreliable, there was no scientific basis, and dead on,”

Said this, Ruslen sighed, said: “That old brother’s son is in the Mayo Clinic and can not get better,”

“He had no choice but to come to China to show his sincerity and look for an opportunity.”

Chapter 5669

Charlie did not expect that he would meet two young cancer patients while camping in the mountains of Yunnan;

He further did not expect that these two people,

Who both wanted to go to Aurous Hill to participate in the clinical trials of JX Pharmaceutical,

And both were brushed off.

And what surprised him the most was that this Ruslen actually knew James Smith.

When others were marveling that James Smith, who had once been in charge of the entire FDA,

Had taken the initiative to resign from his position and go to Aurous Hill to do charity,

This kind of thing sounded unbelievable.

Charlie asked Ruslen with feigned curiosity, “Old Hu, are you familiar with this James Smith?”

Ruslen frankly said: “I can’t say I am familiar with him. He was the Director of the FDA and a big name in the pharma industry.”

“It is not possible for an ordinary person like me to have contact with him.”

“I actually met him at the registration site of JX Pharmaceutical.”

“He took his child to sign up.”

“At first glance, there was nothing special about him.”

“The people around didn’t recognize him at all.”

“I could recognize him because I studied biological sciences in the United States.”

“There should be no students who study biological sciences, genetic technology, and chemical pharmaceuticals in the United States and are not familiar with his name and the FDA.”

Charlie was a little surprised and asked:

“What is the main direction of your biological science?”

“Is it the research and development of biomedicine?”

“Yes.” Ruslen nodded and said: “My main focus is biochemistry,”

“I planned to go to the university after graduation in cancer research.”

“To join a pharmaceutical company,”

“And to participate in the research and development of a new generation of chemotherapy drugs,”

“I did not expect that before the drug was developed,”

“I would become a terminal cancer patients.”

Ruslen sighed with a smile: “This is the way of life.”

“The long-awaited hero wanted to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and serve the country,”

“But before he put on the uniform, he died first.”

Bellina on the side smiled and said:

“Everyone has their own destiny.”

“Like us, we came here for a visit,”

“So it is more important than anything else to be happy before going back.”

Ruslen tapped lightly and nodded, reached out to hug Bellina gently, and said with a smile:

“God has been very kind to me,”

“He let me find the love of my life before I die, and this life is not in vain.”

Her face blushed slightly, and she said angrily,

“Oh, you are so nasty.”

Ruslen smiled and said, “There is not much time left for me to be graceful and reserved,”

“So I have to be unrestrained as soon as possible.”

As he said, he looked at Bellina, and asked her with a loud smile:

“Bellina Shu, will you marry me?”

A boy who was about the same age as Ruslen said with a smile,

“Gosh! Hu, are you proposing?”

Looking at Bellina, he asked very sincerely:

“Bellina, are you willing to marry me?”

She came back to her senses, pursed her lips, and said,

“It hasn’t been long at all, do you really want to get married?”

“Marriage is very troublesome. You have to meet your parents,”

“Choose a wedding dress, book a hotel, and then prepare for the wedding.”

“Rather than delaying it for such a long time,”

“It is better to simply be together,”

“So that the two of us can spend more time together, right?”

He was silent for a moment, then looked at Bellina, and said seriously:

“Before I die, I want to have more experiences that I haven’t had before.”

“If possible, I would like to take you to live in the United States…”

Chapter 5670

Bellina smiled, said: “After going back on foot this time,”

“Both of us will start chemotherapy separately.”

“Once we start chemotherapy, our physical condition will deteriorate significantly.”

“By that time, we may not be able to move anymore,”

“And you have to go back to the United States for treatment.”

“I want to go back to the capital for treatment,”

“If I really go to prepare for a wedding, maybe it will delay the treatment.”

As she spoke, her expression gradually became serious, and she said,

“Ruslen, let’s make an agreement, first try to survive this year,”

“If a miracle happens next year and neither of us dies,”

“You can come to China to meet me.”

“Meet my parents, after obtaining their consent,”

“I will go to the United States with you.”

Ruslen, who had always been cheerful, suddenly became weak and said in a low voice:

“There are still four months until next year.”

“Even if I’m not dead, I won’t be able to come to China to see you.”

Bellina’s eyes were red, and she smiled and said,

“It’s okay, We will make video calls every day then,”

“And now everything is online, even the courts often hold court sessions online.”

“If it doesn’t work, we can hire a priest, and I’ll marry you online.”

Ruslen nodded slightly with tears in his eyes, and said with a smile:

“Then let’s just say that I’ll find a priest when I return to the United States this time.”

“Host an online wedding for us on the first day of the month!”

The emotions of the other colleagues around him have gradually fallen into a trough.

Maria looked at Charlie, and whispered in his ear:

“Master doesn’t JX Pharmaceutical belong to you?”

Charlie nodded and hummed, “It’s mine.”

Maria looked at Ruslen and Bellina, Then asked: “Then see if you can…”

Before she finished speaking, Charlie nodded without thinking:

“Yes, but not now, I will make arrangements when we go back.”

Maria was instantly relieved, and her mood also changed all of a sudden,

She got better, but she thought that Charlie always cared about the rules,

So she tentatively asked: “Isn’t it going to make it difficult for you?”

Charlie shook his head: “No, every style, the game designer has formulated a set of basic rules for the game,”

“But he will also actively put easter eggs in the game rules,”

“And at the same time passively leave bugs.”

“I am the hidden NPC in this game. When you meet me, you will trigger the hidden easter egg.”

Maria felt relieved when she heard this and said with a smile:

“In this case, then the former head of the FDA they mentioned just now met you,”

“Why didn’t he trigger the easter egg?”

Charlie said with a smile: “Easter eggs can’t be triggered when you meet an NPC just like that.”

“You need to use the correct trigger method and a pious heart to make it possible.”

“The two points that I am most dissatisfied with about James Smith, one is overconfidence,”

“And the other is the by-product of overconfidence—to look down on others too much.”

“With these two points, I will not give him a chance.”

At this time, Ruslen opened his mouth and said:

“Okay, the time is almost up, let’s hurry up and start a fire.”

“Cook first, if it is later, we can only eat dinner in the dark!”

Soon, everyone began to work in an orderly manner.

Someone prepared firewood, someone prepared food,

And someone took out everyone’s small folding table and pieced them together into a long long table.

Charlie contributed all the ingredients and wine he purchased,

And while everyone was preparing dinner, he first set up the tent.

Although the camping tent he bought is for two people,

The internal space is only about the size of a 1.8-meter double bed.

Maria helped lay the moisture-proof mat on the side, and at the same time said in a shy voice:

“Tonight are we going to sleep here?”

Charlie nodded, and said, “Let’s see when Victoria appears,”

“If she doesn’t appear, we will let nature take its course.”

Maria asked again: “Then what if she appears after everyone sleeps?”

“In that case, we can’t sneak out to spy on her, right?”

“In that case, she will definitely find out soon.”

Charlie said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I’m ready, I’ve mixed some aura into the wine,”

“Everyone will be very excited tonight and will not feel any fatigue.”

“This bonfire party may be held until tomorrow morning.”

“If Victoria flies to Myanmar in such a hurry, then she will definitely come here from Myanmar.”

“She won’t waste time, she should be here before tomorrow morning!”

Chapter 5671

Soon, the group of people lit a bonfire and set an oven at the moment when the sun had completely set.

Since everyone had prepared the ingredients,

Charlie specially bought some more, so this dinner was extraordinarily rich.

In addition, Charlie also bought a lot of good wine, the atmosphere was enhanced,

And basically, everyone decided to drink to their heart’s content this evening.

Therefore, he specially mixed a little spiritual energy into the wine.

These auras cannot make them strengthen their bodies or cure diseases,

But they can guarantee that no matter how much they drink this night, they will not yawn.

Moreover, once this meager spiritual energy is absorbed by their bodies,

It will never leave any traces, even if Victoria came, it is impossible for her to notice it.

Southern Yunnan is located on a plateau, so the temperature difference between day and night is relatively large.

In addition, the Mountain itself has increased its altitude by several hundred meters,

So after nightfall, the temperature suddenly drops to a bit chilly.

So everyone sat around the bonfire, warmed by the temperature of the fire and spirits.

Ruslen held the guitar, and some young people who liked to sing sang a few popular songs with him.

Maria also liked this feeling very much, she blended in very easily, and she was very relaxed.

While toasting with everyone, a young man said, “Oh, tonight’s wine is really amazing.”

“It’s not too good to drink. I usually drink so much that it’s too early to break up.”

“Today, the more I drink, the more energetic I am!”

“Me too!” Another person said with a smile,

“Although I’m a little dizzy, I don’t feel like I’m going to be drunk at all.”

“It’s so comfortable!”

The person said, looking at Charlie and asking,

“Linye, you bought this Wine, although it tastes the same as the wine I usually drink,”

“It seems to be different, is this vintage wine?”

Charlie said with a smile: “It feels different, it’s because the atmosphere is here,”

“Drinking this thing, the hotter the atmosphere, the higher the drinking capacity.”

Ruslen agreed: “Linye is right. Whether you get drunk after drinking depends on three indicators.”

“One is a person’s alcohol tolerance, the other is his alcohol intake and consumption.”

“If your maximum drinking capacity at the dinner table is a catty of white wine,”

“Then when you are drinking alone, you will definitely not be able to reach this drinking capacity.”

“This is because drinking at the dinner table while chatting the physical strength and body fluids are high, the consumption of alcohol is also greater,”

“And the spirit is highly aroused, all of which are conducive to the volatilization of alcohol.”

The man thought for a moment, then smiled and said:

“It makes sense! I am really happy today. When I am happy, I think about having another drink!”

Charlie said at this time: “It’s a rare thing that everyone is very happy,”

“Let’s just be high until dawn tonight, and after watching the sunrise,”

“Let’s have a good sleep.”

Everyone agreed almost immediately.

Staying up late, for young people, is simply a piece of cake.

Holding the mobile phone on the bed, or facing the screen in front of the computer,

It will be the whole night without knowing it,

Not to mention that everyone is very excited and in good condition tonight,

Staying up until dawn, watching the sunrise, it doesn’t seem impossible.

So, the group really stayed awake, eating skewers and singing songs, until the next morning.

Before sunset yesterday, Charlie could occasionally see other friends going down the mountain.

After sunset until the sky began to turn white, he didn’t see anyone else appearing again.

At this time, there were less than 20 minutes before sunrise,

And everyone finally added some branches and firewood to the campfire,

And began to wait for the moment when the sun rose from the other side of the mountain.

About ten minutes later, the originally white skyline began to have a golden glow.

This is an omen that the sun is about to rise over the horizon.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it,

Charlie’s senses suddenly sensed that there was a person in the distance,

Walking quickly towards where they were.

Worried about being discovered by Victoria,

Charlie has been running the mental formula Jeremiah taught him since drinking last night,

Locking his aura tightly in his body.

For monks, everyone is like a submarine sailing in the deep sea.

Everyone finds each other by sonar detection.

To borrow this metaphor, a person with a high level of cultivation is equal to a more advanced submarine.

The submarine is more comprehensive, not only has fierce and strong power,

But also has more advanced means of detecting other submarines and a longer detection distance;

People are like old and backward submarines, with poor and weak power, and poor detection capabilities.

It is very likely that they will be killed by the opponent’s torpedo before they know where the opponent is.

The monks perceive each other, just like the passive sonar of a submarine monitors each other.

Once they hear a movement of the same kind, they will immediately be alert and enter a state of readiness.

However, this does not mean that all people with low cultivation bases cannot escape death in front of those with high cultivation bases.

Old submarines, if they are cautious enough, can also avoid advanced submarines.

One of the most commonly used means is to sit on the bottom and keep absolutely silent.

Once the submarine enters a state of absolute silence, the engine shuts down,

All electronic equipment and detection equipment stop working,

And all people on board remain motionless and do not make any sound.

In this case, it is difficult to detect an advanced submarine if it only relies on a passive sonar Goal.

Chapter 5672

Charlie is now in this silent state.

Generally speaking, even if a very powerful cultivator appears here,

As long as they don’t deliberately investigate everyone to the end,

It is impossible to find that Charlie is also a cultivator.

But this is not absolute. It is like an absolutely silent submarine.

Although the opponent’s passive sonar cannot detect it,

If the opponent turns on the active sonar to search, it is still possible to find it.

However, there is still a very critical problem here, that is,

Although the active sonar is easy to use, it is a double-edged sword,

Just like a flashlight in the dark, it is really much easier to find people with it,

But once you use it If you get rid of it, whether you can find your opponent or not, you will be the first to be exposed.

Therefore, neither the military nor the ascetics themselves will blatantly search for their own kind.

They are afraid of being targeted by secret masters,

So they will not risk their own safety casually,

Let alone release their spiritual energy to investigate everyone around them wherever they go.

What’s more, the current Victoria must be very cautious,

Let alone let her use active sonar, she may even choose absolute silence like Charlie to ensure absolute safety.

At this moment, Charlie sensed that someone was approaching quickly,

Not relying on aura, but relying on his own keen senses.

At the same time, Victoria, who was going up the mountain quickly,

Also noticed that there were already more than a dozen people here early in the morning on the mountain.

However, she was not surprised. After all, she met many camping enthusiasts along the way.

She knew that this kind of outdoor sport was very common among young people, so she didn’t take it seriously.

When she stepped up the Mountain and saw several tents and a dozen young people not far away, her brows subconsciously twitched.

These people are all looking at the direction of the sunrise at this time,

Victoria didn’t suspect them, she was just upset and disappointed,

Because these people were too close to Senior Warren’s tomb.

She is revisiting the old place this time,

Just to go to Warren’s grave to reminisce about the past,

And to say a few words of her heart to her senior by the way.

But the location of these people is only two or three hundred meters away from Warren’s Tomb.

If she goes in directly, then she won’t be able to avoid the sight of these people.

In this way, she wants to say something to her senior, it is not so convenient.

At this time, Charlie had caught a glimpse of the young and mature woman who had just appeared in the distance from the corner of his eye.

With superhuman eyesight, he could see the woman’s appearance.

It has to be said that although Victoria has lived to be four hundred years old,

She is still beautiful and charming. Compared with Maria, she seems to be no different.

Moreover, Victoria’s expression is cold, her eyes are like torches,

And her aura is extremely strong, she doesn’t seem like a good stubble at first glance.

As if feeling that someone was watching her, Victoria subconsciously wanted to look at him too.

Maria saw Victoria’s figure, but before she could see her face clearly,

Her heart skipped a beat. She knew that the woman in the distance was Victoria,

Who she had been hiding from for more than three hundred years.

At this moment, Maria’s heartbeat stalled a little,

And her palms were also covered with sweat due to mixed emotions of anger and nervousness.

Seeing that her face was pale and she was a little nervous,

Charlie quickly took her into his arms and said in a distressed voice:

“I told you not to stay up late, you did not listen,”

“The key point is that you drank a lot Alcohol, it must be hard to stay up until now, right?”

Maria knew that Charlie had noticed her abnormality,

And while he was deliberately confusing Victoria, she was grateful,

But also somewhat nervous and shy because of being hugged by Charlie.

She forced herself to adjust her state, and said softly:

“I stayed up all night just to watch the sunrise with you…”

“After we got together, we have never watched the sunrise together.”

Seeing her coming over slowly, Charlie felt relieved.

From the corner of his eye, he sensed that Victoria might be observing them,

So he deliberately glanced at her position, then deliberately lowered his voice,

And said to Maria beside him. “Look, baby, someone has come to climb the mountain so early!”

Maria looked at it pretending to be curious, and then said:

“And she seems to be alone. Could it be that she climbed the mountains for the sunrise?”

“Doesn’t that mean she left before dawn?”

Charlie casually said, “Who knows, maybe she’s like us,”

“Looking for a place to stay on the mountainside for one night.”

Then, Charlie said again: “But it’s still a bit strange. The altitude of the Mountain is not the highest nearby.”

“Why bother to climb here to watch the sunrise? What’s even more strange is that she is alone…”

In the conversation between Charlie and Maria, Victoria heard everything clearly.

The conversation between the two did not arouse any doubts in her.

On the contrary, after Charlie took the initiative to express doubts to her,

It immediately reversed the situation imperceptibly,

Making Victoria realize in her heart that she appeared here alone so early in the morning.

In the eyes of others, it is indeed a little unreasonable.

At this time, Victoria’s heart had changed from trying to discover the anomaly to trying to cover up her own anomaly.

Therefore, she suddenly hesitated and thought to herself:

“If I go to worship in front of the senior’s tomb now, will these people notice anything unusual?”

Chapter 5673

Charlie’s release of Meng Changsheng’s portrait in Aurous Hill really gave Victoria a great shock,

So that the one thing she was most worried about when she came to China this time was to expose her identity.

The young people camping not far away, in her opinion, should be students who are still studying.

She is not worried at all about who among these people can threaten her safety,

But she has just heard Charlie and Maria’s conversation,

Knowing that her actions are already a bit suspicious in the eyes of others,

In this case, she is really hesitant.

And her attention was indeed drawn to another direction unconsciously by Charlie.

Now she was only worried about being suspected by others,

But never doubted the identities of these young people.

While Victoria was still hesitating,

A golden glow spread down, and the sun had already risen from the east.

The young people around Charlie, who were still excited after staying up all night,

Immediately became excited after seeing this ray of sunlight.

While shouting loudly that the sun came out,

They quickly took out their mobile phones to take pictures and record videos.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to her,

Victoria walked towards the woods behind the camp.

At this time, she was only seventy to eighty meters away from Charlie and Maria.

It’s just that her attention was not on these young people at all,

And she was in a silent state, and she didn’t release her aura to investigate others,

So she didn’t notice any abnormalities at all.

At this time, Charlie was carefully looking at Victoria from the corner of his eye.

This woman looks to be in her thirties,

With a mature and charming appearance.

Whether it is appearance or temperament, she can definitely be regarded as the top of the top.

And in her hand, she was carrying some yellow paper and a wine jar.

The yellow paper looked very rough, and it was probably extremely difficult to buy nowadays.

Charlie could tell that the yellow paper and the wine jar Victoria was carrying must be for Warren,

And being able to come to worship him showed that in Victoria’s heart, she didn’t just hate Warren.

Maria was also a little surprised.

Originally, she thought that Victoria would come here aggressively,

And will vent her anger in front of her parents’ tomb,

But she didn’t expect that Victoria would come here with the things used for showing respect.

The other people who were camping together also saw Victoria who was alone at this time,

And for a while, everyone whispered to each other secretly.

Someone said: “Hey, is that elder sister here to sweep the tomb?”

Someone echoed: “It looks like, but there is no tomb here.”

Could it be a tomb?”

Ruslen said calmly: “Even if it is a tomb, there is nothing to make a fuss about.”

“Before Chang’an built the subway, it was said that thousands of ancient tombs were discovered during the construction of only one of the lines.”

“Look here It sounds like an outstanding person, and it’s normal to have a few ancient tombs.”

Charlie also nodded at the moment and said:

“Ruslen is right, it’s not surprising that others come to visit the tomb.”

“Let’s not talk about others behind their backs,”

“Just in case we make it embarrassing and impolite for others if they overheard.”

Ruslen nodded and said: “Linye’s point of view is the same as mine,”

“Let’s not bother with other people’s affairs,”

“And when the sun rises, everyone should take the time to go back to the tent to rest for a while and get some sleep.”

“I stayed up all night, I din’t feel tired at first, but now I feel a bit overwhelmed.”

Everyone said that their feelings were the same as his,

But they didn’t know that it was a sequela after the aura in the liquor had been exhausted.

Chapter 5674

Maria suddenly took out her mobile phone at this time,

And said to Charlie: “Honey, before the sun’s light is so strong,”

“Let’s take a picture with the sun and take some selfies.”

He guessed that she was wanting to take a picture of Victoria,

He nodded understandingly, then took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera function of the front camera.

After opening the camera, the two turned around tacitly,

With their backs facing the rising sun and Victoria, and took a group photo.

After taking the photo, Charlie quickly clicked on the photo to enlarge it.

Thanks to the high resolution of the front camera,

Victoria’s appearance was clearly captured in the photo.

Afterwards, while adjusting his posture, Charlie took a group photo with Maria,

And kept capturing photos related to Victoria through the photos taken by the front camera.

But it’s a pity that Victoria entered the woods very quickly,

And the front camera didn’t have a telephoto function.

It’s a bit of a dream to take pictures of her in this situation.

So, he put his phone in his pocket and continued to pretend to enjoy the sunrise with Maria.

But from the corner of his eye, he was still staring at Victoria carefully.

After searching for a while in the woods, Victoria chose a relatively empty place,

And then took out a hammer and a cylinder made of wooden handle from her bag.

Immediately afterwards, she threw the yellow paper on the ground,

Pressed the cylinder against the yellow paper, and then hit the head of the cylinder heavily with a hammer.

In this way, circular outlines were left on the rough yellow paper with a square space in the middle.

This is the “making fire” that ordinary people have rarely come into contact with.

Although the yellow paper is rough in workmanship, it is highly flammable.

It is still the best choice for many people in rural areas to sweep graves and pay homage to relatives.

And the cylinder of the wooden handle is the mold for this purpose.

At this moment, Victoria deftly separated out a stack of yellow paper,

Spread it flat on the ground, supported it with a mold, started from the upper left corner,

And hammered the tail of the cylinder violently, leaving a circle on the stack of yellow paper.

The shape of the outer circle and the square circle in the middle.

This, in fact, represents the copper coins used in ancient China.

Copper coins were the main currency of the ancients.

Therefore, the copper coins produced in this way were burned for the dead,

Which was the real paper money in the hearts of the ancients.

Burning such paper money to the deceased can ensure that he has no worries about food and clothing on the other side.

This way of burning paper money is basically hard to see nowadays.

In the current funeral industry, no one is still producing such cheap and simple products.

Even the most basic paper money is printed with the head of the Jade Emperor,

Writing Banknotes printed on the face of the bank.

But for Victoria, she still has the habit of using yellow paper to burn money to pay homage to the souls of the dead,

So this time she came to southern Yunnan, she specially brought yellow paper and the mold that has been used for hundreds of years.

At this time, she had completely ignored the young people she met just now.

From her point of view, those people were not in the same world as her,

So she didn’t need to pay attention to them, let alone care about them.

The mental journey was almost exactly the same as Maria’s prediction, Maria bet right!

So, after she concentrated on putting all the yellow paper on dense copper coins,

She got up to pick up a convenient branch, and then, she used that branch to clear a flat area on the ground.

Then, she took out the lighter, ignited one of the yellow papers,

And then threw the ignited yellow paper back to the center of the flat ground,

And then began to fill it with paper one by one.

Looking at the burning flames and the ashes rolled up by the heat wave,

Victoria’s eyes were filled with tears, and she whispered in a voice that only she could hear:

“Warren, I am here to see you…”

Chapter 5675

Victoria hadn’t come to pay respects at Warren’s tomb for many years.

Although she hasn’t come back for hundreds of years,

She can still tell where the tomb is.

Even though the tombstone had been destroyed by herself,

And even those graves had disappeared with the passage of time,

She was still able to find the location.

Although she knew that Warren’s body was not buried here,

Victoria still regarded this place as the closest place to her senior.

Her mood at the moment was filled with sadness, remorse, and even a bit of resentment.

When she had mixed feelings, the past events of that year rushed to her heart like a tide.

At the beginning, she attacked Warren impulsively because of love and hatred,

And Warren disappeared from her eyes in an instant.

She expected that he must be sent to Maria by the ring given by her master,

So she hurried out of the mountain to the southern Yunnan to find them.

However, the road from 100 Mountains to southern Yunnan was dangerous and far away,

And Victoria was one of the most important criminals wanted by the Qing government.

By the time she tried her best to get to southern Yunnan,

Maria had disappeared, and Warren had already been buried.

It was only then that Victoria knew that her senior,

Whose cultivation was higher than her own, was actually stabbed to death by her own sword.

In fact, she didn’t really want to kill Warren at first.

All she wanted was to snatch away the Everlasting Green Pill and the ring that Master had left for Warren.

Moreover, in her opinion, with Warren’s strength,

Even if he was stabbed in the heart with her sword, he would never die because of it.

After all, Warren also mastered spiritual energy.

Although Warren’s cultivation base was not high at that time,

And his spiritual energy was not pure and abundant, he could use spiritual energy to temporarily stabilize the injury,

And then slowly use spiritual energy to heal the wound Recovery,

Within a month or two, he would definitely be able to recover as before.

When she arrived in southern Yunnan and made many inquiries and found out that Warren had been buried,

She couldn’t believe it was true anyway.

However, after insinuation from many people,

She finally confirmed that Warren was indeed dead,

And it was his daughter who organized the funeral for him.

At that moment, Victoria regretted it too much.

But no matter how regretful she was, she couldn’t bring the dead back to life,

So she turned regret into anger, feeling that Warren would rather die than accept her sincerity for a woman who had been dead for many years.

Later, she brutally destroyed the tombstones of Warren and Maria’s mother,

And she never came here again after that.

She never came, not because she had let go of Warren in her heart.

On the contrary, after more than three hundred years,

She still couldn’t forget that handsome and imposing man.

At this time, Victoria, who was kneeling in front of Warren’s tomb, whispered emotionally:

“Warren, I still clearly remember the first time I saw you;”

“At that time, you were thirteen or fourteen years old,”

“And I was only twelve or thirteen years old, but I fell in love with you at first sight;”

“From that day on, I had been looking forward to your coming home to see my elder brother,”

“So that I could see you, outside the door of brother’s room,”

“I eavesdropped on your chatting about important matters…”

“I heard that you wanted to abandon literature and join the military.”

“Looking forward to being able to fight side by side with brother.

“At that time, I even felt that I should always be by your side in this life;”

“Wherever you wanted to go, I wanted to go with you;”

Chapter 5676

Victoria continued her monologue: “Whatever you wanted to do, I would accompany to do that;”

“So, even if I took up the sword and went with the Qing army to fight in front battle, I had nothing to say;”

“From the day when you and elder brother established the Warriors Den,”

“I was the third member of it;”

“At that time, you and elder brother strongly opposed my participation,”

“But I shaved my head, I wanted to fight side by side with the two of you no matter what you say:”

“At the time I said it was for the righteousness of the nation,”

“But in fact, I was just a girl, so I didn’t want to care about the country and the nation’s righteousness.”

“I didn’t care whether this country belongs to Han people or Manchu people,”

“And I didn’t care whether the emperor’s surname was Zhu or Aixinjueluo.”

“I just wanted to follow you, be with my beloved man.”

“If my beloved man said that this country should belong to the Han people and that the emperor should be surnamed Zhu,”

“Then I would take up swords with you and fight the Qing army to the end;”

“If my beloved man said, no matter what Who owns the palace,”

“He just wanted to disarm and return to the fields, and live a stable life,”

“Then I would immediately put aside the sword and spend life in the field, and would never change my loyalty;”

Victoria burst into tears at this point.

She burned the last piece of yellow paper, choked up, and said:

“Warren, I thought that my love for you would surely impress you in time,”

“But it was only at the last moment that I realized that you, you had always been there.”

“But in the end, you never loved me even the slightest bit…”

“I had been by your side since the year of the golden hairpin,”

“Until you were 40 years old, twenty-eight years spent in countless fights and battles,”

“And a narrow escape. During this period, countless good boys confide their hearts to me,”

“But I had never looked at any of them even once!”

“But your rejection broke me. I feel resentful in my heart…”

At this time, she was sobbing, unable to utter a word.

Charlie didn’t dare to use his spiritual energy,

He could only see Victoria’s hazy back shaking,

As if crying, but he couldn’t confirm it.

Although Maria at the side couldn’t see Victoria’s back clearly,

She could see the mottled flames in the forest,

And her expression and mood were extremely complicated for a while.

Originally, Maria thought that Victoria came here to vent her anger on her father.

But she never expected that Victoria would bring yellow paper and wine to pay respects to her father’s tomb.

At this time, Victoria wiped away her tears, opened the jar of old wine,

Poured the wine on the burnt yellow paper, and said in a low voice:

“Warren, in the past three hundred years, I have witnessed the rapid development of this world.”

“The more it develops like this, the more I don’t want to die;”

“But if I can’t find the Evergreen pill or the method to refine it,”

“Then I will only have a hundred years left to live!”

“Your only daughter, Maria, has been avoiding me for more than three hundred years.”

“In fact, I have no ill intentions towards her.”

“As long as she is willing to give the ring to me,”

“I will naturally won’t embarrass her, but if she continues to hide,”

“Then my patience will gradually run out, and at that time,”

“If I do something that displeases you, please don’t be offended.”

After finishing speaking, Victoria paused slightly, and said again:

“By the way, I plan to go to the Hundred Mountains next time to see if I can find the secret treasure left by Master back then.”

“If I can find it, I can forget about your daughter,”

“But if I can’t find it, then I’m afraid I can only find a solution for Maria…”

Afterward, Victoria poured all the wine on the ground,

And said in a low voice: “Warren, I am leaving,”

“And after I acquire what I want, I will definitely come to pay respects to you again!”

After pouring out all the wine in the wine jar,

She stood up slowly and walked out of the woods.

She didn’t look at those noisy young people sighing towards the sun anymore,

And walked down the mountain without looking back.

She never dreamed that Maria, whom she had been looking for more than three hundred years, was now among those noisy young people…

Chapter 5677

After Victoria, who didn’t notice anything unusual, left, Charlie and Maria finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone who stayed up all night was already tired, and everyone was so sleepy that they couldn’t keep their eyes open.

Several people rushed back to the tent to rest one after another,

And Ruslen couldn’t stand it any longer and said to Charlie and Maria:

“It’s been a long time since I stayed up all night,”

“And my body really can’t take it. You two must be tired too,”

“Why don’t you go back first? Rest in the tent to catch up on sleep,”

“We will set off to Erdaogou fifteen kilometers away in the afternoon, do you want to come with us?”

Charlie shook his head: “We will not go, and plan to drive around again.”

Bellina Curiously asked: “Where are you two going?”

Charlie said casually: “We plan to go to Lijiang to chill and stay for a few days.”

In fact, the next stop planned by Charlie and Maria is southwest of southern Yunnan Bian Bian,

The reason why Charlie said it was Li Jiang was mainly to avoid risks.

Ruslen nodded and said with a smile: “We have been to Lijiang,”

“It’s very good, you can go and have fun for a few days.”

After talking, Ruslen thought of something and quickly asked:

“Could it be that you two are going to leave now?”

Charlie said: “That’s right, we should go now.”

“This…” Ruslen hurriedly said: “You haven’t slept all night,”

“And it’s not safe to drive. You should rest first and recharge your batteries before leaving. It will not be too late.”

“No.” Charlie said with a smile: “The upcoming schedule is relatively tight,”

“So I won’t rest here, and it won’t be too late to take a good rest when we arrive in Lijiang,”

“After all, it’s not too far away.”

Ruslen nodded and said: “That’s right, it’s just over an hour’s drive.

After arriving, after getting a room in a hotel, you can have a good rest.”

Seeing that Charlie and Maria really wanted to leave,

Bellina couldn’t help feeling a little regretful she Said:

“I thought I could spend a few more days with you,”

“But I didn’t expect you to leave so soon.”

“I don’t know if there will be a chance to see you again in the future.”

For Bellina, she doesn’t know when her life will come to an end in the future,

But she knows that this day will not be too long.

Therefore, facing this kind of new friend who can be chatted with,

She is still a little bit reluctant.

She feels that life is short, and she is afraid that this parting will be forever.

Ruslen knew what she was thinking, so he gently held her waist,

And comforted her with a smile: “Stop thinking about it, God will take care of us.”

Maria looked sideways at Charlie, she pursed her lips slightly, just looking at Charlie who didn’t speak.

Although Maria didn’t speak, Charlie also knew what she meant when she looked at him.

Seeing that other people did not go back to the tent to rest,

Charlie said, “Old Hu, why don’t you and Bellina send us off?”

Ruslen was slightly taken aback, and then readily agreed, saying:

“Okay, we two will be sending you off.”

As he said, Ruslen asked again: “By the way, do you need me to pack the tent for you?”

“No.” Charlie waved his hand: “We won’t take the tent with us, leave it for those who need it. “

Maria hesitated for a moment, and summoned up the courage to ask Charlie:

“Honey, can I bring the tent? I’m afraid it will be useful in the future.”

Charlie heard her say this, and said straightforwardly:

“Okay, I’ll take the tent. Come on.”

Ruslen also hurriedly said: “I’ll help you.”

The two packed the tent together, and Ruslen couldn’t help teasing Charlie:

“This tent was set up for nothing yesterday, and you didn’t use it to sleep for a while.”


Charlie smiled and said: “I didn’t expect everyone to have such a good time and didn’t sleep all night.”

Ruslen helped Charlie pick up the floor mat and sleeping bag, and said,

“I’ll help you with these.”

Chapter 5678

Then the group of four walked towards the direction of the mountain together.

Walking down the Mountain, there was no one else on the short mountain road except four people,

So Charlie said to Ruslen and Bellina: “By the way, Old Hu, Bellina,”

“Yesterday you were talking about JX Pharmaceutical.”

“Because the matter is more sensitive, I couldn’t talk about it in front of everyone.”

Ruslen asked curiously: “What’s so mysterious?”

Charlie explained: “I have something to do with the JX Pharmaceutical you mentioned.”

“I am very familiar with the person in charge,”

“If you want to get the opportunity to experiment with the JX Pill, I can push it for you.”

Ruslen and Bellina were both extremely surprised and Ruslen blurted out:

“Linye, are you kidding me?”

“Do you really know the person in charge of JX Pharmaceutical?!”

Charlie said seriously: “How could I joke with you about life-threatening matters.”

Ruslen quickly asked: “You know, which business is it? The person in charge?”

Charlie said: “I know the person in charge of the entire JX Pharmaceutical, Liang Weo,”

“And he is also fully responsible for the clinical trials of JX recovery Pills.”

“Based on my friendship with him, I will give him a mention. It shouldn’t be a problem to fight for two places.”

The two looked incredible.

Hearing Liang Wei’s name, they are naturally feeling like thunder.

No one knows who the real boss of JX Pharmaceutical is,

But almost everyone who knows JX Pharmaceutical has heard of Liang’s name.

Everyone knows that Liang is the CEO of JX Pharmaceutical,

And he decides all the big and small matters of JX Pharmaceutical,

And he personally checks the test quota of the cancer pill this time.

It is said that this person is selfless and upright.

Many people knelt and begged him for a quota with a huge amount of cash, but he was still unmoved,

And could still follow the fair algorithm that Charlie told him to advance through the points system review work.

For ordinary people who want to see him, it is even more impossible for them.

Liang currently does not go out to meet anyone except dealers and suppliers.

Most people just want to see him, and there is no chance at all, let alone ask him for help.

Therefore, Ruslen couldn’t believe that Charlie had a personal relationship with Liang.

He couldn’t hide his excitement and asked subconsciously:

“Linye… are you kidding me? Do you really know Mr. Wei?”


Charlie nodded and said, “You two are in a special situation.”

“Am I going to joke with you about such an important matter?”

Ruslen quickly waved his hand and said, “No, I didn’t mean that,”

“I am just a little too shocked…”

Charlie smiled and said, “It’s okay to be shocked, don’t worry.”

“It’s fine to delay the serious business. If you believe me,”

“I suggest you use your mobile phone to check the air ticket from Dali to Aurous Hill now.”

“After you arrive in Aurous Hill, you will go to the gate of JX Pharmaceutical Factory immediately.”

“You can write down my phone number, call me when you arrive,”

“And I will arrange the rest, you don’t have to worry.”

Ruslen and Bellina glanced at each other, and everyone could see the disbelief in each other’s eyes.

But Ruslen still decided to believe in Charlie, so he blurted out:

“Okay! Let’s look at the air ticket now! Linye!”

“No matter whether this matter is successful or not,”

“We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said: “You don’t need to be so polite.”

“It’s not too late to thank me when you really get the quota.”

He said again: “Okay, you don’t have to send us off anymore.”

“We should leave now. If you need to say goodbye to everyone, you can go again.”

“Go back, and pack up your things by the way.”

Ruslen nodded heavily, and said, “Let’s go back and say goodbye to everyone.”

Charlie warned: “Don’t tell them what you are going to do,”

“After all, this is also a back door entry. Don’t make it public.”

“Okay!” Ruslen said without hesitation: “Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone!”

Charlie thought of something and said with a smile: “By the way, after you arrive in Aurous Hill,”

“If you can find James Smith, let him bring his son with you to JX Pharmaceutical,”

“And Liang will make arrangements for him too!”

Chapter 5679

Charlie didn’t have any sympathy for James.

In this world, there are so many parents of children with cancer,

And James is just one of thousands of people, nothing special about him.

And most importantly, he originally had a chance to save his son’s life,

But his ignorance and arrogance made him give up this chance by himself.

In this case, he no longer deserves anyone’s sympathy.

Charlie never thought about giving him a chance again.

However, what surprised him was that according to what Ruslen said,

After James met him last time and told him that he had to pay first if he wanted what he wanted,

He actually resigned from his post and job as the person in charge of the FDA.

He sold his family property and took his child to Aurous Hill to do charity.

Although Charlie is very clear that the reason why he did this is most likely to win a chance for his son,

But what Charlie admires is that he really worked hard to do it after all.

In this case, he represented Aurous Hill to give him a little return as a reciprocity.

And even more coincidentally, Ruslen, who met by chance at the mountain, actually knew James.

Must say that there is still some chance in this.

Because of this, Charlie made a temporary decision to give Ruslen and Bellina a chance to survive,

And at the same time to give James’s cancer-stricken son a chance.

This also confirms a truth from the side, that is, actions are more important than anything else.

If James did not make such a move after being rejected by Charlie,

Then his son would not be able to get the survival pill until his death.

But fortunately, he really took action.

This is the main reason why Charlie wanted to save his son.

Ruslen didn’t expect that Charlie would be willing to use favors to help him just after hearing himself tell the story of James,

So he couldn’t help asking excitedly:

“Linye, can you really help Smith’s son fight for him?” A quota?”

Charlie smiled lightly, and said: “After you arrive in Aurous Hill,”

“Just ask him to take his son to JX Pharmaceutical, and I will naturally arrange the rest.”

Ruslen gratefully said: “Thank you, Linye! Really very sincere Thank you!”

Charlie patted him on the shoulder and said:

“You guys go back and say goodbye to the others, so hurry up. We will leave first.”

Ruslen nodded, and wanted to say something,

But Charlie had already turned around and left side by side with Maria.

Watching the two disappear from sight, Bellina still said in disbelief:

“Ruslen, do you think what Linye said is credible?”

Ruslen said seriously: “I don’t know if it’s believable,”

“But I, I can Indirectly verify whether he is credible from other aspects.”

Bellina asked suspiciously: “How can you indirectly verify?”

Ruslen looked at her and asked, “Do you think Linye is a bad person?”

Bellina thought for a moment, then shook her head and said:

“I don’t think he should be a bad person, and…”

“I don’t think he should be a rich second generation who can only spend money.”

“I always feel that this person is a bit deep,”

“And I don’t know if it is my illusion.”

Ruslen smiled slightly and said: “I don’t dare to say whether he is deep or not,”

“But I think he is not a bad person.”

Then, Ruslen said again: “The indirect verification I said is to first feel that Linye is not a person.”

“If he gives us the impression that he is a bad person,”

“Then we should not believe anything he says;”

“But since we all think that he is not a bad person, then we have to consider a common sense issue,”

“If a person is not a bad person, then will he make fun of other people’s life and death issues?”

Chapter 5680

After that, Ruslen asked himself and answered:

“I think this question should be negative.”

“A good person does not dare to say how great and brilliant he is,”

“But he will never take other people’s jokes about life and death.”

“So, based on this, I think that if Linye is not fully sure, he will definitely not say such a thing.”

After hearing what he said, Bellina couldn’t help being enlightened and murmured:

“You are right! After you say that, I don’t think Linye would joke with us.”

After finishing speaking, she couldn’t help but feel excited, she said,

“Then…then do we really have a chance to get the clinical trial opportunity of JX Pharmaceutical?!”

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t we be able to survive?”

Ruslen nodded solemnly and said: “I think we have a great chance this time!”

After speaking, Ruslen took out his mobile phone to search for the ticket information, and blurted out:

“There is a flight from Dali to Aurous Hill at two o’clock in the afternoon.”

“I will book the ticket now. Let’s hurry up and go back and say hello to everyone, and then go to the airport!”

After Charlie and Maria went down the mountain, they came to Shuanglang to pick up the car, set off from Shuanglang, and drove to Poole.

Poole is the final resting place of Maria’s parents,

And it is also the first stop on Maria’s escape route.

One of the purposes of Charlie’s accompaniment to South Yunnan this time is to accompany her to revisit the old place,

So this time, not only will he accompany Maria to Poole.

He has to go to Banna again from Poole to find the Tianchi in Maria’s painting.

As for Victoria’s whereabouts, Charlie no longer cares about it.

Because he knows very well that since Victoria has appeared in Guibei Mountain,

It means that she has completely integrated into the world this time.

Since she has completely integrated into the world, she will definitely be recorded by various surveillance systems.

Victoria will inevitably be monitored and photographed.

With Ethan’s help in calling out the surveillance video,

He will be able to restore the general movement of Victoria in the country.

Therefore, Charlie felt that he didn’t need to pay attention to Victoria’s situation now.

With Victoria’s strength, it would only be self-defeating if he approached rashly.

It’s better to let her go where she wants to go first,

He will just follow the vines and sort out her route.

As long as he can finally find out where she entered the Hundred Mountains,

The location of Meng Changsheng’s retreat can basically be accurate to within a radius of a hundred miles, or even smaller.

When the two were driving to Poole, Ruslen and Bellina took the afternoon flight to Aurous Hill.

The last time they came to Aurous Hill, although they didn’t come together, they both had the same expectation.

However, both of them failed the clinical trial screening of JX Pharmaceutical,

And when they left Aurous Hill, they were both extremely disappointed.

And they didn’t expect that they would return to Aurous Hill again before they died.

Along the way, neither of them expressed any views on whether the trip could be fulfilled.

When the plane landed safely at Aurous Hill Airport, Ruslen called James immediately.

Because both of them are from the United States,

One is a cancer patient and the other has a family member as a cancer patient,

So he had exchanged phone numbers with Smith,

On the one hand out of appreciation and respect for James, on the other hand, because in order to stay in contact as both were foreigners here.

At this time, the plane was still taxiing, and Ruslen had already called James’s mobile phone number in China.

The phone was connected, and James Smith on the other end of the phone asked curiously:

“Ruslen, what do you want from me?”

Ruslen hurriedly asked: “Mr. Smith, what are you doing now?”

James said: “I am helping the homeless at Aurous Hill Old Church,”

“What is going on? Do you have something to do with you?”

Ruslen said quickly: “Mr. Smith, please deal with the matter at hand quickly.”

“Take Jimmy to wait for me at the gate of JX Pharmaceutical,”

“And Bellina and I will come directly from the airport, and we will meet there!”

Chapter 5681

“Go to JX Pharmaceutical?”

James asked subconsciously, and then asked in surprise: “What are you going to JX Pharmaceutical for?”

Ruslen said with a little excitement: “A friend helped me and Bellina with the trial entry.”

“He seems to have something to do with the senior executives of JX Pharmaceutical.”

“I asked him to give Jimmy a quota, and he agreed. We are rushing over there to connect with him, and you should bring Jimmy there as well. Let’s go!”

James couldn’t believe his ears, and asked in confusion: “Haven’t you two already been kicked out by them?”

“Jimmy can’t meet their points standard, what is the origin of your friend? How can he have such a great ability?”

Ruslen said: “I don’t know what his origin is, he said that he has a good relationship with Liang Wei of JX Pharmaceutical,”

“Although there is nothing to prove that he really knows Mr. Wei, but I feel he is not joking with us, so I am somewhat sure about this matter.”

“How is it possible…” James said very seriously: “Ruslen, you don’t know many inside stories about JX Pharmaceutical.”

“I understand, but I can tell you clearly that even Liang is just a spokesperson for the boss behind JX Pharmaceutical, and he absolutely dares not open the back door to anyone in this matter.”

Ruslen said: “But he said he is very sincere, I feel like he really doesn’t seem to be joking with us,”

“Anyway, you are in Aurous Hill, and we have already returned, bring Jimmy over to try with us, even if it doesn’t work, there is no loss.”

James hesitated for a moment, then asked him: “Ruslen, what is the name of your friend? How did you meet him?”

Ruslen said: “His name is Linye, and we met while hiking.”

“Linye?” James was even more surprised: “If the person you know is called Charlie, then this matter should be fine, but Linye… I haven’t heard of this person…”

Saying that he then asked: “How old is this Linye you mentioned?”

Ruslen said: “Looks like he’s only in his early 20s.”

James muttered in a low voice with some disappointment: “In his early 20s…then it doesn’t look like Charlie, Charlie is almost 30 years old…”

Ruslen said to him: “Mr. Smith, how is Jimmy’s condition?”

“Not very good…” James said in a very decadent voice: “The doctor here in Aurous Hill said that his cancer cells have spread to many places. Organs and cancer cells are already somewhat immune to chemotherapy drugs,”

“After this course of chemotherapy, if there is not much improvement, I am afraid that we can only use palliative therapy, in that case, it is basically the end stage…”

Ruslen asked: “Where is Jimmy now? Is he in church with you?”

“No.” James said: “Jimmy is undergoing chemotherapy in the day ward of Aurous Hill People’s Hospital, and his mother is with him.”

Ruslen Asked in surprise: “Your wife is here too?”

“Yes.” James said: “She settled things in the United States a few days ago, sold the house, and then with daughter came over here recently,”

“Both children have been entrusted to her to take care of, and I mainly focus on the charity.”

Ruslen sighed softly and asked him: “Then…Mr. Smith, are you going to bring Jimmy here? If you come together, I am waiting for you at the gate of JX Pharmaceutical.”

James pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said, “It is better to believe what you have than to believe what you don’t have.”

“So, I’ll go to the hospital to pick up Jimmy now, and then go to JX Meet you at the entrance!”

Ruslen said: “No problem, let’s meet at the entrance.”

Then, Ruslen urged: “By the way, Mr. Smith, my friend said that this is a special operation to a certain extent. , let us not say anything.”

James said without hesitation: “I understand!”

James hung up the phone and said to his friends in the church: “I have something to do, so please excuse me.”

Most of the friends in the church are from the United States like Smith, and some of them came to Aurous Hill earlier.

Due to religious beliefs, they soon got acquainted with each other in the church,

And then started some small charity together with the church.

James is also a Christian. After he brought his son to Aurous Hill, he instinctively found the church and got acquainted with everyone.

Several people knew about his condition, and knew that he had a terminally ill son who was currently undergoing chemotherapy in the hospital,

But it was said that it was only a delay in the process of death. On the whole, Smith’s son was running out of time.

So, hearing that Smith had something to leave for, one of them quickly asked:

“James, is something wrong? Do you need our help?”

James shook his head and said, “I’m going to pick up my son, and then go to JX to try our luck at the pharmacy and see if there is any chance.”

The man nodded and said, “If you need help with anything, please contact us anytime.”

“Okay,” James responded, left the church in a hurry, and took a taxi to the People’s Hospital.

When they came to Aurous Hill, they first took their child and established a file in Aurous Hill People’s Hospital,

And then began to use the same regimen as in the United States for chemotherapy here.

At the beginning, he lived in a hotel near the hospital and waited for his wife, Jenny.

After arranging everything in the United States and rushing to Aurous Hill with their daughter, they rented a house near the hospital.

James followed Charlie’s advice and was busy doing charities in Aurous Hill every day.

His wife, according to the hospital’s requirements, took the child to the hospital when chemotherapy and examinations were needed.

Jimmy’s cancer has basically entered the terminal stage. The chemotherapy drugs currently used are the best and the latest on the market.

But even so, they cannot cure the cancer. What can be done is to delay the spread of cancer cells as much as possible.

For cancer patients, the best result is to find carcinoma in situ, which can be completely cured after resection.

If the cancer has metastasized, the best result is to find available targeted drugs.

However, different people have different genes.

Some people are lucky enough to find the target of targeted drugs in their genes,

And they can rely on targeted drugs to achieve very good therapeutic effects.

Chapter 5682

Some people are unlucky and cannot find any target in their genes, so they cannot be treated with targeted drugs.

With no targeted drugs available, only traditional chemotherapy and radiotherapy remain.

In his current situation, for Jimmy, chemotherapy is the last barrier, but James is very clear that this last barrier is already in jeopardy, and the time it can last may only be a few months.

James came to the day ward of the hospital with ease. At this time, on every bed in the ward was lying on a cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy.

Among these cancer patients, Jimmy was the youngest.

Originally, there was a 5-year-old child with end-stage leukemia. Some time ago, the child passed the approval of JX Pharmaceutical, got a place for clinical trials, and was transferred to the internal laboratory of JX Pharmaceutical for treatment.

At that time, James was very envious, but there was nothing he could do about it.

According to the points system of JX Pharmaceutical, children with young age, severe symptoms, and family difficulties are often given priority for selection.

At this time, Jimmy was lying on the hospital bed. His body was already emaciated, his hair had completely fallen out, and he looked very fragile. At this moment, his eyes were slightly closed, and he seemed to have fallen asleep.

James’s wife, Jane James, was sitting tiredly on a stool by the bed.

Seeing her husband coming in, she asked in surprise,

“James, why are you here? Isn’t the church going to prepare relief for the homeless this afternoon?”

James didn’t answer her question, but looked at the child on the bed and asked her, “Is Jimmy asleep?”

Jenny nodded slightly, and said distressedly: “His vomiting is getting worse and worse.”

“The doctor added some anti-emetic drugs to his chemotherapy drugs, but the newly added drugs will make him drowsy.”

Saying, With red eyes, Jenny said in a low voice: “Smith, the results of enhanced CT came out two days ago.”

“Jimmy’s cancer cells are still growing and spreading. This week’s chemotherapy has basically not improved.”

“The doctor said that his physical condition has begun to worsen rapidly.”

“The decline is like an elevator falling out of control from a high altitude.”

“Chemotherapy drugs could barely slow down his falling speed, but at most, it extended from two months to two and a half months, and it is difficult to reach even three months… …”

At this point, Jenny covered her face and broke down in tears.

James hurriedly stepped forward to embrace her in his arms, and comforted her in a low voice:

“Don’t cry, there may be other opportunities.”

Jenny shook her head and said, “I don’t want to hold any hope blindly anymore. I wonder if we should stop Jimmy’s chemotherapy and take him back to the United States for the remaining few months.”

“His grandparents, grandfather, and maternal grandmother are all waiting to see him.”

“Returning to the United States can at least save him from dying away from the family.”

James said: “There is one last chance now, although I don’t know how likely this chance is to succeed, but as long as there is still a chance, it must be much better than no chance.”

As he said that, he said to Jenny: “Let the nurse pull Jimmy’s needle, I’m going to take him out!”

Jenny asked in surprise, “Where are you taking him?”

James remembered that Ruslen had told him to not reveal it to the outside world, so he said:

“Don’t ask so much first, I promised the other party not to talk nonsense,”

“But don’t worry, if there is any result, I will tell you as soon as possible!”

Jenny couldn’t figure out why her husband suddenly wanted to take her son out.

Even though his son is dying, he still regards chemotherapy as the last straw for his son.

Seeing that her husband was about to take the child out without waiting for her son to finish chemotherapy,

She quickly stopped her and said, “Are you crazy? No matter what, we have to wait until the child’s chemotherapy is over!”

James waved his hand: “I can’t wait, I’m going to take him out now.”

As he said that before Jenny pressed the calling bell,”

“He took a step forward and pulled out his son’s infusion needle, then picked up his sleeping son and walked out.

Shocked and angry, Jenny chased all the way out, and reprimanded from behind:

“James! You put Jimmy down! He still has half of the chemotherapy drugs,”

“And you will kill him like this!”

James did not speak, and the ground under his feet was gaining distance faster and he ran out of the hospital as if escaping.

Jenny hurriedly chased him out of the hospital. When she saw James stopping the car at the door, she stomped her feet angrily, and cried and asked,

“James, what are you doing? No matter what, you can’t make fun of your son’s life!”

At this time, a taxi stopped in front of James. He was about to get into the car with his son in his arms.

Seeing his wife crying like rain, he hesitated for a moment, turned around, and said in her ear:

“A friend called and said that he can help Jimmy win a clinical trial quota for JX’s trials.”

“I am still not sure whether this matter is true or whether it will be successful,”

“But the other party told me that this matter is not impossible. That’s why I didn’t tell you clearly in the hospital.”

When Jenny heard this, she was surprised and asked him: “Really?! James, is everything you said true?! Jimmy can really get a Quota for clinical trials?!”

James said in her ear: “Honey, everything is still unknown, so you don’t need to be too excited or nervous, keep calm and prepare to pick up the girl from school.”

“If this happens, I will inform you, and then we will find a place to celebrate.”

“If this fails, I will bring Jimmy back for chemotherapy as soon as possible. You take care of the girl and don’t worry.”

Jenny nodded quickly, and said: “Okay! Then you take Jimmy there first, I’ll wait for your news!”

James k!ssed his wife’s forehead forcefully, turned around got into a taxi, and said to the driver,

“Hi, go to JX Pharmaceutical please!”

The current level of secrecy of JX Pharmaceutical is comparable to that of a military institution.

Because there have been many cases of trying to steal the formula of JX Pills before, the Aurous Hill police have listed the vicinity of JX Pharmaceutical as a control area.

This control area is equivalent to creating an artificial buffer zone for JX Pharmaceutical.

In the zone, there are not only police patrols at all times, but also no vehicles are allowed to stop temporarily.

Once they stop, the police will come forward to persuade them to leave.

The only place that outsiders can approach is the main entrance of JX Pharmaceutical.

Here, all visitors must show their ID for registration, and the internal staff of JX Pharmaceutical must come out to pick them up before they can bring people in.

Since the gate is guarded by security guards and also guarded by the police, when outsiders come here, they cannot enter without an appointment.

When James took a taxi and got off at the door, Ruslen and Bellina just arrived.

Seeing James, Ruslen smiled in surprise and said: “Mr. Smith, we meet again!”

“Meet again!” James smiled slightly and asked him, “How do you feel about hiking?”

“Very good indeed.” Ruslen said with a smile: “Walking around and seeing more before you lose your ability to move.”

James nodded, and couldn’t help asking him: “Ruslen, is what you said on the phone true?”

Ruslen took out his mobile phone, looked at Charlie’s phone number, and said with some uncertainty:

“If it is true, you will know after I make this call.”

Just after finishing speaking, two security guards came forward, and one of them asked: “Hey, do you have an appointment? If you don’t have an appointment, you can’t stay for a long time, please retreat outside the cordon.”

Ruslen said: “Please wait a moment, I will make a call, and my friend has made an appointment with your President Wei.”

The security guard was a little surprised, and said in doubt: “With Mr. Wei made an appointment?”

“It seems unlikely, right? Mr. Wei has stopped seeing guests recently, and all those who said they came to see Mr. Wei have basically been persuaded to leave.”

Ruslen said: “Specifically I don’t know the situation, can you let me make a call first?”

The security guard nodded and said, “It’s okay to make a call, but the time can’t be too long, because we also have regulations here.”

“Okay.” Ruslen also knew that the security guard was doing his duty, he naturally couldn’t cause trouble for others, so he said,

“Just wait a moment, I’ll be fine soon.”

After that, he pressed the call button and called Charlie.

Ruslen’s heart hung in his throat when the beeping sound of waiting to be answered came from the phone.

Although deep down in his heart he didn’t believe that Charlie would make fun of him with such a thing,

But at this time, he was really worried that no one would answer the call, or that the other party would hang up directly.

At this moment, Charlie was still on his way to Poole.

When he received a call from a stranger, he guessed it was Ruslen.

Sure enough, as soon as the phone was connected, Ruslen’s breathless voice came over:

“Huh… Linye, it’s me, Ruslen… I’ve already arrived at JX Pharmaceutical…”

Charlie smiled and said: “It’s good. Just wait a moment, I’ll call Liang now.”

Ruslen was a little apprehensive and said in a grateful tone:

“I’m sorry for your inconvenience, Linye…”

Charlie smiled lightly Said: “Don’t worry about it.”

After that, he hung up Ruslen’s phone and called Liang.

The phone rang twice, and Liang’s voice came over:

“Master Wade, what are the orders?”

Charlie asked him: “Liang, has the clinical trial quota for JX Renewing Pills been finalized yet?

Liang hurriedly said: “Master Wade, there is still the last batch of quotas, a total of 50 people,”

“And they are evaluating quickly. It is expected that the final points ranking will be released in two days, and the final batch of full names will be determined by then.”

“Okay.” Charlie smiled slightly, and said: “By the way, the reason I called you, I want you to add three quotas.”

“But they are coming in separately and not disturbing the actual quota.”

Liang asked: “Master Wade, do you mean that the last batch should have a total of fifty-three people?”

Charlie hummed: “Yes.”

Liang said: “Master Wade, the doses of the medicines are all suitable now, and there is no way to even out the doses of the additional three people.”

“If we dilute a part of the medicines of the other fifty people, can we divide them into fifty-three parts?”

“No need.” Charlie said casually: “After you take the three of them into treatment, they should be administered according to the normal course of medication.”

“I’m out of town for the past few days, and I’ll give you the missing medicine when I come back in two days.”

Liang didn’t think about it. He said: “Okay, Master Wade!”

Charlie said again: “By the way, the three of them are at the gate now, you can go and pick them up in person.”

“One is called Ruslen and the other is Bellina. The third is your old acquaintance, James from the US FDA.”

Chapter 5683

“James Smith?!”

Liang was astonished, and couldn’t help asking:

“Master Wade, I dare to ask, why did you open him up?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Just when he accidentally triggered the hidden Reward,”

“I told him before that if he really can do charity with his heart without asking for anything in return,”

“JX Pharmaceutical may give him a chance,”

“This time just remove the word “maybe.”

Liang said without hesitation Said:

“Okay, Master Wade, don’t worry, I’ll arrange it.”

Charlie said: “The other two are young people who I happened to meet,”

“And they were destined to be with me, so you can make arrangements for them together.”

Charlie instructed again: “However after you admit the patient,”

“You put James’s son in the children’s ward and isolate him from the other two.”

“Don’t let those two know my identity, but you can find the opportunity to explain James in private,”

“I definitely can’t give this favor in a daze,”

“Let this old boy know who gave the opportunity.”

Liang immediately said: “I understand Master Wade,”

“When the time comes I will find a chance to explain clearly to him face to face!”

After finishing speaking, Liang remembered something and quickly asked:

“Master Wade, after I meet James this time, do you want me to tell him your real identity?”

Charlie hummed and said: “Tell him straight,”

“I just planned to take this old boy for my own use in the future,”

“This time I will directly recruit him into the group.”

Liang asked in surprise: “Master Wade, do you want James? Will he cooperate with us?”

Charlie said: “Not just cooperation, I want him to join us and become a member of JX Pharmaceutical.”

Speaking, Charlie said again: “He has resigned from the FDA.”

“It is impossible for him to come and leave whenever he wants in a position like the director,”

“So it is definitely not possible to return to the FDA,”

“He has worked in the FDA for many years after all.”

“Not only does he have very deep connections within the organization and the North American pharmaceutical industry,”

“But more importantly, he has a very good understanding of the rules of the game in the entire FDA and the North American pharmaceutical field.”

“Then he will definitely help JX Pharmaceutical to occupy the North American market in the shortest time!”

After hearing this, Liang said excitedly: “Master Wade is right,”

“If we want to open up the situation in North America, James really is our best candidate!”

Charlie said: “When you meet him, tell him my identity and the stakes in it,”

“And then tell him, I will take time to meet him when I return in a few days.”

Liang immediately said: “Okay, Master Wade, I will definitely convey it to him!”

At this time, Ruslen, Bellina, and James outside the door were already waiting anxiously.

Even now, they are not sure whether this matter is reliable or not,

And they all know that whether this matter is reliable or not is directly related to the lives of three cancer patients,

So everyone is extremely nervous.

The security guard waited for a while, and when no one came out to pick them up, he stepped forward and said,

“Three, you have already timed out, please move outside the cordon and wait.”

Ruslen hurriedly said, “Wait a moment, it is estimated that someone will come to pick us up soon.”

The security guard said seriously: “The time has come, and three steps outside the cordon will not affect your waiting.”

“When the person who picks you up comes, I will let you in.”

Chapter 5684

Ruslen had no choice but to nod and said, “Okay, let’s wait outside the cordon first.”

As soon as the words fell, a man said: “Captain Sun, these are my friends, let them in.”

Several people turned their heads to look,

Only to realize that the person speaking turned out to be the general manager of JX Pharmaceutical, Liang Wei.

The security guard known as Captain Sun saw Liang coming, and immediately said very politely:

“Mr. Wei, since they are your friends, please help me to register their information.”

According to the regulations of JX Pharmaceutical, any visitor from outside must be accessed by internal staff.

And every pick-up employee must also truthfully register the visitor’s information,

Which is convenient for unified management, even Liang is no exception.

Liang nodded, looked at the three of them, and said with a smile:

“I know Mr. Smith, and the other two, please show your personal documents, and I will register.”

Ruslen couldn’t hide his excitement and said: “Wei… Hello Mr. Wei, my name is Ruslen Hu,”

“This is my girlfriend, Bellina Shu,”

“We…we are friends of Linye, he asked us to come to you…”

Liang smiled slightly and said: “I know. He has already called me,”

“Don’t worry, I will fulfill what he promised you.”

Ruslen and Bellina burst into tears of joy.

In the minds of cancer patients, the status of JX Pharmaceutical is much higher than that of Mayo Clinic.

Being accepted by JX Pharmaceutical for clinical trials indicates that people have completed the U-turn before the gate of hell.

Holding the child James was even more excited and burst into tears.

He looked at Liang and said with great gratitude and shame:

“Mr. Wei, thank you for giving Jimmy this opportunity…”

“Please forgive me for my arrogance and ignorance at the beginning. …”

Liang said with a smile: “Mr. Smith, the person you want to thank is not me,”

“I will talk to you in detail later.”

After that, he took the certificates handed over by Ruslen and Bellina,

And made for them After registering, he said, “Please come with me, I will settle you down now.”

They were overjoyed and quickly followed Liang into JX Pharmaceutical.

As soon as you enter the gate of JX Pharmaceutical, you can see several commercial vehicles parked on the roadside inside the door.

Liang pointed to one of them and said to the three people:

“The current JX Pharmaceutical covers a very large area.”

“The next clinical trial center is 1.5 kilometers away from the door, let’s go there by car.”

Several people nodded and followed Liang into the commercial vehicle.

The driver started the car, and Liang began to introduce: “After I received the call just now,”

“I have already arranged the places for clinical trials for you,”

“But our clinical trials are separate for adults and minors,”

“So Mr. Hu and Ms. Shu will be directly assigned to the adult group,”

“Which consists of four patients in one ward, and relatives are not allowed to visit or accompany them,”

“And our own nursing team will be responsible for daily life and necessary life care.”

They hastily nodded.

For them, whether they have family members to accompany them is not important,

What is important is that they can accompany each other, and that is enough.

Liang looked at James again at this time and said:

“Mr. Smith, our juvenile group has two patients in one ward, but every minor patient can be accompanied by a family member to take care of them.”

“You or your wife can stay and take care of him,”

“But only one person can accompany him at a time.”

“If you need to change the person in charge, you need to get a specific pass and register outside the door.”

James said without hesitation: “I will accompany him!”

Chapter 5685

Liang quickly arranged the three of them properly.

Ruslen and Bellina were placed in the adult ward,

While little Jimmy was placed in the children’s ward.

Under the guidance of the staff, James completed the hospitalization procedures for his son,

And the whole process was like a dream.

He thought that his son had no chance to participate in the clinical trial of JX Pharmaceutical,

And he was just discussing with his wife whether to send the child to the United States for hospice care,

But he didn’t expect that everything would turn upside down in the blink of an eye.

Because he had a certain understanding of JX Renewing Pills,

James had only one thought at the moment, and that was his son’s life, which was really saved this time!

He couldn’t help guessing in his heart, who was secretly promoting all this.

Could it be that the Mr. Linye that Ruslen met by chance really had such great ability?

Just when he was lost for a while, his wife called suddenly.

Only then did James remember that he was too excited and forgot to keep pace with his wife on such an important matter.

So he immediately connected the phone, and before he could speak,

Jenny on the phone couldn’t wait to ask:

“James, how is your situation?”

James said excitedly: “Jimmy has been admitted by them,”

“I just completed the admission procedures for Jimmy,”

“And there is a clinical trial base inside JX Pharmaceutical,”

“And Jimmy and I are here!”

Jenny blurted out excitedly: “Really?!”

“James, what you said is true? Are you kidding?”

“You didn’t lie to me, did you?!”

James said in a very firm tone: “Honey,”

“How could I joke with you about such an important matter?”

“Jimmy is already in the hospital bed now, the doctor is examining Jimmy.”

As he spoke, he quickly said, “Wait a minute, I’ll send you a video!”

Before Jenny could respond, James hung up the phone and sent a video call to Jenny.

Jenny also connected immediately, and soon,

She saw James running in the corridor of the inpatient area on the screen of the mobile phone.

James switched the camera.

He had already run back to Jimmy’s ward.

As soon as he opened the door and entered,

He saw two doctors conducting a detailed examination of Jimmy.

These doctors are all doctors poached by JX Pharmaceutical from major tumor hospitals.

Their main task here is not to treat patients,

But to use the most professional means to monitor each patient’s use of JX Renewing Pills.

The physical changes before and after treatment are used to record the specific efficacy of JX Renewing Pills.

Seeing James coming back, a doctor said to him,

“Excuse me, are you Jimmy’s father, Mr. Smith?”

James nodded quickly and said, “I am, doctor, how is my son doing now?”

The doctor said: “At present, Jimmy’s condition is not very good.”

“All aspects of him are signs of terminal cancer,”

“But he is not life-threatening. We have just collected blood from him and have sent it to the laboratory for further examination.”

“After a comprehensive cancer index check,”

“We will immediately arrange for him to have a CT scan to see the current division of cancer cells.”

James asked impatiently: “Excuse me, when can you start giving JX Renewing Pills for the child?”

In James’s view, JX Renewing Pill is the only life-saving straw for his son at present.

As for blood drawing and CT scans, these are just routine cancer examinations and have no therapeutic effect.

The doctor also understood James’s mood and explained:

“You don’t have to worry about this.”

“The reason why we want to draw blood and do a CT scan for the child is mainly to understand the physical condition of the child when he is admitted to the hospital,”

“So that it can also be related to the follow-up. for reference and comparison.”

“We have already collected the child’s blood before taking the medicine,”

“And now we will send the child to the radiology department. He will take two JX Renewing Pills.”

Chapter 5686

James asked in surprise: “Two at a time?”

“Yes.” The doctor nodded: “Considering that Jimmy’s condition is more critical,”

“We plan to give him five days of rapid consolidation first.”

“During these five days, we will give him two JX Renewing Pills every day,”

“So that his physical condition can recover quickly.”

“After five days, he will enter a stable period,”

“And we will give one JX Renewing Pill every day until he recovers and is discharged from the hospital.”

James breathed a sigh of relief.

Taking two JX Renewing Pills a day for five days in a row,

His son will definitely get a lot of relief.

Maybe he will be able to get out of bed after five days!”

Thinking of this, he quickly said gratefully: “Thank you so much!”

The doctor smiled slightly: “You’re welcome, this is what we should do.”

Then, he looked at the time and said:

“It’s almost time to go to the Radiology Department, Mr. Smith, come with us.”

“Okay!” James agreed without hesitation, and then together with the doctor,

Pushed his son’s hospital bed to the Radiology Department.

After arriving at the radiology department,

The nurse injected a contrast agent into Jimmy who was unconscious,

And then pushed him into the CT room.

Since this CT is a full-body scan, it will take a relatively long time.

James was somewhat anxious.

What he was anxious about was not the result of the CT,

But when his son would be able to eat today’s JX Renewing Pill.

While James was pacing outside the CT room door,

Liang walked in from the entrance of the Radiology Department.

James saw Liang at a glance, hurried forward, and said respectfully:

“Mr. Wei, thank you so much!”

Liang smiled and said: “Mr. Smith, you should not be thanking me for having this opportunity for Jimmy,”

“Because in my case, a child like Jimmy who is over ten years old and from a wealthy family does not meet the admission criteria.”

“Our clinic’s experimental project has clear scoring rules and algorithms,”

“And I must follow this rule to screen the list,”

“And I have no right to go beyond the scope of the rules.”

James couldn’t help but ask: “Mr. Wei, I want to know who gave Jimmy a chance?”

Liang smiled and said: “The person who can open you an opening beyond the rules is naturally the one who made the rules,”

“And only he has the authority and qualification to let Jimmy in.”

James asked curiously: “Aren’t you the CEO of JX Pharmaceutical?”

Liang nodded, “I’m the CEO, but I’m not the boss.”

“The real boss, as you have seen, is Mr. Charlie Wade.”

“Mr. Wade?” James exclaimed in surprise: “He…is he the boss of JX Pharmaceutical?”

“By the way, I forgot to tell you that the Mr. Linye that Ruslen and the others met was actually Mr. Wade,”

“But Mr. Wade did not reveal his true identity to the two of them due to personal reasons.”

“It just so happened that the two of them were also cancer patients.”

“He decided to make a special opening for the two of them,”

“And then he thought of you and Jimmy, which made Ruslen call you over.”

James widened his eyes and murmured: “So Mr. Wade is the boss of JX Pharmaceutical…”

“No wonder I saw him in Fei’s scientific research center that day, and even Ms. Fei respected him…”

Thinking that it was his arrogance that missed JX Pharmaceutical, but Charlie actually took the initiative to give Jimmy this chance to survive,

This made him extremely grateful to Charlie, so he subconsciously asked Liang:

“Mr. Wei, I wonder if I have a chance to meet Mr. Wade?!”

Chapter 5687

James really did not expect that Charlie was not only the boss of JX Pharmaceutical,

But also gave his son a chance to survive when he was most desperate.

Thinking back on his helplessness before, at this moment, he was extremely grateful to Charlie in his heart.

Liang said with a smile: “Mr. Smith, don’t worry. Mr. Wade told me that he is out of town,”

“So you should accompany your son to receive treatment these days.”

“When the child’s condition improves, he will return to Aurous Hill. I will ask you to meet.”

James said gratefully: “Then Mr. Wei must help me convey my thanks to Mr. Wade,”

“Our whole family is grateful for his great kindness!”

Liang nodded and looked at James’s current state,

He knows in his heart that this person is really grateful to Charlie,

And will definitely do his best for Charlie in the future.

The underlying cultural background and underlying logic of JX Pharmaceuticals are quite different from those of Western society.

If JX Pharmaceuticals’ drugs are to be successfully marketed in North America or even Europe in the future,

There must be a person who understands the Western medical system very well,

And in this world, those who have enough resources in the system will be the strikers prizes who charge forward.

And James is definitely the best candidate.

Liang, as the CEO of JX Pharmaceutical, also looks forward to James joining the team one day.

However, he knew in his heart that it was not suitable for him to come forward in this matter,

And he still wanted Charlie to communicate with James.

So, he smiled and said to James: “Don’t worry,”

“Mr. Smith, I will convey it to Mr. Wade for you.”

Then, he looked at the time and said, “Mr. Smith,”

“I have something else to do. Won’t bother you too much.”

“We have already arranged for the child’s follow-up treatment.”

“Don’t worry, all cancer patients participating in clinical trials will get better and recover without exception as long as they enter the door of JX Pharmaceutical,”

“So you don’t have to worry about it now.”

“Stay with the child, and wait for the child to recover and be discharged from the hospital.”

Liang’s words undoubtedly gave James great confidence.

He nodded repeatedly and watched Liang leave gratefully.

After waiting outside the CT room for about ten minutes,

The electric door slowly opened, and several doctors came out immediately,

And pushed out little Jimmy who was still in a coma.

As soon as Jimmy came out of the CT room,

James hurried forward to check on his son’s condition,

But his son hadn’t received the JX Recovery Pill yet, so his condition didn’t improve.

At this moment, two doctors in white coats walked over quickly,

One of them was holding a small suitcase,

And the other was holding a portable professional video camera.

The two came to Jimmy, and the doctor with the suitcase asked the other doctors:

“Is the patient ready to take the medicine now?”

The doctor who had been in touch with James nodded and said:

“All the examinations of the patient are done, you can administer the medicine.”

The doctor nodded and said: “Okay, I’m going to give the medicine now.”

After finishing speaking, he exchanged glances with the doctor holding the camera next to him, and said,

“Start recording now.”

The other party immediately pressed the record button of the camera,

And then the doctor opened the suitcase, and there were dozens of spherical pill boxes slightly smaller than golf balls neatly arranged inside.

He took off two in order, and rotated in front of the camera at the same time, he said:

“Patient number e33 of group e, name: Jimmy Smith; age: twelve years old; on the first day of admission, he took two JX Recovery Pills,”

“The pill body numbers ebar 1905, ebar 1906,”

“The package of the medicine box is intact and there is no abnormality,”

“Please check the information with the family members.”

Chapter 5688

After that, he handed the two JX Recovery Pills to James and said:

“Mr. Smith, please check the integrity of these two pills.”

“If there is no problem, we will take it apart and give it to the child.”

James asked in surprise, “Is the medication process so strict?”

The doctor nodded and said: “Currently, many people in the black market are buying JX Recovery Pills with a lot of money.”

“From now until the patient is discharged from the hospital,”

“Every time he takes JX Recovery Pills,”

“Our specialist will personally deliver the medicine and supervise the patient to take it.”

James suddenly realized.

JX Recovery Pill should be the only drug on the market that can completely cure all cancers.

In addition, there is no supply on the market, and those rich people who are sick will definitely pay a very high price for it.

If there is no strict control over the medicines, maybe someone inside JX Pharmaceutical or the patient’s family members will rack their brains to sell JX Recovery Pills because of huge interest.

Strict supervision of the delivery and administration of drugs can prevent such things from happening.

James carefully checked the outer packaging of the two JX Recovery Pills,

And after confirming that there was nothing unusual,

He handed the medicine back to the doctor, and said,

“The medicine is fine, please hurry up and give it to the child!”

Then the doctor nodded slightly, and opened one of the pills under the gaze of the camera, and everyone,

And then asked a doctor to gently pinch Jimmy’s mouth open, and then put the pill into his mouth.

Immediately afterward, he did the same and put the second pill into Jimmy’s mouth.

The two JX Recovery Pills quickly melted in Jimmy’s mouth.

The medicine not only contained medicines that could treat cancer,

But also had the ingredients to quickly restore the body’s vitality,

So Jimmy’s pale and bloodless complexion quickly recovered to somewhat ruddy.

A minute later, Jimmy woke up.

He slowly opened his eyes and found that he was in an unfamiliar environment with many strangers around him,

And he was a little nervous for a while.

Seeing that his son was awake, James rushed forward and said excitedly:

“Jimmy, Jimmy, you are awake! Dad is here!”

When Jimmy saw James, his nervousness instantly eased a lot.

He couldn’t help but ask, “Dad, where am I? Where’s Mom?

“This is JX Pharmaceutical,”

“Your mother and sister are waiting for news from us outside,”

“They will be very happy if they know you are awake!”

Although Jimmy is not very old, he has long known that his cure is only JX Pharmaceutical’s JX Recovery Pill.

He can be cured here, which is why Dad traveled thousands of miles to bring himself here from the United States.

However, he also knew that his condition did not meet the selection criteria for the clinical trial of JX Recovery Pill,

And he had already been rejected by JX Pharmaceutical.

So, when he heard his father say that he was in JX Pharmaceutical, he couldn’t help being surprised.

James asked him with concern: “Jimmy, how do you feel now? Are you feeling better than before?”

Jimmy nodded slightly, and said truthfully:

“I feel much more comfortable, and the pain compared to before is also better.”

“It is better a lot, Dad, I won’t have to die now?”

James grabbed his hand, nodded heavily, and choked up:

“Don’t worry Jimmy, you won’t die, you will live a long life, Dad promises!”

The doctor on the side said:

“Mr. Smith, the child’s condition is better now,”

“Let’s send him back to the ward first for a good rest,”

“He will continue to take the medicine at the same time tomorrow,”

“And the body will be further strengthened,”

“I believe it will not take a few days for Jimmy can get out of bed and move around.”

“Great!” James said excitedly:

“Thank you, doctor! Thank you!”

Chapter 5689

When Jimmy’s condition became more and more stable,

Charlie and Maria had already driven to Poole in southern Yunnan.

This city has a history of more than a thousand years.

It is not only a post station on the ancient tea-horse road,

But also an important producing area of Pu-erh tea.

When Maria left Dali, she brought the ashes of her parents out of Dali,

And they were finally buried in Poole.

She hasn’t come back here for more than three hundred years,

And she can’t remember what this city looked like before.

According to her, she only brought out her parents’ ashes from Dali back then.

When making a burial here, she also secretly chose a geomantic location to bury the two coffins.

She did not buy coffins for her parents, let alone build Graves and tombstones.

It was basically impossible to find two columbariums buried more than 300 years ago here.

Fortunately, she remembered that the place where her parents were quietly buried was a tea mountain called Erlang Mountain.

Moreover, she still remembered that she buried her parents’ ashes under the largest and thickest Pu’er tea tree in Erlang Mountain.

However, on the current map, there is no information on Mount Erlang within the Pool area.

Charlie drove the car into the urban area of the city.

And together with Maria found several old scholars in Poole.

After some investigation, they learned that there was indeed a mountain named Erlang Mountain in the suburbs of Poole,

But this mountain was in the past. In the past few decades, many names have been changed.

It was revised once during the Republic of China, and once after liberation.

In the 1960s, when the movement rose, it was changed once in order to erect a slogan on the mountain.

At the end of the 1970s, when the movement ended, it was changed again.

The last name change was more than 20 years ago when it was renamed Zhicheng Mountain.

It is said that this mountain, and its surrounding area of more than 20 miles, is a very famous tea-producing area in Poole.

Since the Qing Dynasty, the tea industry here has gradually formed a scale,

It has become one of the best districts for tea production in Poole.

The reason why this mountain was renamed Zhicheng Mountain is also because more than 20 years ago,

The entire tea production area was bought by a company in southern Yunnan at a high price.

It changed its name to Zhicheng Mountain, and gradually built it into its largest and top tea garden base.

Now the tea of Zhicheng Group has gained a relatively large reputation at home and abroad,

And its product line is mainly medium and high-end Pu’er tea cakes.

Among them, the Zhizhen series produced by Zhicheng Mountain is the flagship product of Zhicheng Group.

The normal price of a piece of tea cake starts at least 10,000 yuan.

Knowing the current situation of Erlang Mountain,

Charlie found the location of Zhicheng Mountain in the navigation.

Because it has been developed by Zhicheng Group for more than 20 years,

The traffic conditions are also very good.

It takes 40 minutes to drive from the city to reach the foot of Zhicheng Mountain.

Maria hasn’t been back to China in these years.

She has always been worried that Erlang Mountain will be destructively developed and mined.

She was worried all the way. When Zhicheng Mountain really appeared in front of her eyes,

Her hanging heart was instantly relieved.

Because the mountains here have not changed from the ones three hundred years ago.

Although Erlang Mountain has changed its name because it has always been used as a tea-producing area,

It has not undergone drastic transformation and development over the years.

The biggest trace of development is that Zhicheng Group built a concrete road from the national highway directly to the foot of the mountain.

They also built a tea processing factory in the plain area at the foot of the mountain.

When the car was still more than ten kilometers away from Erlang Mountain,

The lush green hill could already be seen in the sight of the car.

Maria, who was at the side, couldn’t hold back her excitement.

Seeing her nervously rubbing her hands, Charlie couldn’t help but ask,

“Are you sure your parents are buried on this mountain?”

“Yes.” Maria said, “Although the name of the mountain has changed,”

“Its appearance remains the same. It must be here.”

She said, “I just don’t know if the Pu’er tea tree is still there,”

“If the tree is gone, it may be difficult to find it.”

Charlie said: “It’s okay, I will accompany you to search until you find it.”

Maria nodded gratefully, and said to Charlie: “If that Pu’er tea tree is still alive,”

“It should have a lifespan of a thousand years.”

“It is definitely the largest tea tree here. The most luxuriant one.”

She couldn’t help but sigh with emotion:

“However, it is still far behind the mother of Pucha with a lifespan of ten thousand years by the edge of Tianchi Lake.”

Charlie said with a smile: “One thousand years and ten thousand years,”

“I don’t know how many generations there are.”

As the distance gets closer, the details of Erlang Mountain can be seen more and more clearly.

Maria pointed to a particularly dense tea tree near the top of the mountain, and said excitedly to Charlie:

“If I’m not wrong, I had buried my parents’ ashes under that tree!”

Charlie looked up, Sure enough, on the side of the peak line close to the top of the mountain,

There is a huge tree standing in it.

The whole mountain is basically a tea tree with a uniform size and a height of about one meter.

It can be distinguished even from a distance.

Thinking of Maria’s story about the mother of pucha,

Charlie was not surprised. Although this tea tree is definitely not as good as the mother of pucha,

It should have a long history and is quite spiritual.

When the car was approaching the foot of the mountain, Charlie found himself in a difficult situation.

Relying on the tea factory at the foot of the mountain,

Zhicheng Group surrounded several mountains including Erlang Mountain with iron fences.

Above the iron fence, there are even surveillance probes and circles of barbed iron nets.

Chapter 5690

Although the cement road leads to the foot of the mountain,

It was blocked by the gate of the park when it was one kilometer away from the foot of the mountain.

Charlie could only park the car at the gate.

Inside the sentry box, a security guard ran out immediately upon seeing this,

Trotted all the way to the car window, and asked Charlie vigilantly, “What do you want?”

Charlie said, “Master, I want to talk to the person in charge here.”

Now that Erlang Mountain has become the property of Zhicheng Group,

It must be difficult for outsiders to get in.

Moreover, Charlie brought Maria to pay respects to her parents,

So it feels a bit inappropriate to go in secretly.

The security guard asked Charlie curiously:

“What’s your surname? Which unit is it? We didn’t receive a visitor notice today.”

Charlie said with a smile: “I came from East China.”

“I heard that your Zhicheng Group has been around for a long time.”

“I really want to do tea business, so I came to visit.”

The security guard shook his head and said, “I’m sorry,”

“You can’t come here without an appointment, even the city leaders have to make an appointment in advance.”

Charlie was a little curious he asked: “Master, why do you manage it so strictly? It’s like a secret-related unit.”

The security guard said seriously: “Let me tell you, the entire tea area of Zhicheng Mountain is a commercial secret!”

“Especially the tea king tree on the top of the mountain, these years, bad people have been thinking about it!”

As he spoke, he described vividly: “Just last month, we caught two men,”

“They sneaked in and tried to steal the branches of Tea King.”

“They wanted to take them for grafting and breeding,”

“And we caught them as soon as they approached, and we beat them into pig heads.”

“Since then, we have a guard at three steps and a sentry at five steps.”

“At the Tea King on the top of the mountain, there are 24-hour security guards.”

“There is no dead angle monitoring, and it is covered with a nylon net, not even a bird is allowed to fall!”

Charlie couldn’t help feeling a little worried.

If you look at it this way, it’s not easy to go upright, and it’s not easy to sneak around.

After all, there are security guards everywhere, and there are surveillance cameras without dead ends.

Seeing that Charlie didn’t look like a bad guy with ulterior motives,

The security guard said, “Young man, let me tell you, our place is just a tea plantation base and basic processing of tea.”

“The real leaders don’t work here. If you really want to talk about cooperation,”

“Go to the urban area of Poole, there is a Zhicheng Building in the urban area,”

“That’s our headquarters, you have to make an appointment there first if you talk about cooperation,”

“If they arrange for you to come here for a visit, they will naturally notify us.”

Maria on the side listened to this and her expression was a little depressed,

But she still gently tugged at the corner of Charlie’s clothes, and said,

“Why don’t we go to Poole and talk to their group first.”

Charlie also knew that it might not be easy to get into this situation,

So he can think long-term, so he nodded and said to the security guard:

“Then I will go to the city to have a look first, thank you, master.”

The security guard waved his hand: “You are welcome, you go slowly on the road.”

Then he was about to return to the urban area, and at the same time couldn’t help complaining to himself:

“We should have known the specific situation in Poole urban area first,”

“And went to talk to that Group first, and now we are rushing back to the urban area,”

“I guess we have to wait until tomorrow if it’s the fastest.”

Maria shook her head and said, “Don’t be so troublesome, according to the security guard just now,”

“The tea tree is heavily guarded, with 24-hour surveillance and no dead-end shooting, and the security is also 24-hour Rotation,”

“Even if we try to get in, I can’t pay homage; It doesn’t seem like something that would happen in modern times,”

“But it will arouse suspicion. I don’t think we need to go back to Poole,

“It’s more than a hundred kilometers away from Banna, let’s go directly to Banna.”

Charlie thought for a while and said: “It’s better to buy Zhicheng Group directly.”

“Ah?” Maria was stunned, and blurted out: “This is too much…”

Charlie said indifferently: “It’s okay, a group that sells tea, and it’s not the largest in southern Yunnan.”

“Its estimated market value is several tens of billions. I’ll take care of it, I’ll handle it.”

Maria hurriedly said: “I’m worried that Victoria’s Chinese Army Commander’s Mansion is deeply rooted in southern Yunnan.”

“Although they have entered a period of silence now if there are too many actions in southern Yunnan,”

“It must be impossible to escape their eyes and ears…”

Charlie waved his hand and said very calmly: “It’s okay,”

“It’s just a normal business acquisition, what’s in the way of them?”

“What’s more, who would think that you would have anything to do with the tea company?”

“After all After you left Dali, Victoria didn’t find your whereabouts.”

“She didn’t know where you went after you left Dali, and she didn’t know that you buried your parents in Poole,”

“And she didn’t know that you lived in Banna guarding the mother of Pucha for many years.”

“The reason why you are worried is because you know these clues yourself,”

“So you are afraid that others will be able to figure out the relationship between them,”

“But for people other than you, as long as one link is missed,”

“It is impossible for them to review the complete chain of evidence. “

As he said, he looked at Maria, and said firmly:

“Leave this matter to me, and you don’t worry,”

“I will arrange everything, just wait for me to make a call.”

Maria also felt that what Charlie said made sense,

And Charlie’s sudden acceptance of this matter also made her feel that she could rely on others for the first time.

After thinking for a moment, she nodded slightly, and said in a grateful low voice:

“Then…then there will be Mr. Lao…”

Charlie smiled slightly, immediately took out his mobile phone, and called Zhiyu.

In the eyes of the outside world, the Su family is the Wade family’s deadly enemy.

If he allows the Su family to come forward to buy it, it will naturally be safer.

The phone was connected, and Zhiyu asked happily and respectfully on the other end of the phone:

“Mr. Wade, what made you remember me?”

Charlie said: “Miss Su, I need your help.”

Su Zhiyu hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, just say it.”

“I want you to buy Zhicheng Group. The sooner the better.”

Chapter 5691

Zhicheng Group is a well-known enterprise in southern Yunnan,

However, because the industry it is engaged in is relatively vertical,

It is not well-known outside the tea circle.

Zhiyu had never even heard of the name of Zhicheng Group.

But her style of doing things has always been capable and direct, without sloppy pause, she on the other end of the phone, while taking the pen and paper in front of the desk, said:

“Alright, Mr. Wade, I wonder how you need my cooperation?”

Charlie said: “I hope you use the name of the Su family to talk to their bosses.”

“If the other party is curious about why you, a dignified lady of the Su family and the owner of the Su family, are interested in such a tea company,”

“You can tell them, your grandfather likes to drink their tea very much in Madagascar,”

“So you plan to buy this company, generally speaking, you can just keep a rich and willful tone.”


Zhiyu agreed without hesitation, and said: “Mr. Wade, please give me ten minutes.”

“I will first get a general understanding of the basic situation of this company,”

“And then formulate a general acquisition plan to communicate with you.”

Charlie said: “Okay, I will wait for your response.”

Zhiyu hung up the phone and immediately searched for some information about Zhicheng Group in front of the computer.

After recording some useful information she collected, she thought for a minute and then called Charlie back.

Charlie answered the phone and asked her: “How is the situation?”

Zhiyu said respectfully: “Mr. Wade, I just learned about their situation.”

“This company is a private joint-stock enterprise. The biggest boss is their founder, Zayden Lu.

At first, it was a small micro-enterprise with sole proprietorship, but after the economic opening up in the 1980s, their tea business had a great breakthrough,”

“And gradually developed into a famous brand in southern Yunnan and became one of the top five tea companies;”

“Zhicheng Group completed its shareholding reform ten years ago.

At that time, it planned to list on the main board IPO, but because of the lack of profit scale and unstable profits,”

“Although it accepted the IPO guidance from the China Securities Regulatory Commission, but the last kick in the door still failed, and it has not been able to complete the listing;”

“A few years ago, they gritted their teeth and joined the New Third Board, but because of the company’s low valuation, poor liquidity, and lower-than-expected financing goals, they withdrew from the New Third Board;”

“The market value curve at the time of the third board was only a little over a billion at the peak, but their financial reports in those years were not satisfactory.”

“The decline in the tea market would affect their profits,”

“And the reduction in tea production or harvest will also affect them. Their profits and market value will naturally be affected; “

“Moreover, there is a local leading enterprise in southern Yunnan in their industry, Juyi Group.”

“This enterprise can be regarded as the top spot in this industry, but even for them, capital The operation has not been smooth.”

“Although the backdoor listing was successful, the market value was only relatively hot at the beginning.”

“Now that the market has cooled down, its market value has not even reached two billion, so the capital prospects of the tea industry are actually not very good;”

“Speaking of Zhicheng Group, although they can indeed make tens of millions of profits every year, there is still no room for imagination to put such a small amount of money in the capital market.”

“Since they have repeatedly hit the IPO, they have tried and failed repeatedly. Judging from their repeated attempts, their boss, Zayden Lu, should have always wanted to go public to cash out, but because of the hopelessness of going public, he has not been able to do so;”

“If the profit of tens of millions is really in his hands, it will be less than tens of millions a year.”

“If he wants to cash out his dream of going public with hundreds of millions of yuan, it is estimated that there will never be any hope.”

Charlie did not expect that Zhiyu only took 10 minutes to sort out and summarize so much effective information, and he has great recognition for this woman’s business acumen, judgment, and business ability.

He asked Zhiyu: “From Ms. Su’s point of view if you buy this company, how much should you buy it for?”

Zhiyu said: “Mr. Wade, from the information I can find so far, their boss Zayden Lu, the public shareholding ratio is 57.6%,”

“But through other shareholding structures and option holdings, the overall calculation should be 78.5%, and it is a well-deserved major shareholder;”

“Judging from Zayden Lu’s current income situation, if he continues to stick to this business, he will earn 30 to 40 million yuan a year if he is lucky.”

“If he is not lucky, he may not earn a penny all year round or even lose money;”

“Looking at him in the next 20 years, the net income that he can get from Zhicheng Group one after another should not exceed 600 million;”

“If we give him a quotation, we can ensure that after he makes a move, If there is no gambling clause, no waiting period, and if you can reap more than 600 million at one time,”

“Then he has no reason to reject our acquisition of 600 million divided by his shareholding ratio, which is 78.5%>”

“So the total quotation of Zhicheng Group should be around 760 million;” “

Of course, whether the price will be higher or lower, in the end, depends on the specific situation of chatting with Zayden Lu. Through communication, we can analyze his current psychological state as well as psychological expectations,”

“If it is safe, I personally suggest setting the psychological price at 800 million,”

“But I will use 600 million as the quotation to talk to him, and try to win him within the price range of 700 million to 750 million!”

Charlie asked her: “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Zhiyu said confidently: “Entrepreneurs like Zayden Lu have been engaged in real businesses for decades. Although the scale of the industry is large,”

“But the money is also earned every penny. This kind of person has no possibility of getting rich overnight in business. If he wants to go public and cash out, he has no chance.”

“There is a relatively large consumption, and he probably hopes that someone can take away his plate at one time,”

“So that he can withdraw and retire smoothly with that large sum of money,”

“And he is an absolutely controlling shareholder, so he successful or not, he is alone, I believe there should be no problem.”

Charlie was very satisfied, and said to her: “I am in Poole now, how long do you think it will take you to solve this matter?”

“If it is soon, I will wait for you for the next two days, if it’s too late, I’ll go to other places to do other things first, and I’ll come back after you finish it.”

Zhiyu looked at the time and said, “It’s almost sunset here, but since you’re in Poole, there should be more than an hour before sunset. If everything goes well,”

“I should get him to nod before sunset on your side.”

“As long as he nods, I can immediately pay him a deposit of 100 million yuan, and then send a team of lawyers to go through the transfer procedures with him overnight!”

“One hour?” Charlie heard this answer and said with a smile: “Okay, then I’ll be here waiting for your news,”

“As long as he nods and you pay the deposit, tell him you are sending two consultants to his base in Zhicheng Mountain to inspect first and ask him to notify the person in charge of the base to prepare for the reception!”

At this moment, the Zhicheng Building is in the urban area of Poole.

Sixty-two-year-old Zayden Lu has just finished the distributor meeting.

Since there was going to be a dinner party for distributors at the hotel in the evening,

Although he was exhausted, he could only rest in the office for a while, and when the time came, he would forcefully go to the banquet site.

Zayden felt a little depressed today.

In recent years, dealers have become more and more powerful in front of the group.

In the past, the group put pressure on the dealers to assess their performance, forcing them to continue to purchase goods and increase inventory,

And even often deducted their sales for various reasons. Rebate at the end of the year to force them to work harder and be more obedient.

However, with the rise of e-commerce in recent years, most traditional brands have lost this absolute advantage in front of dealers.

Chapter 5692

Especially in the opaque fast-moving consumer goods industry such as alcohol and tea, new brands will emerge every day to boast about it, packaging themselves as the second Moutai or the king of tea.

They are better at packaging and storytelling than traditional companies,

And they are also very shrewd and good at marketing.

They can find an OEM manufacturer to produce liquor with better packaging, and hang a link of 500 yuan on the website.

Then they use various promotional packages offline, and finally, 51 bottles are free of postage.

The result is great they sell the bottle at many times the production cost.

The cost of the wine is five yuan, the cost of advertising and buying traffic is ten yuan, and the logistics cost of two or three yuan is basically the entire cost of this wine.

Fifty-one bottles are sold to consumers, and there is at least thirty profit margins.

The same is true for tea.

Zayden Lu sells ordinary mass-grade Pu-erh tea for only 100 yuan per cake,

Which is more than 300 grams per cake, but marketing experts divide the tea of the same quality into five grams and then customize a story for it. A copy can be sold for 50 yuan;

Some colleagues are not good at packaging and telling stories, but they are good at price wars.

They package those who know tea as firewood and think it’s too choking. If the cake is not enough, add another cake,

And if it is not enough, add another cake, a total of five big cakes, plus three small cakes for travel,

And then a teapot for making tea will be packed onto it, and the total price is 100.

This seemingly kind of sales method with small profits but high sales is actually even more deceitful.

There are eight cakes of tea leaves five big and three small ones, and the cost adds up to less than 20 yuan.

One yuan and five, and the remaining 70 yuan in profit margins,

If you allocate more than 20 yuan to the online celebrities who sell the goods, you can still earn half of it.

Zayden knew the tactics of his peers, and also knew that they made more money by using this method,

At the same time took away their target customers, but Zayden himself could not learn from the other party’s such low-level marketing methods.

These competitors are not people who really understand tea and love tea. They just regard tea as a temporary profit-making track. When they choose tea, they will use this method to harvest tea from consumers.

When they aim at healthcare products, they will start anew, package another healthcare product, and use the same method to wash a wave of healthcare product customers.

In Zayden Lu’s words, those people lack reverence for tea.

And he is different.

He has loved tea all his life, and relying on tea, he has become a relatively well-known and wealthy entrepreneur in the local area, so he has a passionate affection for tea.

He feels that the premise of making money is to make tea well first, and only the money earned in this way can he feel at ease.

It is precisely because of this love and awe that he has never been able to find a real chance to get rich overnight.

And those scammers are different. They may sell tens of thousands of orders a day for an order of 50 tea leaves, and easily make millions of profits in one night.

Sometimes seeing these people make a lot of money, Zayden will lose confidence in the tea industry. He feels that most industries will form an embarrassing situation where bad money drives out good money.

If you don’t want to become bad money, you can only be expelled by bad money.

Instead of this, it is better to cash out and leave the market as soon as possible.

But cashing out is not as simple as imagined.

Just like a steamed stuffed bun shop, the boss has worked hard for a year, and although he can earn hundreds of thousands, the boss wants to sell the steamed stuffed bun shop at ten times the PE,

That is, sell it at the profit price of the next ten years, and sell it directly. It’s more than one million, that’s just a dream.

In today’s dealer meeting, Zayden suffered another big blow.

Those agents have asked to reduce the purchase discount, from the original 50% discount to a 40% discount, and said that if the group does not agree, they will reduce or even stop the purchase.

Don’t underestimate the difference in this discount. If something worth 50 yuan is discounted to 40 yuan, it means that it has been discounted by 20%.

Normally, Zayden would have gotten angry in front of the agent, but he still suppressed his anger and promised the dealer that he would seriously consider their proposal.

Sitting in the office, he dared to scold his mother behind his back, scolding these dealers for crossing rivers and tearing down bridges.

At this time, Zayden’s son, Yiannis knocked on the door: “Dad, can I come in?”

Close the door carefully, and then said with righteous indignation: “Dad! These dealers are too f*cking useless, and asking for a purchase price that is 40% off,”

“So why don’t we go bankrupt at once?”

Zayden said helplessly: “There is no way, these people who came today are at least agents above the prefecture-level city.”

“They are our ancestors now, and no one dares to offend anyone. What’s more, they are now in a group. Then I can’t be more guilty.”

“Why?” Yiannis said with a look of displeasure: “They are simply raising prices and extorting money. If I were you, I would have scolded them long ago!”

Zayden sighed: “It was okay to scold once before, but twice Slap and take a step back and give some dates to eat, everyone will be satisfied in the end, but this year’s situation is different…”

Speaking of this, Zayden cursed depressedly: “Using the words of your young people, this year’s Pu’er tea market is too f*cked!”

After a pause, he said again: “Dmn it, not only a few major traditional tea companies are desperately cutting prices to lower the market price, but those emerging brands are also using marketing and price means to constantly impact the market of our traditional tea companies Space,”

“You said your tea is good, he said that the price of the same tea next door is less than half of ours, you said let him try the taste of these two kinds of tea is completely different, he said there is no difference in his taste, What do you think you can do with them?”

Yiannis said depressedly: “There are more and more people drinking tea now, but there are not many people who really understand tea. Tea leaves that cost RMB 10,0000 per catty and tea leaves that cost 10,000 RMB per catty, he can’t differentiate.”

Zayden nodded in agreement and sighed: “What’s worse, even bottled drinks now The industry has focused its firepower on entering the tea market.”

“In the past, everyone mainly made oolong tea and green tea, which did not have a big impact on us, but now Puer tea is also targeted by them;”

“Puer tea is troublesome to brew, so people simply brew it and fill it into bottles. Consumers can not only drink it after unscrewing it but also drink it iced. Our consumers can only make tea with boiling water at 100 degrees, the tea leaves have been kept for a long time, the temperature has dropped, and the taste has changed; How to compete with them?”

Yiannis sighed, and said depressedly: “Dad, let me tell you the truth, I have long felt that our business is not so easy to do, and the competition is too fierce;”

“And you said that we have been in southern Yunnan development, resources and contacts are only here, but the industry is not developed here, and the transportation is not convenient. Even if we switch to dry tea drinks here, we still can’t do it.”

“The old godmother next door is the best example. E-commerce has not risen. At that time, they were No. 1 in the sauce category, but after the e-commerce started, they were quickly left behind…”

At this point, Yiannis mustered up his courage and said to Zayden: “Dad, in my opinion, let’s find a suitable next home and sell the company. You have worked hard all your life, and it’s time to retire and enjoy the blessings.”

Zayden snorted and asked him: “Find a next home? Is it easy to find? If you are not optimistic about this industry, why should others be optimistic?”

“Our group is the most embarrassing right now, larger than us are also reducing their expenses. It is impossible to spend money to acquire us and those emerging brands that are smaller than ours. , People are playing the mode of making quick money, wishing that the money invested today will make a profit tomorrow,”

“And it is even more impossible to spend money to buy such a burden like us, people like us even look down on them as OEM workers, why? Because our tea production costs are high! If the law is ignored, they would like to sell rotten leaves as tea, how can they use our things?”

Yiannis sighed dejectedly, and asked him: “Is there no chance to cash out? Yet?”

Zayden nodded and said: “Yes, of course, the current profit situation of the group, according to the calculation of the capital market, plus the net assets, the serious market value should be around 1.12 billion.”

“Let’s not pursue high premiums. A discount of 800 million is always reasonable, right? But no one will offer this price now,”

“Because no one will give us room for a premium. If we set the price below 500 million, it is estimated that there is a possibility of selling. Below 400 million, there is a high probability that it can be sold.”

After speaking, Zayden said again: “But 400 million is too low, at least 700 million is reasonable?”

“700 million?” Zayden brushed aside Curling his lips, he said disdainfully: “You have the time to daydream, Why don’t you think about how to drink up those dealers tonight, They want a 40% discount, I definitely can’t give this, see if they can make a compromise after drinking too much Let’s move it to around 45 and sign the contract quickly.”

Yiannis couldn’t help but say, “Dad, you always have to have a dream, what if it comes true?”

Zayden said impatiently: “If someone has 700 million to buy it, I’ll run around Heping Road three times with my bare!”

Yiannis immediately looked sad when he heard this, he thought that he might be able to sell it for less than 100 million yuan, but he didn’t expect the old man to be so pessimistic.

Just when the father and son were both depressed, they heard the door being knocked open with a bang, and then they saw the secretary rushing in like crazy.

Before the secretary could stand still, he said excitedly: “Director… there is a great thing!”

Zayden was already bored, but when he saw the secretary rushing in without knocking, he immediately got angry and shouted angrily: “When did you learn not to knock on the door?”

The secretary ignored the accusations, swallowed hard, and said excitedly:

“Chairman, the Su Group… the Su Group that ranks first in the country!”

“Their secretary just called and said they want to talk about the acquisition!”

Chapter 5693

What the secretary said left Zayden and Yiannis dumbfounded.

Naturally, they have heard of the name of the Su Group.

After all, the Su family is the most powerful family in China, and it is definitely a ceiling-level existence in the country.

On the other hand, Zhicheng Group, although it is called a group, has not even been listed on the GEM,

Let alone a name in southern Yunnan, and it is barely a well-known enterprise in Poole City.

Even if the father and son were dreaming, they didn’t dare to think that they would be acquired by a top family like the Su Group.

After all, the ranks are too different, and the Su Group’s assets are more than a thousand times greater than that of the Zhicheng Group.

Therefore, Zayden asked his secretary in disbelief, “Aren’t you kidding me? The Su Group wants to talk to us about acquisitions?”

The secretary said with an aggrieved expression, “Chairperson, why would I joke with you?” Ah! She did say that on the phone, and she also said that if you have a convenient time and are really interested, you can arrange a video conference to chat.”

Zayden and Yiannis looked at each other, and then the father asked his son: “Yiannis, What do you think?”

Yiannis took the case without hesitation: “Fraud! It must be a telecom fraud!”

“Dmn, these scammers are really hateful! The deception is becoming more and more professional!”

“In the past, they used to pretend to be the company manager to trick the accountant into transferring. Now they started to play tricks of mergers and acquisitions!”

As he spoke, he scolded angrily again: “Dad, why can’t these people design the details of the plot well?”

“The idea of pretending to be an acquisition is really good Yes, the details are not in place.”

“If they say that they are a company in the same industry such as the Juyi Group, we can trust him 30 to 50%.”

“He directly came to the Su Group and treated us like a fool. Why doesn’t he just pretend to be Elon Musk?”

Zayden was stunned, thinking that what his son said made sense.

So he rubbed his temples, and said to the secretary annoyedly, “Call the police.”

The secretary said embarrassingly: “Chairperson, she didn’t say anything, she just showed her identity and said that if you are interested in being acquired, they will arrange a video conference.”

“If I call the police, what can I tell the police…”

Zayden waved waving his hand: “Then ignore it!”

The secretary suddenly didn’t know what to do.

Seeing that he hadn’t left yet, Zayden couldn’t help asking:

“What are you still doing here? Go out and take care of your work!”

The secretary coughed twice and said falteringly: “That… the chairperson… I don’t feel like this is a lie.”

“They spoke very professionally. Those who make scam calls are illiterate people who can’t read a few big characters and can’t get a good meal. They definitely don’t speak professionally. So…”

As he spoke, he asked courageously: “Chairperson, they said to arrange a video conference, why don’t we try it?”

“Anyway, we can show our face, and we can’t suffer, and we can’t be fooled…”

Zayden asked back: “Let me ask you, why do you think the Su Group will buy us? It’s the secretary of the board! Do you know what a secretary of the board is?”

The secretary nodded and said aggrievedly: “I know, am I the secretary of the board? chairperson …”

Zayden said angrily: “You, the secretary of the board, are parallel importers, and I, the chairperson, are all parallel importers, let alone you?”

“But the Su Group, what level is that? The secretary of the Su Group must be a professional Serving the chairperson of the Su Group and the owner of the Su family!”

He said, “Think about it for yourself, under what circ*mstances, the secretary of the Su Group will call us and say he wants to buy us?”

“Then she would only call us if the chairperson of the Su Group and the Patriarch of the Su family personally ordered her to call us! Have you read “Private Interviews in Kangxi Weifu”?”

“If San Dezi in it is out of the palace to do business, it must be the emperor.”

“What was explained, so do you think that the chairperson of the Su Group will suddenly want to buy us?”

The secretary was speechless when asked, and he was wronged for a long time and muttered in a low voice:

“But it’s okay to make a video we won’t lose…”

“Dmn it…” Seeing that he was still stubborn here, Zayden scolded him angrily, and blurted out:

“Are you the secretary of the board of directors or am I the secretary of the board of directors? You can do whatever I tell you to do, and then grind with me.”

“I will arrange for you to grow tea in the tea mountain! I am in a bad mood already, and you are still here to chat with me!”

The secretary had an idea, and said: “Chairperson, you are in a bad mood, why don’t you talk to the other party?”

“Hold a video conference, and then just scold them to relieve your anger!”

Zayden was also bored, and said with a grin: “Okay! You arrange it! I f*cking have to let those liars eat electric batons today!”

Secretary Immediately said: “Wait a moment, I will call the other party back!”

Then he took out his mobile phone and walked outside the door.

Yiannis stretched his waist, and said cursingly: “I have already studied the deception of these liars, they ask you to enter some Tencent meeting or Netease meeting, and fool us into letting them control the computer remotely;”

“Or, let us open some kind of gold bars and white bars to borrow money, and then they secretly borrow the money and transfer it out,”

“Dad, wait and see, it must be such a routine.”

Zayden snorted coldly: “I’m just f*cking angry, no matter what their tricks are, I have one purpose, scolding them to death!”

Two minutes later, the secretary hurried in and said, “Chairperson, I have an appointment with them, she asked us to go to the Su Group official website, There is an online meeting function, enter their meeting code, and you can start the video meeting.” “

Uh…” Yiannis was stunned, and asked, “What did you say? She asked us to start a meeting from the Su Group website?”

“Yes.” The secretary nodded and said, “I’m wondering too, does the Su Group have video conferencing products?”

“f*ck…” Yiannis hurried to his father’s desk, searched for the official website of the Su Group, and after confirming that it was correct, he clicked to open the official website.

After opening the official website, in a secondary category of “Contact Us”, there was indeed an entrance for online video conferences.

Yiannis clicked again, and a dialog box popped up immediately, saying: “Please enter the conference code to enter the conference.”

Then, followed by an input box.

Below the input box, there is a series of reminders, which read: “This video conference function is the only official channel for online negotiations between the Su Group and cooperative companies,”

“And it can only be initiated by Su Group employees. If there is no conference code, please consult your matchmaker.”

Yiannis scratched his head, frowned, and said, “Dad… this… this seems to be true… a liar is definitely not going to come from the official website of Su Group…”

Zayden asked in surprise: “Really?! Does the Su Group really want to buy us?! Why are they buying us?”

Yiannis couldn’t help exclaiming: “Dad, the famous Su Group also sometimes misses it!”

Zayden murmured: “Who The f*ck does he know?”

After finishing speaking, he raised his eyebrows and said angrily, “Oh no, what are you doing here!”

The secretary on the side quickly said: “Chairperson, hurry up and enter the meeting code to enter the meeting room. They’re already waiting there!”

“Oh!” Zayden came back to his senses and immediately entered the meeting code.

Immediately afterward, the page automatically jumped to the online meeting room.

On the other end of the video, a young professional woman can be seen sitting at her desk.

As Zayden went online, the other party immediately said, “Mr. Lu, I am Melisa Zhang, Secretary of the chairperson of the Su Group.”

Yiannis outside the range of the camera, quickly used his mobile phone to search for the information of the secretary of the Su Group, and sure enough, he found Melisa Zhang’s encyclopedia and detailed introduction.

When he clicked on it, he found that she was indeed the young woman in the video.

At this moment, he couldn’t hold back his excitement, and whispered to his father: “Dad! It’s true! It’s true!”

Zayden also knew that the other party must be real.

Chapter 5694

As far as the temperament and tone of the other party sitting there, it can’t be fake.

This made him a little flattered all of a sudden, and he became restless.

Zhiyu’s board secretary, Melisa, saw that Zayden was silent for a long time, so she tried to ask him:

“Mr. Lu, can you hear me?”

Zayden came back to his senses, and hurriedly said: “I heard you! Miss Melisa Zhang, right! Hello!”

Melisa nodded lightly, and said with a smile: “Mr. Lu, I won’t talk too much with you,”

“Let’s get straight to the point, the purpose of this time contacting you is that our President Su intends to acquire Zhicheng Group,”

“So I would like to ask Mr. Lu if he has any idea of selling it.”

“If so, we can start discussing the specific acquisition matters directly.”

This is something that Zayden never even dreamt of.

So he didn’t dare to play hard to get, and said without hesitation:

“I have the idea of selling, it depends on what kind of quotation the Su Group can give us!”

Melisa smiled and said: “Since Mr. Lu has a sale Intention, then let Mr. Su come to talk to you about the price in person.”

“I will immediately invite Mr. Song to join the meeting. If you talk about the details, I will make the meeting minutes.”

Zayden asked in surprise: “Mr. Su? Is it your chairperson? Is it?”

“That’s right.” Melisa smiled and said, “It’s our chairperson, Ms. Zhiyu Su.”

Zayden felt even more flattered in his heart.

How a small tea business, be favored by the head of the Su Family?

Just when he was so excited, Zhiyu connected to the video conference room.

As soon as she came in, she said politely: “Mr. Lu, I am Zhiyu Su, the chairperson of the Su Group.”

Zayden’s voice was trembling with excitement: “Su… Hello Miss Su… I have admired your name for a long time …”

Zhiyu said with a smile: “Mr. Lu, you don’t have to be so polite. Melisa should have already told you about the situation.”

“I won’t waste any more time. Let’s get straight to the point. Let’s directly negotiate a price today.”

“If it is suitable, I will ask the lawyer team to audit it tomorrow, and we will sign the contract.”

Zayden asked in surprise: “Su… Is Mr. Su in a hurry? Why sign the contract tomorrow?”

Zhiyu smiled and said, “To tell the truth, Mr. Lu, if the transaction of hundreds of millions of dollars is not done faster,”

“Then I am afraid that I will be very busy every day. Let’s take advantage of the time before work.”

“Hurry up and talk about your intentions, hurry up and push forward if you can, and not waste everyone’s time if you can’t.”

Zhiyu lightly said a word and released several key messages to Zayden.

The first one is that the transaction is several hundred million yuan,

That is to say, her bid for Zhicheng Group will never exceed one billion yuan, which will directly cut off Zayden’s desire to open his mouth

like a lion; To her, a company is like an ancient emperor reviewing an innocuous memorial.

It is too strong, so although she feels a little embarrassed, it is not a negative emotion.

However, he still asked curiously: “Miss Su, why would a company as big as the Su Group fall in love with a small company like ours?”

Zhiyu smiled and said: “Mr. Lu, there is no need to underestimate yourself. The size of a company is not the only criterion for measuring the value of a company.”

“As for why the Su Group wants to acquire your Zhicheng Group, to be honest, it is mainly because my grandfather prefers Pu’er tea.”

“Now Food safety issues frequently occur in the food industry. As a granddaughter, I want to buy a source company to ensure that he can drink the safest Pu-erh tea.”

“It doesn’t cost much anyway, so I’m sure about it.”

Zayden was dumbfounded after hearing this, and thought to himself: “Dmn, this is the real rich family!”

“Someone likes to drink Pu-erh tea, so why the f*ck would he accept a company that produces Pu-erh tea? Is your money brought by a strong wind?”

Then, he changed to another topic after thinking about the direction, he was instantly relieved.

“The assets of the Su family exceed one trillion yuan. Buying a Pu’er tea company with a few hundred million yuan is equivalent to tens of thousands of yuan for a person.”

“Isn’t it easy to buy a bottle of beverage for seven or eight yuan? Really want to drink Tea, even if it’s only a hundred yuan, willing to spend seven or eight yuan!”

Thinking of this, he immediately complimented: “Miss Su is really filial! Our Zhicheng Group still has a lot of advantages in the field of Pu’er tea,”

“In Puer, we have a very large tea production base, which can ensure green and pollution-free planting methods.”

Zhiyu smiled and said: “Indeed, I have sent several Pu’er tea experts these days to Yunnan. In the past few days, I have also contacted several companies of the same type, and my current idea is to hurry up and finalize one from these few candidates.”

As she spoke, Zhiyu put away her smile and said seriously: “Mr. Lu, let’s just talk about the price directly. What is your psychological price?”

Zayden thought for a while and said, “Miss Su, my psychological price is… one billion…”

Zayden said without feeling confident, but still relatively calm on the surface.

Zhiyu didn’t watch Zayden in the video at all. When she heard the one billion quotation,

She just smiled slightly and said, “Mr. Lu, I have read your financial reports in the past few years and the approximate revenue in the past few years. I understand that the price of one billion is not too high, to be honest, but this price can only be used for financing, not for sale.”

“If I just want 10% of your shares, valued at one billion and invested 100 million, I don’t think it’s too much, after all, you still have to continue to run the company,”

“And you have to ensure that the future development of the company is not lower than expected and sign a gambling agreement with me;”

At this point, Zhiyu changed the subject, and said: “However, What we are talking about now is a one-shot deal.”

“I will buy all your assets in a package. You don’t have to make any performance bets with me, and you don’t have to worry about this company.”

“In this case, you will report ten hundred million, I really take it for granted.”

Zayden was a little embarrassed for a while, but he didn’t expect that Zhiyu was young, but she was very experienced,

And although she was worth trillions, he was very shrewd, and she didn’t have the feeling of being rich and lavish at all.

At this time, Zhiyu said again: “How about this, Mr. Lu, everyone’s time is precious, you quote the price again if you are sincere, we will continue the meeting,”

“If you are not sincere, don’t waste each other’s time, I personally don’t like it. The only thing you need is constant bargaining, which not only wastes time but also wastes emotion.”

As soon as these words came out, Zayden suddenly panicked.

He felt that although he asked for one billion, it was a bit unkind, but after all, this is the logic of buying and selling.

The seller makes an offer and the buyer counter-offers. The price quoted by the seller is definitely unreasonable, and the price quoted by the buyer is definitely not reasonable either.

Everyone runs in with each other, keep making concessions, and finally find a compromise point that everyone can accept.

But he didn’t expect that this young Zhiyu didn’t like to play this traditional routine.

Zayden hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said:

“Miss Su, since you said so, I won’t play tricks on you, how about this, I’ll give you a 20% discount, 800 million, and Zhicheng Group belongs to you. It’s really very sincere.”

“Sincerity is not enough,” Zhiyu said lightly, and immediately said without hesitation:

“How about this, Mr. Lu, I will only quote the price once, 700 million! The premise is that your Zhicheng Group will start closing the price from this second Account,”

“There must be no more expenses of a dime, and your legal team must also seal all official seals, and you must not sign any legal documents with any third-party companies except the Su Group,”

“And wait for my audit team to take over and start the audit:”

“If you think it’s okay, I’ll arrange for the finance to transfer 100 million intent money to your personal account now.”

“We will complete an intent agreement online.”

“Whoever repents will compensate the other party 100 million in cash;”

“But if you think this price is not suitable, then you don’t have to bargain with me,”

“We will stop the negotiation directly, you find another buyer, and I find another company!”

Chapter 5695

Zhiyu’s words scared Zayden into a cold sweat.

He didn’t doubt the authenticity of what she said,

Because for him, he really couldn’t think of any special significance for Zhiyu that his Zhicheng Group had what he wanted to achieve.

In his opinion, if he missed Zhiyu’s acquisition,

He might have to stay in this position until he was seventy years old and then let his son take over.

And even he himself doesn’t know what his business will look like when he is 70 years old.

He still doesn’t know whether the industrial scale of the entire group,

And his entire family will increase or decrease in the next few years.

But there is one thing he knows very well,

If he sells the company now, takes 500 million in cash,

And calculates income tax at 20% for the transfer of equity, he will still have 560 million left.

This 560 million is enough for himself and his descendants to live comfortably.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and made a decision,

And quickly said: “Since Ms. Su is so sincere,”

“I won’t bargain with you anymore,”

“And you will pay the 700 million price you quoted!”

Zhiyu nodded in satisfaction, she opened her mouth and said:

“In that case, then I will immediately ask the financial manager to make a letter of intent.”

“After the letter of intent is finished, the experts sent will visit your tea base.”

“You must notify your on-site person in charge to stop working immediately,”

“And then I will have full authority and you will have to cooperate with my experts.”

“No problem!” Zayden said without hesitation:

“Miss Su, don’t worry, after receiving the deposit,”

“I will follow your instructions.”

Basically, it means that the Zhicheng Group no longer belongs to him.

Since Zhiyu asked to stop work, then he should order the halt.

Zhiyu didn’t hesitate, and immediately said:

“In this case, Mr. Lu arranges for the account information, and I arrange the payment here.”

Zayden said flatteringly: “Okay, Miss Su, please wait a moment.”

“I’ll arrange it now!”

Soon, Zayden’s secretary sent the group’s collection account number and related information to Zhiyu’s secretary.

A few minutes later, the 100 million yuan intent deposit was directly transferred to the Zhicheng Group’s account.

At the moment when they received the money,

Zayden and his son were so excited that they wanted to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate on the spot.

Afterward, Zhiyu gave Charlie’s license plate number to Zayden,

And asked Zayden to immediately notify the person in charge of the base to greet him at the door in person.

Zayden used the money to do business, so he called the person in charge of the base himself,

And told the person on the phone that he had sold the company to the Su Group,

And specifically told him that the new owner would send a representative to visit the site soon.

Although the person in charge of the base was shocked,

He quickly came to his senses.

Anyway, he is a wage earner.

As long as the salary remains the same, it doesn’t matter who he works for.

So he also knows that his top priority is to make the people of the Su Group absolutely satisfied with him,

Otherwise, once they take over the company and initiate large-scale layoffs, wouldn’t he be unemployed?

So, he just got into the car and was about to go home after work.

After hanging up Zayden’s phone, he immediately went to the gate of the base to wait.

At the same time, Charlie also received a call from Zhiyu.

As soon as the call was connected, Zhiyu said respectfully:

“Mr. Wade, Zhicheng Group has already accepted my intention money,”

“And the acquisition has already been completed.”

The final transaction price is 700 million yuan.”

“I have asked him to notify the person in charge of the base and your license plate number.”

“You can go directly. He will wait for you at the door and obey your orders.”

Chapter 5696

Charlie was amazed at Zhiyu’s efficiency,

In his opinion, it’s really rare for a girl of her age to handle things so neatly.

So he said to Zhiyu: “Thank you for your hard work, Miss Su,”

“I owe you this money, but now that the situation is special,”

“I will not transfer the money to you for now.”

“When I finish my work, I will think about it.”

“There is no other way to give you the money.”

Zhiyu hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, why are you being polite to me?”

“Zhicheng Group treats it as a little gift from me.”

“It is my honor that you can accept it.”

Charlie smiled slightly: “I owe you this favor.”

Zhiyu was overjoyed. In her opinion, Charlie could say such a sentence,

Not to mention spending 700 million, even 70 billion would be worth it.

Charlie didn’t say anything more to her at this time,

He just said that he had something urgent to go to the tea base of Zhicheng Group, so he hung up the phone first.

After he hung up the phone, he started the car, turned around and walked back,

And said to Maria beside him, “It’s all done,”

“We can go to the plantation now.”

Maria was so happy that she couldn’t add anything, and said with red eyes,

“Thank you, master…”

Charlie waved his hand: “You don’t need to thank me for this little thing,”

“After all, you saved my life.”

Then, Charlie said again: “Oh yes, you like Pu’er tea so much.”

“The company will be given to you in the future.”

“If you feel that it is inconvenient for you to come forward to manage it,”

“I can ask someone to help you build a team and directly entrust it to the team to take care of it.”

“You can come here whenever you want to pay homage to your father.”

“What kind of tea is planted here, in short everything is up to you to decide.”

Maria said emotionally: “Young master can give me a chance to worship my parents,”

“I am already very grateful, how can I ask for the master’s property.”

Charlie said: “I don’t know much about tea.”

“If this company is given to me, it will basically be a waste.”

“If it doesn’t work, I will find a way to bankrupt this company.”

“After bankruptcy, I will seal up the entire Erlang Mountain, suspend tea planting,”

“And prohibit all outsiders from going up the mountain, so that your parents will not be disturbed.”

“No need…” Maria said seriously: “Master’s kindness is appreciated,”

“But my father never liked the extravagance.”

“He knew that for the sake of the quietness of his grave,”

“He will absolutely not accept that a company or a tea plantation should be destroyed.”

Charlie said with a smile: “Since you don’t want this place to be abandoned,”

“Then everything is up to you. You can do whatever you want.”

Maria hesitated for a moment, then nodded lightly,”

“Then she wiped away her tears and said with a smile:

“Then after we return to Aurous Hill, I must think about how to run this company.”

“In fact, I know Pu’er tea very well. Breeding Pu’er tea is also very knowledgeable,”

“If I have this opportunity to make my family’s experience useful,”

“I think it will be a very fulfilling thing!”

Charlie thought of the painting that Maria had shown him at the beginning,

And regarded it as his own. When he immersed himself in that painting,

He realized that Maria at that time was quite respected by tea growers.

Even people in their 70s and 80s would ask her for advice on how to cultivate Pu’er tea.

About Pu’er tea, she must have a very profound understanding.

At this time, Maria who was on the side couldn’t help sighing and said:

“The Pu-erh tea that I had hardly drank exclusively in these years, which can make my eyes shine,”

“I think it was the branches that those tea farmers cut off from the mother of Pu-tea.”

“In the process of multigenerational reproduction, the original good genes of the mother of Pucha are gradually lost.”

“If this is the case, I am afraid that the taste of the mother of Pucha will never be reproduced…”

Chapter 5697

Although Charlie doesn’t understand tea,

He can understand Maria’s special feelings for the mother of Pucha.

In his opinion, the mother of Pucha is a kind of spiritual sustenance of Maria,

And it is a spiritual sustenance spanning three hundred years,

So he also understands why she longs to reproduce the taste of the mother of Pucha one day.

So he said to her: “After the handover of Erlang Mountain is completed,”

“You can use this place as your cultivation base in the future,”

“And use your experience to see if you can breed better tea varieties.”

Maria nodded and said:

“Breeding is a very troublesome thing,”

“I don’t know much about technological breeding, but artificial breeding,”

“I’m afraid it will take at least ten years to be effective.”

Charlie said in relief: “It’s okay if you can breed it, time doesn’t matter if you can’t cultivate it,”

“Anyway, you have already tasted the taste of the mother of Pucha,”

“And its taste will always remain in your memory.”

“Well…” Maria smiled slightly: “Young Master said That’s right.”

While speaking, Charlie had already driven back to Zhicheng Group’s production base at the foot of Erlang Mountain.

At this time, although the factory was off work,

At the gate, a gentle middle-aged man wearing glasses was waiting nervously and anxiously,

And beside him was the security guard who had just communicated with Charlie.

The security guard looked at the middle-aged man,

And asked with some doubt: “Director Wang, who are you waiting for here?”

“Is the chairman coming to inspect the work?”

The middle-aged man called Director Wang, named Jasper Wang,

He is the person in charge of this processing plant.

Hearing the security guard’s question, Jasper waved his hands and said,

“I’m waiting for two distinguished guests.”

Jasper is Zayden’s confidant man.

The two most important businesses of Zhicheng Group,

One is the production of Pu’er tea and the other is the sale of Pu’er tea.

The latter is handled by Zayden himself, and the former has always been under the sole responsibility of Jasper.

A few years ago, in order to make Jasper loyal, Zayden gave him three shares.

Now, the Su Group intends to wholly acquire the Zhicheng Group.

In addition to Zayden being able to cash out,

Other equity owners can also take advantage of this opportunity to cash out together.

Therefore, Zayden had informed Jasper of the Su Group’s acquisition on the phone,

And Jasper was naturally extremely excited.

He has worked with Zayden for many years, and he has been looking forward to the listing of Zhicheng Group,

So that he can find opportunities to cash out his shares.

However, Zhicheng Group failed to go public repeatedly,

Which dealt blows to Jasper again and again.

In the next few years, he didn’t even take these three points of shares seriously.

After all, if it cannot be listed, it is doomed that this share is useless,

It is just a name in the industrial and commercial registration.

The reason why he never left was also because Zayden treated him really well.

Although the long-term benefits of shares were hopeless,

Jasper was very satisfied with the short-term and medium-term benefits such as wages and bonuses.

But today he suddenly heard that the Su Group bought the Zhicheng Group at a price of 700 million.

Jasper was so excited that his legs couldn’t stand still.

His three points of shares, based on the price of 700 million, were worth 21 million before tax.

After deducting 20% personal income tax, the net income is more than 16 million.

If one bet is 4 million after tax, this time is equivalent to winning the lottery four times.

For him, he definitely became rich overnight!

But Jasper didn’t get excited for a long time,

Zayden told him that the tea experts sent by the Su Group would arrive soon,

And in order to avoid any trouble, he specifically told Jasper that he must confess to the experts of the Su Group as if they were his ancestors.

Let them not have any complaints.

Chapter 5698

Without saying a word, Jasper immediately ran to the factory gate and waited,

In order to let the “experts” of the Su Group be satisfied with his service and attitude.

When Charlie drove the car to the gate of the factory,

Jasper had already seen Charlie’s license plate number clearly,

And knew that this was the car of the two experts,

So he was fully prepared to deal with it.

At this time, the security guard walked to the middle of the road first,

Stopped Charlie’s car, and said,

“Young man, why are you back again?”

“Didn’t I tell you, you have to go to the group to make an appointment first!”

Unexpectedly, the security guard went up to communicate with the VIP first,

And it seemed that the two of them had already been here once before.

So, he immediately stepped forward to pull the security guard aside, and asked Charlie,

“Hello, are you an expert sent by the Su Group?”

Charlie pointed to Maria beside him, and said with a smile:

“I am not an expert, this lady is a real expert.”

The security guard said with a puzzled look:

“Boy, when did you two become experts?”

Jasper hurriedly said: “Old Li, how do you talk to a VIP?”

“They are here for the inspection work, and you standing here to dictate, open the door quickly!”

The security guard was surprised, but after all, the factory manager had spoken, so he hurriedly opened the door.

Jasper hurriedly said to Charlie: “I am Jasper Wang, the director of our factory.”

“I am in charge of all the big and small affairs here.”

“You two should investigate some things today.”

“Just tell me, I will definitely do my best to cooperate and never hide anything!”

Charlie nodded and said, “Well, you can arrange a place first,”

“And let’s sit down and chat for a while.”

Jasper blurted out: “No problem! Then please move over with me. Let’s go to the office!”

Charlie asked him: “Is Director Wang driving?”

Jasper nodded quickly: “It’s on me!”

“Okay.” Charlie said: “Then you lead the way.”


Jasper got into a black Audi car and brought Charlie to the office building of the factory.

Afterward, he courteously invited Charlie and Maria to his office,

And while making tea, he said, “The two of you are here so late today,”

“What do you mainly want to know about us?”

Charlie asked casually: “I heard that your tea base is based on Mount Erlang, right?”

“That’s right!” Jasper nodded heavily and explained:

“Our tea base itself was built around Mount Erlang.”

“Here are all privately contracted tea mountains,”

“But due to the poor planting and management of these tea farmers,”

“The quality and output of tea here have been declining year after year.”

“With careful cultivation, the quality of tea has been greatly improved at present.”

Maria heard the keywords of the Erlang Mountain Pucha mother plant,

And she became excited immediately, so she asked:

“Director Wang, may I ask,”

“What do you have to say about the mother plant of Erlang Mountain Pu’er tea?”

Jasper explained: “You honored guests, there is a Pu’er tea tree with a history of more than a thousand years on Erlang Mountain,”

“And there are many tea trees in a radius of tens of miles.”

“They were all grafted from it, and we have done a certain degree of breeding work since we took over,”

“And the basis of our breeding at that time was this thousand-year-old Pu’er tea tree.”

Maria was even more excited, and asked quickly:

“I don’t know if Mr. Wang can take us to see this thousand-year-old tea tree?”

“Maybe it will be of great help to our future breeding direction.”

Jasper nodded and said straightforwardly:

“Since the two distinguished guests want to inspect, then You can do it anytime!”

After that, Jasper said again: “It’s just that the sky outside is getting darker now,”

“And it will probably be dark when we go up the mountain.”

“I don’t know if the dark will affect your understanding or judgment?”

Maria said without thinking, “No, I’ll know when I see it!”

Chapter 5699

In Jasper’s eyes, Charlie and Maria are his angels of Wealth.

Since they want to go up the mountain, of course, he must fully cooperate.

So, he immediately said to the two: “Please wait a moment,”

“I will gather some people and bring more lighting equipment to go up with you!”

Charlie waved his hand and said: “No need,”

“We are still in the stage of secret investigation,”

“I don’t want to let the wind leak, you don’t need to deliberately arrange a lot of people,”

“If possible remove all the staff and security guards on the Mountain,”

“And let the security guards stop all monitoring, we just want to go up and have a look.”

In the past, if someone made such a request, Jasper would never agree to it.

Although the mother tree on Erlang Mountain is not the best Pu’er tea tree,

It is at least the best Pu’er tea tree in southern Yunnan.

Being famous is also the core competitiveness of the entire Zhicheng Group.

If someone steals the branches and goes back to graft and breed,

It will be a great threat to the Zhicheng Group.

But now Jasper doesn’t need to think about this level anymore.

As long as he takes good care of the two in front of him,

The entire Zhicheng Group will be the property of the Su Group after the contract is signed tomorrow,

The mother tree on Erlang Mountain will naturally become the asset of the Su Group,

What else does he have to worry about?

So, he immediately agreed and said with a smile,

“You two wait a moment, I will arrange it!”

Soon, the security guards who were on duty to guard the mother tree 24 hours a day on Erlang Mountain were withdrawn.

All surveillance cameras on Mount Erlang were also cut off from the power supply.

After doing all this, Jasper said courteously:

“The two of you may not know much about the situation of Zhicheng Mountain.”

“It may be inconvenient to go up the mountain at night without a guide.”

“How about I accompany you two up?”

Charlie and Maria exchanged a glance, Maria seemed reluctant, so she said to Jasper:

“No need for Director Wang, we have already learned about the situation of Zhicheng Group,”

“Thank you for your hard work at the foot of the mountain.”

“Just hold on, don’t let anyone other than us go up the mountain.”

Jasper said without hesitation: “No problem, no problem!”

“You two feel free to go up the mountain, and I will arrange the rest!”

Jasper took two bright flashlights for Charlie and Maria,

And brought them up the mountain at the intersection,

He did not follow the two of them up the mountain.

Charlie and Maria went up all the way,

And there was indeed no trace of other people along the way,

And all the monitoring probes were indeed cut off.

Since Erlang Mountain has been operated by Zhicheng Group for many years,

The Group has built the entire Erlang Mountain into a layer-by-layer terraced field model,

And a large number of tea trees are planted on each layer.

In addition, the Group also built a stone step road up the mountain,

And a freight cableway specially used to transport fresh tea.

When the tea harvest season comes, the workers walk up the mountain to pick it.

After picking a certain amount of each layer,

The tea is collected and transported down the mountain by cableway for processing.

On the way up the mountain, Maria would often pick a leaf from the tea tree at hand and chew it gently in her mouth.

Seeing her tasting all the way, Charlie couldn’t help asking:

“How’s the quality?”

Maria smiled slightly, and said to him: “The higher the level of the tea here,”

“The better the quality, but the overall level is still poor.”

“Quite a few, not high quality, but the new teas seem to have this problem.”

“For so many years, the good Puer tea I have drunk,”

“Except for the tea produced by the mother of Pucha, the rest of them are tea cakes with a history of not more than a hundred years without exception,”

“And the newly released teas in recent years are actually not very good.”

Chapter 5700

After speaking, Maria continued: “I think that this should also be inseparable from the development of science and technology.”

“In other words, the output of the current tea varieties is at least three times that of before;”

“Apparently, each piece of tea leaves is very plump and has a very good color.”

“What’s more, it can control pests very well, so the yield rate is also very high.”

“There are more growths and less damage, so the overall yield is much stronger than in ancient times.”

“In recent years, the same is true of tea breeding ideas.”

“The higher the yield, the better the appearance, the better the appearance, and the stronger the pest resistance,”

“Combined with chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the output per unit area will naturally increase geometrically. ;”

Speaking of which, Maria changed the subject, and said again:

“However, with the continuous cultivation of new varieties in this direction,”

“The yield and yield rate have increased, but the taste of tea is actually declining.”

“If there is a chance, you can try it in the future.”

“Cultivate new varieties in the opposite direction to see if you can get back the taste of the tea of the past,”

“But the premise is to find a good planting tree first,”

“And the good planting tree that I said is to inherit as much tea tree genes as possible.”

“It is not a variety that has been improved by technology.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Aren’t we still going to Banna?”

“Where the mother of Pucha grew up, we should be able to find her offspring, right?”

Maria couldn’t help but say: “I also think so. When I was in Banna,”

“I once taught the local tea farmers must have used the mother of Pucha for grafting and breeding.”

“I just don’t know if so many years have passed. If there any tea farmers in the area.”

“People continue to breed the new plants of the mother of pucha,”

“And if we can find them in Banna this time, we will bring some back and cultivate them here.”

The two walked and chatted, getting closer and closer to the mountain peak.

As the huge tea tree got closer, Maria became more and more excited.

Although more than three hundred years had passed, she still recognized the tea tree.

Seeing that her body was trembling slightly, Charlie couldn’t help asking her:

“Is it here?”

“It’s here…” Maria nodded heavily, and said softly:

“I can recognize this tree. Even I still remember the scars on its body.”

As she spoke, she couldn’t help feeling: “Hundreds of years is an unimaginable time span for people,”

“But for a tree, there is almost no change. In this year, it is still here,”

“Although it was more luxuriant and thicker, but its appearance did not change much.”

Immediately, she pointed to a bowl-sized scar on the tree trunk and said to Charlie:

“I used this scar as a mark at that time, and buried the ashes of my parents three steps away from the scar.”

After finishing speaking, she took three steps along the direction of the tree scar.

After standing still, she did not shed tears, she just bent down silently,

Gently stroked the soil on the ground, and murmured:

“Father, mother, Maria has come to see you.”

After such a long time, for the first time, she was in front of her parents’ spirits,

Maria was in a very complicated mood, but she was not very sad. She stroked the ground and said,

“Thank you for the protection from the sky, allowing me to live so many years without any danger,”

“But I’m weak against Victoria, so I haven’t come to visit you for so long,”

“And I hope you don’t blame me…”

Seeing this, Charlie only wanted to solve all the problems for Maria as much as possible, so he said:

“Miss Lin, don’t worry, I’ll ask the Su family to build a helipad here and buy a helicopter later.”

“If you want to come over in the future, take the private plane of the Su family from Aurous Hill to Poole Airport, and transfer to the helicopter directly after leaving the airport.”

“Here, it’s the same when going back, let the whole traffic process form a closed loop, even if Warriors Den will stop dormant, it will be impossible to find you,”

“And then you will be able to come from Aurous Hill often.”

Maria was slightly taken aback and said:

“I thought that the young master spent a lot of money to buy this place for me so that I can live here in the future.”

Charlie hurriedly said: “Don’t worry, I’m afraid I won’t be able to deal with Victoria and the Den by myself.”

“Ms. Lin has a deep understanding of the two. If you can stay in Aurous Hill, you will definitely be able to provide me with a lot of help.”

“As for this place, I will let people seize the time to renovate it.”

“At that time, I will replace a batch of people here to ensure safety. You will be able to come here often.”

Maria was overjoyed, she couldn’t help smiling, and said softly:

“Thank you for your trouble, my lord!”

“It’s my blessing to be able to share my worries with you!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 5651-5700 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Article information

Author: Arielle Torp

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.